I giveaway a Steam Gift (Serious Sam Complete Pack) worth 100 point. But it still counted as bundle games. Anyone can explain?

9 years ago*

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All the individual games have been bundled, so the complete pack also counts as bundled, to prevent abuse (or the complete pack/all the individual games have been 95+% off at some point)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It does not, but if all the individual games in a pack on steam have been bundled (together or individually) on humble/gala/stars/other, then the pack on steam counts as having been bundled as well.

9 years ago

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It does. If a game was on sale for more than 95% it gets to the bundle list as well.

9 years ago

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The way I interpreted what R0N1 wrote was pack deals in general on steam, not specifically the ones with very deep discounts.

9 years ago

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it was bundled!

9 years ago

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SteamGifts "bundle" means "at least once in a lifetime was way too cheap to give full steam price for Contributor Level".

I know, they should change name to something else to avoid confusion.

9 years ago

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I know how it work but I always wondered why game that was bundled for example 2 years ago still count as bundled. You can't but it now and rather nobody has code that long. Nobody has code and everyone must pay full price but contribution count like from bundle.

Any ideas?

9 years ago

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nobody has code that long

That's where you are wrong.

9 years ago

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Really? I all used, give away to friends or to random people. Maybe I'm weird.

9 years ago

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If you'd knew they will get un-bundled after 2 years, would you keep them?

Turns out, I still have some Humble Bundle #3 key to activate...

9 years ago

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Okay, okay I understand.

9 years ago

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Only psykos keep keys that long.

9 years ago

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I have game keys older than 2 years left.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I think, that it would be good if bundled games would count as bundled only if you giveaway a bundle link or a key, but if you have steam gift in inventory you will get the full points price of it (AFAIK you can't make bundle link or a key will transfer to steam gift and appear in invemtory).
I understand the reasons of the rule, but from other side if the game was bundled long ago, not much people will want to buy it full price in steam store to contribute it for 15%.

9 years ago

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That would require either making a bot or getting support to transfer gifts between people.

And in both cases there are problems when some illegally obtained gifts appear.

9 years ago

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In addition to that, key doesn't necessarily mean obtained from a bundle, it could be from GMG or any other retailer.

9 years ago

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Unfortunately it was bundled a year ago by Humble Bundle. As long as it was bundled at least once or discounted 95% or more it gets tagged as bundled for the rest of its days.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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More likely, this one

9 years ago

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I "lost" most of the CV from one of these SS Complete packs I picked up on back when it was on another sale. I believe at the time it might have been one of those "over 95% off in Russia" reasons for bundling.

9 years ago

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Looks like it.

9 years ago

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Any thing that has been in a bundle and is on the bundle list will count as a bundle game. There is currently no way for SG to tell whether or not its a gift copy or a bundle key that you are giving away.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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doesn't matter cuz you can abuse it.
just mark GA as gift but give key over chat.
so that why doesn't matter where you bought it

9 years ago

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the key option is only there for people that want their key to be given to the winner as soon as the giveaway is over. Many of us will choose the gift option instead, so we have control over when the winner gets the key. It's always good to check the winner of your giveaway out. Make sure they aren't a regifter or have redeemed their previous wins. If they are a regifter/havent redeemed past winnings, you can get a reroll. Also.. nothing stops someone with a key from selecting the gift option.

9 years ago

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Even if you chooose key, the key will not be sent automatically when the giveaway ends and you can still check the winner before sending it.

9 years ago

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Personally I also wish to communicate with my winners. It would be weird if I added them in Steam but then told them to go look for the key in SG, I guess :s

9 years ago

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but you can add them and give them the key in the chat ^^
personally I do it when it's their first win, so I can make sure they know they have to activate it on their own account and to mark it received

9 years ago

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Yes, I do that every single time. First win or not. I just meant that I never put the key in SG.

9 years ago

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Ha, ok, I slightly misunderstood you ^^

9 years ago

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Ever single time? That's fairly impressing considering the amount of games you have gifted O_O

9 years ago

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Well, perhaps that's why I don't find giving away that enjoyable :D

9 years ago

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It doesn't stop you from doing it anyways it seems :)

Whitelisted for craziness ;D

9 years ago

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Thanks :D

9 years ago

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O.O Indeed it is.

