So i'm curious to know what game you guys want the most and why?

For the moment i'm really excited about GTA V for PC..hope it won't be a dissapointment.

10 years ago*

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Shovel Knight and maybe the new Wolfenstein. Not super outstanding but honestly I don't find anything elese too attracting right now. Planning to get both sometime soon. :)

I'd say it won't be as bad as GTA IV was on launch, and it's also delayed until next year so let's hope it'll be great. :D

10 years ago

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Wasteland 2. 'Cuz it's the REAL Fallout. Not that impostor Bethesda makes.

10 years ago

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hey, the top-down versions were great, just the 3D parts suck as hell^^

10 years ago

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I'm not saying there isn't something to wasteland, but don't be hating on the bethesda fallout series.

10 years ago

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A bit late to the party, but still... a good discussion is still a good discussions.

So... not hating the game itself. I think it's a pretty good piece in it's own right. But lacks that little something extra what MADE Fallout what it is. The Fallout series was special to me, just like other games are special to other people, but I see none of it in Bethesda's game. Setting and genre is pretty much the only thing they share.

10 years ago

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Jak 4, a playstation exclusive. The games are fun and there isn't many games like the jak games, I have completed all 3 a handfull of times over the years. I would buy a PS4 just to play Jak 4 if he ever come out...

The other games that I am excited about are GTA V for PC and Dying Light

10 years ago

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One can only dream :(

10 years ago

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DayZ, long story! ... it's there in the top position of my wishlist for exactly a year. 3 times i gathered the money to get it but either because i got games for friends who had very few (they could not afford buying games) or because other games i was interested were going on sales, i never had the chance to gather 25 Euros.

Even when this Christmas i took myself a 25 Euro paysafe card, i had to give it away to a kid with unemployed parents.

But faith never stops! The universe will give back more than i gave :D One thing is certain. I'll get it someday :D

10 years ago

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i have DayZ..i was excited as you are now but i didn't played so much because my pc isn't that great and sometimes it's frustrating when someone shoot you on sight. But maybe this is only my opinion. Personally if i could get a one time refund DayZ will be the first to get money back from

10 years ago

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Well didn't you at least enjoyed the time you played? Wasn't it funny playing with friends?

10 years ago

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but but..i have no friends:(

10 years ago

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lol :)

True or clever trolling?

10 years ago

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I know that feel bro (hug)

10 years ago

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Backstage Pass looks neat and surprisingly well made for an early access game. I don't think it's ever been on sale but you know how they say "life is long, bundles will come"

10 years ago

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky, seeing as I've played both of the other Stalker games, this is the only one I haven't played yet.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Clear Sky is the worst stalker game :(

10 years ago

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I'd love a stable Android version of The Blackwell Epiphany. Running the PC game in the Android version of AGS crashes far too much.

Edit: A bit more as to the 'why': It's more convenient for me to play on my tablet than on the PC. I played the native Android versions of the first three Blackwell games, then played the PC version of Deception on the tablet using AGS, suffered through some crashes but finished it. Epiphany just crashes early on in a certain scene, and I can't get past it. Tried several times using two different versions of AGS, no success.

10 years ago

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Next Car Game: Wreckfest, I used to play a lot of Flatout 2 and it's the same studio from my country making it, and I'm curious to see how it will look right now

10 years ago

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+1. Same here. I was hoping it would be >50% off this sale but oh well.. Till next summer then.

10 years ago

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Compared to FlatOut, Next Car Game: Wreckfest's controls are slippery and hard to handle as of right now. But on the other hand the Destruction is WAY MORE SEVERE and being able to still drive when you're only a single wheeled ball of metal is so satisfying.

10 years ago

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This War of Mine - awesome game! Perfect soundtrack, beautiful graphics and great gameplay. In this game it's really like you were in the war. If your character dies you are really sad. It's not like in other games where you don't care. You are feeling like you were part of this game.

10 years ago

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+1 played this game and yes, it's damn good

10 years ago

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+2 still playing this game, it's absolutely brilliantly made...awesomely frustrating at times too

10 years ago

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I refrained from trying the console versions to play the PC version of GTA V
Been waiting for a while...

10 years ago

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Elite: Dangerous. It's the only game I was really hyped for in 2014. The videos and development process really delivered.

As to why I wanted it so much in the first place. Because it's the true continuation of my beloved Elite from 1986 (C-64), which stole many nights when I was a youngster.

10 years ago

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GTA V obviously. I have waited for months to get my hands on the game, and I really hope it doesn't disappoint. I was also pretty hyped for FIFA 15 with the new engine for PC gamers.

10 years ago

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It will...I've had it on PS3 since it dropped and I haven't played it in months now

10 years ago

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GTA V, because of all the funny things added there, also you can play as an animal if you eat some drugs, graphics look very nice too, but with a graphics optimization mod it would be even better, too bad we PC Gamers missed Christmas event in this game 2 times already, cuz Rockstar is shame, but I still want the game.

10 years ago

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I kind of have all I need...I would like MGS5 (Ground Zeroes) because I'm a great fan of the saga, but my PC probably can't handle it, and it costs a lot.
Now that I think about it...a better South Park sale would made me buy it, big fan of the show.

10 years ago

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Nothing at the moment. There are shiny games all around,but I've got enough games I'd enjoy in my backlog.

10 years ago

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Mirror's Edge 2 ! Because the 1st one was very innovative and immersive.

10 years ago

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The Phamtom Pain for sure! cant wait fot this <3

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I want Gunpoint it's an awesome little game xD

10 years ago

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+1 because it's a LOT of fun, very cheeky too

10 years ago

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Same here!
I want Gunpoint, because (judging from the screenshots) it looks exactly like Yahtzee Croshaw's "Art of Theft", which I liked very much. So I'm pretty curious about Gunpoint.

10 years ago

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Valkyria chronicles- played part 2 on PSP and loved it.
XENONAUTS- heard a lot of good stuff about it and I'm an xcom fan.. played the originals as a kid..

10 years ago

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How do you make a new line when you post? I used enter and it still comes out as a single line

10 years ago

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Make two spaces at the end and press enter. :)

10 years ago

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sweet! that worked lol. Thanks!

10 years ago

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*Long time lurker here. First person I helped. Yay!

10 years ago

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line 1
line 2
edit: it works :D +1

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I own it and the words are real.

It's just great to see so much work that has gone into this to provide next gen graphics and physics.

10 years ago

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Dynasty Warriors 8 because I love mindless button mashing. Seriously, it's my top wishlisted game.

10 years ago

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Enslaved: Oddyssey to the west - cause that looks really interesting

10 years ago

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-1 I was disappointed with it, but then I expected something a little closer to the source material, DOES have Daddy Pig though so that's something

10 years ago

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Witcher 3.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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IL2: Battle of Stalingrad, but damn it's too expensive.

10 years ago

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Dying Light, No Man's Sky, GTA V.

I would say these are my top games I'm really looking forward to play.
Also, I hope to get Far Cry 4 eventually, but at the moment the most complete pack is too expensive.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Devil231.