how do you feel about white lists black list and private invitation only
I appreciate a chance to get free stuff in any form whether I am chosen to be in a public or private giveaway and I'm sure I can speak for the majority... Or at least I hope I can!
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In my case, every time I win a giveaway, I add to my whitelist the creator of the GA with the idea to create giveaways for people I received games from.
I didn't use blacklist for now but I know that people blacklisted me because I was giving a game which was free on some store site.
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nice way
Pretty nonseless if he never creates a whitelist giveaway. Its like buying a car but still riding a bike -.-
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He won 11 games, that mean he have 11 or less on the whitelist. I think thats enough to create a WL giveaway. It would be a bit stupid to create a WL giveaway for 500+ user.
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I'm gunna steal your whitelist idea, thst's pretty awesome
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I feel people are free to do giveaways to who the want. You wouldn't tell me I had to give a Christmas gift to everyone who took part in Christmas right? Hell, I'm not even obliged to give to everyone in my own family or circle of friends. If I find someone doesn't deserve something, that's that. Same goes here, and anywhere else, for any situation of giving. People sometimes desire to only give stuff to those they feel deserving of it, and that will appreciate it. Nobody should tell them they don't have the right to make those choices.
That said, no poll answers are satisfactory to me.
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I think people obsess too much about blacklists and being able to enter every single giveaway. Sure, people can and will put you on their blacklist for really random and meaningless reasons, but most often it's about people being incredibly rude and not actually playing their previous wins.
Personally I stopped using the blacklist because I couldn't possibly stop every rulebreaker / non-player from entering my public giveaway. If I have a game I love that I want to go to a specific kind of person, I'll just make a forum / puzzle / SG Tool giveaway for it, which I think is perfectly fair.
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I'd say that I have strong opinions about capitalisation and breaking words into paragraphs.
On the subject, I find levels more problematic than whitelisting / blacklisting. I think that private giveaways have their uses (such as puzzles), as do groups.
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I don't really care one way or the other. If someone spent money on a game, it should be up to them who they want entering their giveaway. If they only want people they've whitelisted, that fine. No one is entitled to be able to enter every giveaway on the site
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I'm still considere myself relatively new to SG (although surprisingly lucky so far) and still don't know all the kinks. However I think it is a good idea those types of things. And here's why: I recently wanted to give my first game, but I don't buy bundles so I don't have spare keys and since I don't work (I'm in college) I don't really have my money and it doesn't feel right to ask my mother to buy a game for a stranger in the internet even though she's cool and probably would if I asked, but sometimes I don't even like to ask for myself (I may not work but I know our bills and how much she makes).
So I had to do with the little I had in my steam wallet from selling cards and that did not gave me a great scope of games to work with but I wanted to give a game that people would actually play. Even though I haven't had that much time to play the games I did won here, I'm trying to only enter giveaway of games I want to play or try and if I knew enough people that were the same, yeah I probably would like to do a giveaway with only them and not those who only cares about having a big number of games in their account. Which, you know, fine, you do you, but I don't like to feel I wasted money in anything and as little is may be, the money in my steam wallet does become a "discount" when I'm buying more expensive games.
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in your honest opinion how do you feel about games that are white listed by invitation and or private entries only
I like it. Gives me a chance to whitelist my favourite people on this site and make some extra giveaway just to make them happier.
however the website is steamgifts with that said it should be for everybody right, even if contributors blacklisted you and you have not contributed
No, it has never been "everybody's right". I think that's actually what makes this site better. Sometimes I like giving away games to everyone. For example when I make a thread. People stop by, maybe even read the thread, enter in the giveaway and so on. But sometimes I have games that I want to give to people that aren't just bots, autojoiners or just collectors who want a +1. I'm not strict when it comes to making giveaways (other than the public ones that are usually on the same level as me). When I check their gametimes on won games, I don't expect 100% or 50% or even 40%. I expect the stats to be realistic and indicative that the user is playing the games that they won and that they will most likely play more when given time. It has never been advertised as a site where everyone gets access to everything.
after all this is also a site to make new friends
Kind of... I mean, the forums are for that, yeah. But the giveaway section... not really. But yes, ideally you'd like to find cool people here, yes.
so lets see how many members will blacklist me and I encourage it if you deem it the right thing to do
Whoever blacklists this guy, know that you're an idiot (See clarification in the edit) . Blacklisting for differing views is the most petty shit you could do. Let's just say, normal, mentally healthy (or in most cases even unhealthy) people don't just remove people from their life if they disagree. You should only do things like that when they go a bit too far or something (before someone tries to "gotcha" me, just know that opinions differing can be a valid reason, but in most cases it's simple shit like political views and even this.).