9 years ago

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Why talk with them and use Steam to give the code? I'm genuinely interested, because for me it'd be the worst option possible and the prime reason I don't ever buy gift copies on Steam. Just give me a damn code and let me decide how to distribute it.

9 years ago

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Because that way I can see who I'm giving the game to and if they're likely to follow the rules. If I just put the key in SG I won't know as well if the person is gonna mark the game received. Also, if the person is rude, I can blacklist them. It's just a habit I have. But you're right, putting the key in SG would remove the stress and waiting.

9 years ago

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Partially, sadly. I had to chase people for more than a week to get giveaways marked. Sure, they were 5-dollar indies from the bottom of the barrel, but still… :)

9 years ago

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Well, you can see I have a clean record so far and I'd rather keep it that way :p

9 years ago

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Nice tip. Thanks

9 years ago

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It doesn't give the key automatically...you have to still go into winners control panel and click "Send key". It just makes it easier so you don't have to look the key up later.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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For $100 he could give much more than 30-40 bundle games. More likely he bought it at $10. Buying $10 in bundles would get you around 30-40 games

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Actually it can do good if you want to level up......That "Tip" doesn't make since....Just before you buy the game, research it to make sure it hasn't been bundled.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I did most of my GAs during this past month as part of your Midsummer Madness. :)

Interestingly, without me knowing, I was bumped to level 4 this past week.
So my thanks to you for allowing me to level up, as it turns out.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I will admit, I originally signed up on SG a really long time back in the hope of getting free games, but after a few days I stopped passing by.

About 3 months ago I ended up on the site again, then decided to read the rules and see what it's about, and really got into it. I then sifted through all my Steam inventory games I could give away, plus all the leftovers I had from bundle purchases. I now stop by at least twice a day, and thanks to reading comments and events from members like you, I've started to really enjoy the giving part of it, in fact, I bought a few games to give away here, which was also a new experience. It's tough with the bad exchange rate I have in my country compared to the Dollar (x12 the worth), but if I can do it, surely others can get into the spirit as well.

Thanks again!

9 years ago

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First, your wording isn't like a tip, which is why I quoted it....If it was tip friendly it would have been something like "You might not want to" "Do not" is a demand....

Secondly, "it won't do you any good" is false, because obviously people DO level up from doing GAs...So, it actually DOES work. I agree it shouldn't be the main reason for doing a GA, but if someone chooses to do it? That's up to them. Plus, even if leveling up isn't the main reason for doing a GA, if someone spends 50 bucks on a game to giveaway, they should get credit for that IMHO.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That… is not exactly true. If you buy a bundle for one-two games, it is still cheaper a lot, and the leftover keys as giveaway material… lets just say my current level had zero additional money put into it.

9 years ago

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Just ignore this xScreaMx fella, he's never right.

9 years ago

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Check here. It's not always updated, but if your game is on the list, you can be sure it counts as bundled.

9 years ago

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That's why I'm always saying that reducing the CV from bundled games that much is bullshit. Vast majority of games have been bundled by now, even some of the new, more expensive ones. Bundled games should give 50% CV at the very least.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Should not be the reason, but it definitelly is the reason. One can't really blame them, though, seing how a lot of people here only do GAs for high(er) levels. That's why it's all those people who do unrestricted (or level 1) GAs who are the true contributors here <3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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There are definitelly people like you described, those who make higher lvl GAs as a genuine "Thank you" to the other "contributors". No doubt about that. But then there are also people who do high level GAs solely because they disregard those lower level people and they feel that they should get something back for their games, misunderstanding the difference between "giving" and "trading" (whether they realize it or not).

I don't think that people do public unrestricted GAs because they "don't care about the games". In my opinion, they do it to give every single SG user the equall chance to enter, and that's what I believe is the intended SG spirit. Simply put, they "contribute" to everyone, while some of the people who do whitelist and/or private high level GAs mostly contribute to the few people they deem "worthy".

