With all the controversy about contributor value, the root of the issue (or a large portion) is that newcomers have no clue about the bundle limitations. They only way to learn about it is to read the FAQ or make a post before or after making a giveaway which gets them either ridicule on the forums or no contributor.

Why not add a little popup of sorts that tells the user that he is giving away a bundle game, how much CV he will gain from doing so and why. Make the popup appear only to those who will not be gaining the full value of the game they will be giving away.



11 years ago*

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That's.....really not a bad idea.

11 years ago

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Makes sense

11 years ago

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I'd make that sentence say I understand and agree how the system works. I will not make a forum thread complaining how unfair this is in any foreseable future.

11 years ago

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hahahahaha, they would do so anyways...

11 years ago

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Lol so this

11 years ago

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I think it's been said before but it was one of those things nobody pays attention to for some reason.
It is really a good idea.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Yes,an awesome idea.

11 years ago

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You lost me at "Formatting Help FAQ" in the another tab

11 years ago

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I don't get the relevance.

11 years ago

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nice idea

11 years ago

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My idea is get rid of contributor value. It is unneccesary since most contributors give gifts from the goodness of their heart

11 years ago

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How is that your idea? There is a vote going on for it right now.

11 years ago

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Not the debate I was trying to start. This is a solution to all the "wheres my CV" threads that pop up. There's a thread about your idea going on right now, post there to discuss that topic.

11 years ago

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I don't see how the contributor value is a problem for those who gives from the goodness of their heart ...?
If they want to give a game, to set a minimum cv is not a problem.

You meant that CV is a problem for those who leech from the goodness of their heart I guess.

The thing is, there is people who give because of generosity.
There is people who give just because they want more cv to access more giveway.
Keeping or removing the CV won't change anything for the first group, but keeping it keeps the second group from turning into leechers.
People would like to think that everyone should be in the first group and therefore the cv is not needed, but that's not how it really is.

And mainly those who want the cv to be removed are in a 3rd group where people stay under 30.01 but want to access more giveaway without contributing.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ND1Razor.