This is understandable. The thing that sickens me is when people have like:
And they still win >_>
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i dont dare look at my steam list, im playing them when i have the time, i got a lot in the christmas sale, so even if i win a game, it doesnt mean i dont want to play it, it just means i might not have the time right now to play it, i havent had time to play through skyrim yet, its on my list to beat soon
but i have alot of games that im trying to get through as of now, why wouldnt i want more games still?
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To be fair a lot of his unplayed games are from the various bundles... I'm guilty of buying cheap bundles and playing part of the games in the bundle too!
But as the peeps above said, not playing a game does not mean one does not want a game. I have many games I wanted, bought, but have yet to play a few months later due to being too busy with other things, games, etc.
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Some games (like skyrim) are best played when you have alot of free time to get fully submerged into the game.
a mate bought me new vegas about 3 months ago but i havent started it (i had finished 2 playthroughs before so thats a factor aswell) untill last week.
Just because they havent been played yet, doesnt mean they wont play them.
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Could be because they are large downloads and they have not so good internet?
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Yea, I only enter for games I'd actually buy if they were on sale.
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I have a lot of unplayed games but those are mostly $5 or less games I havn't gotten around to yet :P
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The example account posted up there about "93 unplayed games" is a little quick to throw accusations about him quiting games or whatever. It looks like that specific person purchased one of those "full collection" sales during the Steam Winter Sale, more specifically it looks like he bought the ID Collection (Doom game etc).
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Totally disagree.
As i told in another thread:
Almost whole my life i lived in small wild country, where is very difficult to buy legit copy of game (salary is low, difficult to have CC, Internet connection speed is also low). And i play a lot of illegal copies of games.
But now i'm able to buy it on steam (including old ones, which are not available in local stores). So, i don't want to play all these games again (for example - Bioshock, Borderlands, Overlord, Men of war, Painkiller, Tropico, Company of Heroes or Commandos series), but i bought it to reward developers and publishers.
But of course, i will newer enter to giveaway just to "have already played game in my library". I enter only games i never played before (or played demo) and want to play.
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I agree with you, during the Autumn sale I bought the complete Doom pack even when I only wanted to play Doom 3, but the old ones bring back many good memories and I think the developers deserve retribution.
I've been lucky to win a few giveaways and I really want to play the games I won, but I don't have as much time as I used to. I have finished my university carrer, started to work and got married :), but I'm totally going to play them in time.
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"people are winning games for the sole purpose of having them."
This is why we have the points system. I really doubt anyone "win[s] games for the sole purpose of having them" given the time it takes to wait for points to build up (among other reasons).
I have owned a lot of games - Steam and otherwise - that I haven't gotten around to playing for years.
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I think you're looking into this way too much. Everyone has an equal chance of winning the game so I don't think it's anyone's business whether the game gets played or not. It's not your game anymore so you shouldn't check up on it. There are far too many reasons why someone wouldn't play/install a game so I'm drawing a line here.
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I don't fully understand how steam tracks hours played but I know for a fact that I have games in my account that have 0 hours and no achievements done when I have completed them. I don't particularly play in offline mode either so I don't know why there is no record of me ever playing anything from the HL series when its the reason I had a steam account in the first place.
But for others yea, maybe offline mode or the dl is too big to get it right away for where ever they live.
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Ditto. And I've had nearly the opposite happen as well, where it will say I've played a game for hours when all I've done is launch it, configure it and quit. You can't really rely on the accuracy of any of that detail in Steam. At best, it is an extremely rough estimate, at worst, it is flat-out wrong.
On the topic at hand, whether or not someone has actually played a game in their account is none of anyone's business and it should not affect whether or not we are allowed to enter drawings. Just because some of us don't have the free time to play all of our games to your time standards doesn't mean we are any less entitled to a fair chance at winning a game here. Besides, even if they did disqualify the few people that might be in this situation, it really wouldn't affect the odds enough to increase everyone else's chances in the slightest, so this whole thing is just a waste of time... time that could be better spent playing games, maybe.
