I'll give you 2 pieces of p,so you could slap then on the end of words in your post!
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Hey i fell offended , you said you want random things, not cool/normal/cute/etc things. You could use those 2 p's how ever you want,i just gave you a suggestion!
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How about a nice big cup of old, predictable, stale comments?
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I'll give you an advice, 'cause I don't need it anymore ;)
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Actually, it's to prevent people from abusing the bundles and unfairly getting access to contributor giveaways. For instance, if I had bought 10 Indie Gala V bundles at $1 each and then I decided to give away 10 keys of Ironclads Collection, I would have contributed $500 with only $10, so that's where that rule comes in. But yeah, if you want to give out individual bundle keys, you can use the forum. Otherwise, you have to give away a unique URL for the bundle.
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I'm twenty-four years old, which is quite possibly older than you are. Don't make assumptions about things such as my age and don't patronise me. That's not exactly very nice now either, is it? Don't tell me to be nice when you're not, that just makes you a hypocrite.
As for my terminology, I actually edited my post for the very reason you mentioned (it not being very nice) before I even saw this reply. I wasn't intending to compare anyone to an actual Nazi. It's a widely-used expression, a comparison to the strictness and quickness to enforce rules that Nazis exhibited, if you will. I apologise for any offence you might have taken. Trust me, I'm the type of person who usually gets on everyone else's ass when they use insensitive terms. It was my mistake and I'm freely admitting that right now.
Having said all that, the condescension was still uncalled for.
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I don't know you, so I do have to make assumptions if you use such (what I would call) stupid "expressions". And I am not sorry if I hurt your feelings by saying what's justified to say. People nowadays expect respect, sympathy and in some cases even appreciation for inappropriate behavior. I hope you are not one of those.
And I don't know where you are from and what terminology people there use, but I don't compare others to the cruel, unethical and despicable nature and acts of the Nazis. It's the same as calling people "Niggers" and then trying to justify this horrible term by saying that a lot of people (a.k.a. racists) use it and it therefore is a "widely-used" expression.
Like you already said, the condescension was uncalled for and maybe you should put some thought into using this "widely-used" expression any longer. Just saying...
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It's a term used to compare behaviours such as being strict, overly rule-enforcing, etc. I'm not saying he's some sort of white supremacist trying to create a master Aryan race, am I? I likened him to those people, I didn't say he was one. Do you honestly think I would say "he enforces rules, he must be a white supremacist"? Whether it's an expression you care for or not (and honestly, I fully understand your dislike for it) you surely must not have thought I was saying that? I thought the meaning behind the analogy was something most people knew. My mistake.
It's not the same as calling him a "Nigger". That's a derogatory name for a group of people. Nazis, while definitely not being good, are a group with typical behaviours and traits. I'm comparing his behaviours to those traits. Simple as that.
Clearly you didn't read what I wrote very well. I already said I'm the type of person to get on people for using offensive terms. I admitted I was wrong. No need to continuously chastise me.
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OMG will you both just shut up and accept that if you were to speak in person about this, it'd be no more than a quick debate over semantics, and you'd prolly both agree with each other, then move on all friendly like? It's the internet. You're both falling for the "I don't know if my perfectly cogent and valuable points are coming across for sure, let me repost them with different words" gambit.
You both sound like reasonable people, if a little verbose about defending yourselves. And no, nazi comments are not widely used nor funny. I'm jewish (not religiously but by descent) and nazi comments do piss me off, since I have known holocaust survivors etc. I've been confronted with the pain from that time in person, often. For you to make such a statement, while still appearing to be inteligent and thoughtful, and SmileCode thus to assume you might be younger than you are - logical. No need for a wall of text to defend yourself. So what if he thought you were younger? Try understanding why he made that error instead of knee-jerk defending against it.
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Wait did you just say something like "he's a rule nazi"? That's definately more acceptable than a detailed "Nazi" analogy, but still, tip;- avoid using it from now on, in case people do take offense to it, I guess. Use "anal retentive buttpirate". Low chance of offending any anally retentive sphincter pirates on the forums here ;P
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The original post said "Apart from annoying the fuck out of everyone, what do you plan on accomplishing by being a rule Nazi when it isn't your place?"
Honestly, I'm normally the type to go completely ape crazy when people use offensive terms. I do feel bad for it. I apologised for it. I'll apologise for it again - I'm sorry. I fixed what I wrote. I'm trying to move on from it, because I've already wasted more time than necessary on it. I'm just not all too fond of being patronised, chastised, and being treated like a horrible person for something I already feel bad about for and apologised for multiple times. I admitted it was my mistake, I'm sorry, I don't know what else I can say. Maybe I'm a horrible person for making a mistake. Whatever. I'm moving on.
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Relax, I'm not attacking you.. I think you just typed this up just as I posted my last comment :).
Like I said, you're both sounding like smart, thoughtful people. You wouldn't have posted such walls of text otherwise :)
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I'm sorry, I was just trying to use my realisation of you prolly saying something like "rule nazi" to make a joke (buttpirate etc) and sneakily subvert the increasingly negative energy here.. :)
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Haha it's fine. I just get a little worked up when I get totally grilled for something I already feel bad about and apologised for, but I totally understand where you were coming from. You apologised and I have no problem with you. No worries :)
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Wow. Amazing how many dumb comments can come from random posts like these... I bet if I posted something like "BLOORGY BLARGY TITS MAKE GOOD BURGER FRIES" it'd get 500+ comments within the hour.
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