Greetings community,

It's been a memorable year here at SteamGifts and I felt I've helped out a bit around here. I've made a lot of friends in the process and tried to stay active in the community while moderating. Unfortunately, the activity over the last few months has truly been exhausting for just one person, and I haven't been able to keep up. A few dedicated users in the community have been promoted to (Support) to assist with tickets, but it's only helped with organizing a backlog of tickets in the hundreds.

Fortunately, those Support members will eventually be promoted to moderators on the site and we'll have a full blown staff. We hope this helps many issues plaguing the site, such as requests taking too long or suspicious activity not being dealt with in a timely manner. The FAQ has the new staff listed and this will be updated accordingly to reflect their new positions when the system is ready. As many have noticed, support already received categories to better organize tickets.

The admin is currently working on other helpful updates that will greatly aid the new team. They'll be loaded with features that will make a more robust and efficient bunch than this dinosaur. While I will be stepping down, I won't be leaving the community or abandoning the newly appointed mods when they're just starting. I'll try to remain active and share with them my experiences after moderating SteamGifts solo for a little over nine months, but I will no longer be the primary moderator.

I volunteered to assist moderating SteamGifts when Cult was still boss during the fall of 2011, but due to personal reasons, he had to drop out of the community. I loved the community and what we do around here, so I've dedicated a lot of time and effort in keeping things in order. When I could no longer remain on top of the increasing demands of the community, I decided to step down for the same reasons. It's best for the community and will give me time to start knocking out my gaming backlog. I'll finally be able to start on those purchased during last year's Summer Sales. ;)

Best regards,

1 decade ago*

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Good luck wherever you go, but you have had a lot of pressure on your shoulders its good for you to take a break Loko

1 decade ago

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It's been fun, good luck to you.

1 decade ago

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Have only been on for about a month, but best of luck, for the short time I've seen your work, it seemed exemplary~

1 decade ago

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Thanks and all the best!

1 decade ago

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No lokooooo! we love you!

1 decade ago

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Thank you loko for so huge contribution for SG. I love you, man :3 Not cuz you was head mod, but for your awesomeness. It will be quite sad day for me ;c

1 decade ago

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Thanks for doing, everything you've done. Go now, find time to be happy and live your life. This may or may not involve going out in the dreaded sunlight. Do not fear, you will get used to it again. The community will always be here for you.

1 decade ago

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Take me with you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Who will be the head mod then? :/

1 decade ago

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cg will absorb the role as head moderator on top of being admin and only take 85% of the salary he's entitled. cough

1 decade ago

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sniff I remember when you were given the moderator position... They grow up so fast :')
I wish you good luck in whatever future shenanigans you partake in. You will be in my thoughts, my dear symbol of the SG community <3

1 decade ago

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Dear lord! You put the kids in charge? Scatter!

I vote you should receive a custom background like Pkeod, with that blue face pic... the ghost of loko.

And thanks for manning the reins for so long!

1 decade ago

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Loko, your efforts are and have been really appreciated. You raised the bar and gave SG a boatload of credibility with the way you handles requests and diplomacy. If only all mods were as tireless and reasonable as you. Peace man.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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What's that supposed to mean?

1 decade ago

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1 (esp. of a change or distinction) So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.

2 (of a mixture or effect) Delicately complex and understated.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You implied that all the other mods are unreasonable and lazy.

1 decade ago

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You inferred that, I didn't state that.

1 decade ago

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Your profile picture is hot. I'd let her bite me.

1 decade ago

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Loko, you must be loco,
For you were running a one man show.
Five months ago I joined this site,
Twenty-thousand members was such a delight.
And as the sites population grew,
The only one watching over it was you.
All the bundle key being given away,
So many giveaways to remove in one day.
All the tickets that were being sent in,
I wouldn't even know where to begin.
So on behalf of the Steam Gifts community,
I would like to say thank you, and may your summer be filled with glee.

I am a bit tired so it's not my best. But it gets the point across. Thanks for everything Loko and have a wonderful summer filled with many games.

1 decade ago

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Let the force be with you! Thanks pal for everything you have done for community and for steamgifts!

1 decade ago

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Enjoy your games lokonopa! Be well

1 decade ago

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We'll miss you loko. SG wont be the same without you.

GL with your backlog. If you need any help, you'll know where to find us :)

1 decade ago

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I will really miss you. You are fair and efficient and very dedicated in being a moderator. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

1 decade ago

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Thank you, loko! Hope you enjoy your game time now. You did a great job here.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for your help and good luck. Glad to know you'll still be around =)

1 decade ago

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I'm happy for you. Somehow, I don't think support will be the same without you, but that's okay, you deserve a break.

1 decade ago

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Thank you for the job you have done! Have fun gaming! =)

1 decade ago

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From the time I've been around, you've been an absolutely excellent moderator, dedicated and efficient. I haven't really talked to you, but I am certain that most of the members, active or not, appreciate your contribution - whether visible or behind the scenes. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and I hope you have fun and relax with your, no doubt, huge backlog :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks for everything! Good luck!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you for all you've done for this great site. You made a great work here. Enjoy your video games and at least a little bit of real life.

I'll miss you suspending me, haha.

1 decade ago

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Hey, wait a second. Who let WCZ back in?! runs to the logs

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lokonopa.