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Heh. I have a ton of unplayed games and I want to play them, I just don't have the time. With work and all it gets hard to get time for some vidya
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well for me i tend to pay one game at a time until i finish it
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Steam sales do get to you ( well me :3 ).
I have purchased more than a few because they were at low price (usually less than 2.5$ or so, and haven't played them since I regretted getting them in the first place and in the end wasn't interested).
So yes I'm ashamed but that means Steam's sales system works :P
Also, I have bought low price sale games which I've played and finished offline years before Steam (like elder scrolls 3+4, overlord),
since I like having them around and available in case I decide to pick them up and play again.
And, some bundled games do come with games I wasn't interested in (Example - X package which had all the X series, but I was only interested in X3).
So it all adds up to some unplayed games.
I do agree however, that people should only enter giveaways for games they are interested in playing (or atleast trying).
If only steam would allow gifting unplayed games, I'd have awhole lot more gifts :P
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I'm not sure what seems to be the trend lately but what's up with the self entitlement?
No offense meant but like mentioned by others you don't know why they can't spend as much time on those games, for all you know they were gifted to them for christmas by friends and they're not their cup of tea.
It's a giveaway site where random people host giveaways for other random people, there is and should be no bias on who has more entitlement to winning a random giveaway.
That defeats both the purpose and is not in the spirit of Steamgifts.
However if this is your opinion Reelix I can't say anything that'll disprove that as it is subjective, however I would have a suggestion.
Try creating a group for your ideology?
That way you could very easily accomplish your goal without putting stress on the SG creators/mods nor would it impact the community.
Just a thought. :)
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How do you solve that?
Your arguement is invalid.
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Um, umad?
I bought Humble Bundles, and the Indie Gala bundle. Each have around 5-6 games.
My point: I cant, fucking play every one of them. One, because I don't have time, and two, because some are so boring I'd rather suck dicks than play them.
After being referred to the FAQ, I now enter games I only intend to PLAY. So what if people are entering just to keep? Lets say there's a giveaway for Skyrim. There's a guy who's got nothing on his account except HiB and bundle games. He wants to enter, but cant cuz he is busy earning, or isn't interested in playing those games. Does this sound very fair?
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i can see why would you have unplayed game i have 2 unpacked gifts and i will play them as soon as i finish games i currently play for example i now play Dead Island which is 100 h of game play if you want to do and explore everything but i can play only 10 hrs a week + i regulary play online games as TF2 KF and L4D2 so i cant be playing my new games all the time. I got portal from this site even though you can download portal from torrents real easy i have completed this game several times and i dont feel like playing it at this moment. i think this is kinda stupid little kids discussion, point of this site is to build awesome community not crybaby one, this is all about people who want to support they favorite games by buying extra copy for other people and for people who wants to give something to world. If you are so desperate about playing this game pirate it. i think its sick that you take time to make posts and research about people who play or dont play games they have won when in the same time you could have made enough money to buy the game
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Im not a begger but i agree with alot of comments.
alot are winning games and just letting them lay around
its hard for me to get games also
work for cash yeah it isent summer so i cant work in super market yet
and school
im not wasting my time gaining 1000 hours on my games i want to complete everyone then gain more hours
and those who are winning games and not even playing them they are just lucky or steam gifts goes after first letter in username or something?
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You seem to, amongst other people on the website though, forget that games are not a product of nessesity.
It's a luxury product and thus no one "needs" or "deserves" it more then other people do.
Therefor I think it doesn't matter who enters or wins a giveaway.
Now if this website was for giving away food or water to poor people then I would be upset too when rich people who already have food or water would enter.
However it's a flipping videogame, no one needs them to survive!
Get this through to your heads people!
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Browsing through the Steam profiles of winners, I often see 20 (Or more...) unplayed games (And generally $20+ games)
I think there should be a limit on max "unplayed games" before a persons entry is valid, as people are winning games for the sole purpose of having them.
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