I didn't mean the *"people who do unrestricted (or level 1) GAs are the true contributors" sentence to imply that I look down on those who do higher level GAs, I don't. It was meant to imply that (as I said above) I believe this should be the general SG spirit :)

9 years ago

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Isn't creating a free game giveaway for high level contributors like sending a fat check to a billionaire who gives a lot to charity? And kinda counter-productive and defeating the whole "charity" aspect of the site?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, this is exactly what I was referring to. You say thank you for giving away games by giving back a game.
Or to use a clearer analogue:
You open a lottery where buying a ticket costs 1000 dollars and the winner gets 100 dollars and a thank you certificate. What is exactly the point?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't waste your time with xScreaMx. You won't get anywhere.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't have one. I just knew how to get you to reply. :P


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Half Life 3 confirmed.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Now that, my good sir, is most definitely debatable.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yes, yes, indeed. Our time; so valuable, with all the novels that need to be written.

9 years ago

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I think you're not considering that most high level contributors have given that much, but only because they've been giving for a long period of time. The site has been around for over 4 years at this point, so assuming you've just been giving out extra bundle keys and 75% off games, you can already be at level 9 or 10 just from spending $10 in games for giveaways a month.

9 years ago

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I know that part. This is how I got to level 4.3 in 3-4 months after all, with no actual effort put into it other than using leftover bundle keys. So it may seem I'm somewhat of a "contributor to the community" by dumping unneeded trash, which in a way is hilarious.

9 years ago

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Let me just add my personal opinion on the matter. I used to giveaway publicly, with no levels or level 2 maximum. But you know what, with many of those giveaways, I had bad experiences with the winners. It left a bad taste in my mouth and almost turned me off from giving away all together.

It's hard to explain without writing a wall of text and it's almost 2 am so I really can't be bothered. But to put it simply, think of it as giving games to people who actually appreciates your gift as opposed to some brat who thinks that they are entitled to it because they pressed a button and won, someone who demands the games from you without giving you any time or courtesy. And that's not even going to the feeling of being cheated when you see your giveaways not being activated, so possibly someone profits from your generosity. I have found out people who are at least level 3 are 'better' behaved than those who are lower. Of course, it might be unfair, no, it is unfair to generalize people based on personal experience, but we are giving away games to strangers. I think we are allowed that right to decide who to give our games to, no? So I decided unless it's a small bundled game I don't really care about, my giveaways will at least be level 3, and no lower than that and possibly S.Gifts only. Because the chances are higher that these people want to be more involved with this site and this community than someone who never gave anything away.

I tried not to write a wall of text and ended up writing a wall of text. I probably could have written my thoughts more eloquently but at the moment my thoughts are scattered all over the place.

tl;dr from personal experience, I have found out it's more satisfying to give to someone who is a bit more invested in the site than someone who is just here to win free games. And I think as giveaway creators who giveaway free games for nothing in return, we have the right to choose what kind of people the giveaway should be made for and I don't think we should be judged on that.

This is not a personal attack on your or anyone, just my 2 cents on the matter.

9 years ago

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I agree with this person in some parts. My only reason for doing lvl 3 giveaways is that I don't want any problems (people not knowing how the site works etc.) and I blacklist people if they're rude.

9 years ago

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It's more like randomness on what people you find. The most appreciative people I found so far were level 0 or 1.

9 years ago

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Totally with you on what you're saying here, I even often 'level" give aways in public groups. At first I thought it was snobbish, but as you begin to get some experience, the people that DO give aways more frequently seem to take greater care in marking yours received, thanking you, and generally making it a better experience overall. (Probably because they understand the BAD examples)

9 years ago

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On the other hand, there are some that would like to be in the community but simply can not afford to.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I agree that making GAs for the sole purpose of boosting the CV is a wrong way of thinking, but it often seems to be the way of thinking this site encourages. That's why every CV system ever is flawed by default, in my opinion. Because it only encourages people to care about their CV above anything else.