As OP pointed out, you can blacklist for any reason, but what he didn't mention is that people also have the right to think that you're a pathetic crybaby that genuinely can't handle human interaction at its most basic, toddler-aged level.
however I will continue to give games to all which is what it's all about.
Good for you, really. Good for all the others as well. Just don't forget that WL, Group and higher level giveaway makers are still making giveaways. It's just that they've done it in a smaller environment. I used to give to everyone, but there were too many bad apples in the "general public", that it made making giveaways a harder situation for me. If those bad apples weren't there, I'd be making giveaways for everyone as well. But for now, I'll stick to my whitelist and lvl 7 giveaways, with occasional giveaways for lvl 3s and 4s.
EDIT: Just to clear up any confusion, the part saying "Whoever blacklists this guy, know that you're an idiot.", maybe I wasn't specific enough. This isn't about the person. It's about the idea. It's to say that it's dumb to blacklist someone purely for this thread and holding such mild opinion.
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Whoever blacklists this guy, know that you're an idiot.
I'm sorry, but I'd avoid such strong statements if i were you. I guess, you just haven't read the OP's previous threads, this guy does enjoy rewriting history.
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I guess this wasn't clear enough then. Obviously I was talking about this thread. If you blacklist him purely for this thread then you're an idiot. I actually did cover this and you didn't read the whole portion. The exact part I meant is this:
You should only do things like that when they go a bit too far or something (before someone tries to "gotcha" me, just know that opinions differing can be a valid reason, but in most cases it's simple shit like political views and even this.).
If this isn't clear enough then I sadly can't figure out a better way of conveying it without going into much more detail and subsequently lengthening that paragraph around 4-5x.
The statement wasn't strong, the one sentence that you picked out of the 20 or so sentences in the whole comment was strong. I'm not even criticizing you or anything. It's easy to just take something that you saw and immediately respond to it before going through the whole paragraph (well, this wasn't a paragraph really, but you get my drift, I hope). I've also done it before quite a few times.
Hopefully I cleared it up. If I didn't, feel free to let me know.
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I did't comment anything else because there was nothing else here I would argue with. My point is, the OP previously went on BL spree towards people who disagreed with him (the so-called "trolls"), he was throwing insults around, and now it's suddenly him who criticizes others for blacklisting for opinions? Sure, later he pretended that nothing had happened, but I'm not exactly ready to offer him a clean slate.
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It's only unfair if I am not on the whitelist - otherwise it is fine. Please fix so I can be on every single whitelist in steamgifts. ^_^
Honestly, I have issues simply with anyone having any "strings attached". Aside from developers asking for a shot at reviews, and actual group rules I know about going into a group, I'm not going to try and put my own spin on anything I'm giving away. It's theirs after, so what am I fussing over if I gave because it was a pure intention. I would not have given anything on steamgifts had I not had some motivation for doing so (better chances at winning, etc.). The byproduct of joining a few groups and trying some things out kind of got me into a habit for a while. I give a little still, but not like I was doing a couple of years ago.
I've still gotten a lot more than I gave, at least in my mind. I have had a fun time giving away through a medium like this too, since I am ill and can't get out and contribute in the world directly like I used to nearly as much as before it got too bad. It's nice for that, so I can still feel a part of those good vibes from trying to be helping somebody else out... and by contributing at least more on this kind of level, hopefully spread some joy or make the world a slightly better place in some way. Simple for me, and it works on some small level - even if it is just for me. Frustrating with all the low level stuff going on... so that keeps me away from low public giveaways usually. I try to avoid any chaos or rerolls, so I am biased towards high level public giveaways, if I go that direction. I actually changed my tune recently and snuck a few lower level ones in last month or so though.
Regardless of how deep the debate goes (whether it is very much more than a baseless gifting site, or it does contribute to one's life in some way, positive or negative) it always goes back to perspective and perception. Symphony X had a good interpretation I kind of relate to this issue en masse (when they were... cough cough still decent cough cough..) in Through the Looking Glass, but I could debate about a nihilistic point about anything, including steamgifts, or find positives within a meaning. In the end it is a choice to be made.
I might have given here though had I known about it earlier. I was giving some games away on reddit and other places without any real motivation/reason beyond the giving some years before making it here. I have won too much to justify any reason being here besides greed though, or some lighter form - that term sounds rather vulgar for what I'm getting at... I suppose I do pay into it, and over time I certainly did... especially if I want to maintain a somewhat balanced ratio...
I also quit worrying about my own amount of public giveaways, since I am in too many bundle groups, and I just don't want to keep pace with all those monthly contribution groups... It's just not on my priority list anymore, since I can just whitelist somebody from the public to then give away something later if I'd like to... I worry a lot. About everything. I'm already stepping back a little for now with a lot of detrimental RL stuff going on, but that's kind of my answer, even though it's more about giving in and of itself rather than a direct answer to a question about whitelist/blacklist.
