Reserved for hints if needed or bumps SOLVERS = 17 rn
For those who think the answer is the wl one that is wrong and its actually a hidden invite only ga
Hint 1 u will probably need to know the spoilers contain all of the codes all 33 of them
Hint 2 u will either find or you can just guess the pattern and find the 5 letter code xxxxx
Hint 3 its at the front of something ;)
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Oh gawd O____O
Brb after i get some coffee and my brain wakes up. I really want this game but i'm still not sure i can solve this one XD
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It looks as horrible as usual. I'll give it a try!
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Bump for solved, you sadistic thing you ;)
All those red herrings all over the place :cry:
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It's more so your grammar is confusing. Like "u will either find or you can just guess the pattern and find the 5 letter code xxxxx" I don't understand at all what you mean by this. And I am not gonna just sit here and guess random stuff that you decided to hide. From looking at your previous ones, I get the idea of how you hide your things but for me it just seems too sporadic. You put too many red herrings in. And even the spoilers look like they contain red herrings. I don't understand what "Format is 34 units or 33 since everyone knows what's at the end" means either and that's not even part of the puzzle. :/
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okay for clarity is exactly 34 units right? the last / is left out so the puzzle is now 33 units its hidden in a certain pattern that when u find say www.stea in the pattern u can ignore all the middle and go for the last 5 lines instead to find the code.
The red herrings are a obvious distraction so don't even bother but some of the information is hidden behind the links ~u will notice like lived have a different letter hidden in seemingly one link your would need to use. Its at the front of something and all the 33 units of the codes are hidden in a spoiler together is a dead giveaway the rest is just order :v
For lived hover over l carefully than the ived one is a . other is ,
But u may need this ////////////////////////// for the end <-- that was for the 34th unit which is technically not in the puzzle
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I can assure you there is a pattern, under that shoal of herrings, and it has its own logic. :)
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I'm still confused of the ived hint. So . is part of the 33 characters, since it's near the top, then it must be after the www. and not at the .com. But he only said SOME of the codes are hidden like that so that's just the tip of the iceberg on what other ways he hid the characters. If the lines above don't contain 3 w's then another level of difficulty is determining the order. Say if I found letters in the spoilers that formed tet.afsi/msg.cmo for example, then how is order determined? All this is going off that some characters are not hidden in links. Since there are a ton of random characters that are. It's just frustrating for me to find the logic.
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There is 9 w's in the first paragraph. Two are contained in plain text spoilers. One in a hidden link within a spoiler and one contained outside a spoiler but in a link. Either the first paragraph contains the www or it does not but how am I supposed to deduce that as a new person?
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Likewise the amount of / characters. There should be two but I am finding 11 that are ALL contained in spoilers. Clearly some are herrings, but from what my mentally deficient mind can see; I can't see a proper sequence or logic between the real / and the fake /.
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I didn't mean it's obvious to ONLY you. I just can't find how you hid it still. If I stare at a puzzle for 15 hours and don't get it as fast as others then of course I am going to start tunnelling and extracting every single piece of relevant or irrelevant info. It was not obvious to me that the www was not hidden fully in the first paragraph. There are still w's there. There are w's everywhere. My first impressions on your puzzle is gone and I won't just give up after all this time. Thanks for the help though but there is too much here to think about.
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But if we are not supposed to highlight some text, what is the significance of "lived"? I'm sorry I can't distinguish the difference between what is a red herring and what is not.
I am only 100% sure that "lived" is part of the puzzle and not a herring only because you said so yourself.
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This is a puzzle for gamu where the solving space lies below this line so gl and hf
Those solving this remind it is not a normal forum puzzle inspecting source is not recommended and nor is solving this via other means phone, tablets and etc. Highlighting text may make it easier to read but also the spoilers may serve other purposes.
For the 1st time i am putting a puzzle out in the forums so will it work out?
Not many people have lived through some so heres so bloopers . . .
ldonto your seats as thi5will bean especially long puzzle5Go0d pati3nce is an Mus+ in solving th3se pu5zles
The tactics and tricks used here you probably haven't seen before
I'd advise you to pay very close attention to every detail even this or i could hide it here link is not broken
Lets open the door o/ for people to leave or there are many more here for you to leave o/o/o/o/ o/o/o/o/
And to those who will stay very proud of you :)
First of all this puzzle is very l0ng and you will need adequate working spae
Other than letters it may include numbers and others /.,()[]!@$%^&*() and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Doing this PUZZLE may result in frustration and that is NOT my problem I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE
Most people will think this is probably the ma1n paragraph since most of the above was an introduction / explanation
But little do you know secretly this is a lot bigger than a small 5 letter code.
For those who are attempting my puzzles for the first time this may be very confusing
but i guarantee in there there's a method to my MADNESS in hiding codes
From self-learning and trying varying tactics in a group of 100 or less people
Only the best or somehow the l
ucky puzzles0lvers w1ll make it through imoIn this giant amount of text to go through most will give up.
and that will leave way higher chances for those who persevere and complete it
But now are you bored of my rambling and doubting me this is a puzzle?
Yes to the above qu3stion should m3an you should leave and may as well leave my wl(<3) to solve it by themselves
I suggest to YOU AND others just give up or c0ntinue in try1ng all yo()r c0mbinAtions and PRA:Y to rngjesus it works :D
What shall we do with this last paragraph now guys and gals?
Keep trying to make sentences to hide more information?
Or maybe we should be more carefully
Rememb3r this pu55le is not all for one(1) and one for all but for no-one :)
My puzzles would never be complete without them. And its not like they mask anything important.
Most of my crew knows i always need SPOILERS
Imo i might not be that expeRienced of a puzZle maker But 100% crEativity makes it hard to s0lve
it is in out best interest to keep it hard and confuse people so the chances will be very high for those who end up finishing it
Only a FEW more lines yet i'm rambling on, a lot more words so bear with me and my puzzle
At times i will be Zzz so if YOU do not GET a REPLY you should w`ait a FEW h0urs for me to WAKE UP :)
We are not/done with this puZzle or not really since i'm joking and this IS the last line. 6 h Y d 9 t o q h 3 k
But u may need this ////////////////////////// for the end
Ends on the 5th Aug 5pm AEST Time
Format is 34 units or 33 since everyone knows what's at the end or you could yolo and just find the 5 unit code.
This is obtained from taking the first letter of the first spoiler in each sentence then arranging in this format.
L1 = line 1 P1 = para 1
P1L1 + P2L1 + P3L1 + P1L2 + P2L2 + P3L2 and repeat this set will give
For first spoilers in sentence with lines you may need to take the first letter from the format as lived has a . on l and , on the rest.
Once this is complete in the format from 3 paragraphs then u will find the whole link.
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