9 years ago

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It wouldn't be a bad idea if it was an actual ratio based on value of gifts sent and value of gifts received. But of course that would cause a revolution in the "give everybody the same game for easy CV" giveaway rooms. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Sorry, but you would probably just be better off spending that money for games you want. Give away only if you feel like being generous. Lvling past lvl 1 will not give you enough advantage in winning games to justify spending money for it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not all the members of this site shove their opinion down your throat and toss you overboard if you don't agree afterwards. Just use that nice Blacklist button and giveaway more games -- that's the only way to win. <3

9 years ago

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Agreed BUT if you WANT to giveaway a 50 dollar game, you are better off looking for a "non-bundled" 50 dollar game to giveaway so you get credit for it rather than just a bundled credit. You can still want to giveaway something, but also like to get the credit...otherwise why bother with the site? just stroll peoples wishlists and give them the game if they have it wishlisted.

9 years ago

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Yes, if people care about CV those Indie Gala happy hours would probably work out similar to a big sale of a non-bundled game on Steam if comparing cash spent to CV earned. Going through my receipts now - I got Friday Special #16 for $2.89 and then another 4 full bundles in happy hour for $4.36. Total = $7.25. The games normally retail for approx $110 on Steam, so that's $550 for the 5 bundles. 15% (CV) of 550 = $82.50 CV if someone wanted to give them all away. That would be like buying Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game + Expansion Pass Launch ( usually $84.98) and getting it for over 90% off in terms of CV.

Groupees BeMine's on pre-order probably give lots of CV too, and beat many a sale of non-bundled games too in that respect if that's what people are interested in.

The 15% limit could be considered generous when it comes to those particular bundles.

9 years ago

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I mostly give away bundle games, and I think that 15% is perfectly fine.
50% would be way too much. I got this bundle for $1. If I got 50% CV for it, I'd get $52 of CV. For $1 paid.

The system isn't perfect, but it will never be, no matter what you change. There's probably some small adjustments that improve it, but I think that overall it works quite well as it is.

9 years ago

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As mentioned earlier, the "key" function is only there to automate the sending process and is completely optional. There is no way for third parties to tell whether you send a key or a gift, let alone if you're giving a key obtained from source other than bundles. This is the main flaw of the bundle system, but we have no way of going around it without a lot of manpower, which IMO wouldn't be worth the effort.

9 years ago

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The key is not automatically sent, you have to check the sent button for the winner to get it.

9 years ago

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I didn't say it is. I meant it makes the process shorter by skipping the "adding the winner on Steam/e-mailing the key" step.

9 years ago

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Boyo, there is nothing to be gained by power lvling you cv. You are better off buying the games rather than power lvling and hoping someone makes a high lvl giveaway and that you win it.

9 years ago

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This is the truth. Many of the higher CV level people have given more than gained. If one desires certain games, it is better to just buy them yourself than try to gamble winning them here. Just enjoy giving the gifts and hope for good results.

9 years ago

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It boggles my mind that there are still people under the impression that it pays off to power level CV to win more games.

9 years ago

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If you care about CV - always check this page before creating a giveaway. And it does not matter, you giving away keys of gifts - it's only matters if the game in this list or not. Of course, for new bundles game can get to this list with delay, but in most cases you know if a game in a bundle right now.

9 years ago

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As people no doubt has already informed you. SG can't determine whether you are giving away gift on steam or a key unless SG handles the gifting process. And I think you will agree that would open the doors to more trouble than it's worth. It sucks, I know but there is nothing anyone can do about it.

9 years ago

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Definitely more trouble than it's worth. Just look at the ghost town that is PlayBlink. lol

9 years ago

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always check this list before making a giveaway: http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search

9 years ago

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Or just give it away anyways cuz you don't want it.

9 years ago

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he obviously wanted to get the CV. :)

9 years ago*

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I was just speaking in general. I think the first couple giveaways I worried about CV -- after that I could care less about it. Takes longer for some I guess to get over the pointlessness of chasing the CV dragon.

9 years ago

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i have to admit, i am a CV whore. xD even now, although it's completely pointless at level 10 anyway, i like to see my CV increasing. i guess it's the same as in games. you just like to see your stats grow. ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by R0N1.