I am glad they are there for anyone to use in any way they want under whatever rules are in place at any time. Maybe I didn't answer anything at all here... or maybe I have answered much. It is fun to comment at any rate.
tl;dr - add me to your whitelists!
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Do you realize your whole paragraph is made of one sentence only ?
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Funny, no option that says "Its fair and good". So I wont vote. Anywho:
"however the website is steamgifts with that said it should be for everybody right"
No. That doesnt make sense. As you said, its called Steamgifts, gifts from/for Steam. It never indicated a target audience or that it has to be public.
"after all this is also a site to make new friends and play games together"
I disagree, but even if it were true, you are much more likely to find new friends in a small group (a whitelist) than in a GA with 5000 people spamming "Thank you" and another 3000 bots. Whitelist GA's are much more personal and should be much more appreciated, because the creator actually went out of his way to click on your profile and whitelist you, and just you, because you did something good and therefore deserve it -> fair
Also, I dont give to all anymore, since a huge majority of level 1-2 are bots, so its at least level restricted. But I'd like your opinion on that, is level restriction unfair as well? I think it could be with the same logic, but I'm looking forward to your opinion.
And because this is the internet: Yes, i disagree with your post, but I dont hate, blacklist or kill you now. Thank you and have a good one. :)
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after all this is also a site
to make new friends and play games together
fixed. Also the poll is extremely biased, as there are four various answers to say why you don't like the WL/BL system, and the only supportive answer to that hints that everyone is a greedy one who only wants games. If you completely miss out a proper representation of 50% of the possible answers, then we would be more in the clear with no polls to begin with.
however I will continue to give games to all which is what it's all about.
It's a nice thing, but I disagree with the "eveyone has the right to win your game" arguement. Nope.I could go without whitelists, but would still want to have groups, because regardless of levels, given and won games, I do think the for example giving for Playing Appreciated is better than making a public giveaway, because people there will play the game.
Btw it's nice to give, and nice to win something, but as hard you take a stance with giveways should be for everyone, how about this: giveaway should be about being happy. We have way too many trash games on Steam to make every giveaway count and make someone happy for winning it, but the amount of people just winning games to hoard them up and never play is beyond ridiculous. I'm curious how many of SG's games were ever played, especially the ones without cards...
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this site is not a charity site where everybody deserves the same games or at least the same chances, no matter what he do or dont do. if you spend money for gifts, you can gift them to whoever you want or to wich groups you want.
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First, holy cow, your original post is hard to read. Punctuation is your friend, embrace it!
As to your question: this website exists in order to make it easier to give Steam games to others. Groups, whitelists, blacklists, and private giveaways are tools that can be used to modify the giveaways -- as the giver sees fit.
And that's the key concept -- the giver gets to decide who to give to. Period.
Personally, I like mixing up my giveaways. I do public, private (forum-based), group, and whitelist. But that's my personal choice. Every other giver on the site gets to make their own personal choice about how to organize their giveaways. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer.
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I'll spend my money however, and on whoever, I please.
If I buy a game to give away then I hope that the person who got it will at some point play it. But, a significant number of users here are only around to card farm (ie. make money off others good will), and I don't want to support that.
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It's up to the individual giveaway creator how he or her wants to make their giveaways. ^^
And WL and BL are tools that can help them to make their giveaways like SGTools, groups, puzzles and ITH, invite only giveaways, public giveaways, WL group, region restricted giveaways, etc are other tools.
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To me, BL is a way to exclude rude people from your party, while a WL allows special gifts for somehow special people.
This is why those whitelist recruitment threads appear quite odd to me. I'd never create one and I'd never throw my hat in the ring in someone else's. In my opinion, if someone doesn't come up with the idea of whitelisting me on their own, I simply don't belong on their whitelist. These "first come, first served" WL just seem... mh... less charming to me. I put users on my WL when I encounter something cool by or about them and I'd like to imagine that I'm on others' WL for similar reasons.
One can always dream!
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nothing to fix, i give games to whoever i want. if SG didn't have levels and other options to restrict entries i wouldn't gift at all.
i might dislike trading-groups and custom rules, but that's just me. everyone else can do as they please with their games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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okay lets be civil about comments made here, in your honest opinion how do you feel about games that are white listed by invitation and or private entries only taking into account yes your chances are better and yes this will get you in the country club, however the website is steamgifts with that said it should be for everybody right, even if contributors blacklisted you and you have not contributed, after all this is also a site to make new friends and play games together just honest opinions please. and lets omit trolls and folks who won't let you reply to there useless comments even though they could be upstanding members meaning I know how hard it is for trolls to keep there mouths shut. so lets see how many members will blacklist me and I encourage it if you deem it the right thing to do, however I will continue to give games to all which is what it's all about.
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