One day after Humble showed you this month's wares, can you get excited for another set of wares?
Legit one of the best bundles Humble has done to date. And the price is incredibly cheap for what you get.
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The image says Ultimate Edition. But pictures can lie
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humble can lie, already sold Ultimate Edition in a monthy bundle and only gave people the normal
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Control Ultimate Edition (includes both DLCs):
Syberia - The World Before:
Praey for the Gods:
Batora: Lost Haven:
Call of the Sea:
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice:
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And I assume Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is
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Control is the Ultimate Edition. Redeemed the key and I have the DLC. Thank you humble!
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No thank you humble!* Still wanting that DLCs for free from the Humble Choice as they advertised
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Never was advertised as Ultimate Edition. The key could only redeem as such because Steam didn't have a base version of Control which was changed later. The image for the bundle used for Control was always from a base version of Control. It never said Ultimate Edition. Even says Control in the humble key menu, while this says Control Ultimate Edition
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My bad, too many time has passed. I checked it now and the problem was with the publisher store itself. Activating the Standard Version didn't let us to buy the seasion pass or dlc separetely (at least in my country it wasn't fixed yet). So you have to buy the game twice to have the full version, which is a shame
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Yep. 505Games tried to sell their base Control copies this way plus make people buy DLC on Steam as well. It was really shitty. They even removed the option to buy base game or DLC later.
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Twice the price? It's only $3 more than the monthly.
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A lot of people may have but that doesn't mean everybody did. I didn't get a $6 coupon so it's $12 for me. It's only double for some people.
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I don't know why "people" is in quotes but I wasn't talking about the coupons, I was talking about the general price of the bundle.
I'd also be happy with how it was before. Choice is not even a "choice" anymore. But I'd honestly prefer 5 better games for the same price than what we've been getting.
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Come on, man. You say it like more than half the bundle is bundled again, but it's only two games, one of which was only available in two Monthly options (2018 and 2020 I belive).
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Sure. That's still a rebundle, and it's a Humble rebundle.
Not saying it makes the bundle worthless.
Just saying that for monthly subscribers, that's 3 games that they already have (I forgot to count Control, which was a bit of a scam in the monthly on top of that) so it's not really better than this monthly, it's pretty much on par if you substract the value of the rebundles from the price.
From a personal perspective, the games in this bundle are objectively better quality but there's a reason for it: it's more expensive.
I would be fine if they increased the price of the monthly to get better games in the bundle. Instead they reduced the price slightly and the quality greatly.
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Dunno. I have no issue with having games previously bundled like Hellblade. As for Control, I know I didn't use it since it was the base version and didn't want to need to purchase DLC separately because of 505Games' greed. So, this having the DLC, doesn't really feel like its a rebundle.
As for the price increase of Monthly, disagree. Since they shifted to 10€ the Monthly has actually been very good. Sure, not all were to my taste (and I really would say I didn't consider only the first one in Feb 2022), but the rest had good games in them. Legit this is far superior to the previous Choice (20€) and the old Monthly (12€). One was more expensive but didn't always have the best selection, while the first showed the headliners (usually two, maybe three games) and the rest were hidden, only revealed after the bundle was out and you couldn't buy it then. I bought one Choice recently due to the indie games that weren't the main big games. If this was the old bundle, I would have missed out on this, because the headliners weren't good enough to entice me. So, this new Choice has the price of the old Monthly and the information about the bundle of the first Choice version. The only downside is the 20% store discount thing. I think this is honestly the best combo. If you want that, not pausing your subscription is an ok thing to demand.
They did increase the prices of regular bundles (more like removed the T1 1$ and BTA stuff which I don't mind).
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I have a question about Control. I got it for Steam via Choice a while back and I recall all the fuss about whether it was the Ultimate edition or not. How do I tell what version I received? In Steam it seems to say I have the Ultimate edition and there is a picture to suggest it includes two dlc's - so, that means I've got it, right?
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Check the OP, I think you'll find the answer in there.
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humble already sold me (╯°□°)╯︵ Control Ultimate Edition in monthly
after i purchased the key, found out it was for the normal edition and they changed what the bundle said as well as the image for the game in the bundle
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Good selection, but skipping because I own too many and my backlog made me think twice. I may go for Dreamscaper and Syberia for split, but I think those won't be available in most splits. Anyway, great for those who don't own much of these titles.
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i'll be soon out of money again.......fu humble <3
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oh man that was soooo dumb thing 505 Games played back them with Humble Choice, season pass and file size being higher with standard game + dlc compared to the newer build of Ultimate Edition. Worse they removed the ability to buy dlc/season pass on steam store and mislabled standard edition and store page as Ultimate Edition as default even if you didn't actually own that version of the game.
You'd had to also remove the standard edition game just inorder to rebuy the actual Ultimate Edition.
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you should be able to activate Steam key and in all probabilities it should upgrade from standard to Ultimate. You however couldn't repurchase the complete "Ultimate Edition" from Steam store if you already owned the standard edition of the game that was bundled with Humble Choice.
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Go to this link: And check which depot you have.
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870782 is the standard / Humble choice version. 870781 is the ultimate version that this bundle gives you.
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Games without DLCs or with it if it has so it's insta buy for me!
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Also, just a friendly reminder, Call of the Sea will be free on Epic tomorrow.
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Humble Heroines: Warriors, Dreamers, and God Slayers
Humble Heroines: Warriors, Dreamers, and God Slayers Encore
1 Tier, 8 Items
08 Mar 2023 -
30 Mar 202301 Apr 202315 Dec 2023 - 17 Dec 2023
View this bundle on: ITAD -
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Everyone gets a ROW key {sub/197048} that excludes Russian customers from activating it.
Batora: Lost Haven - gift link notification
Important: Batora: Lost Haven originally had no gift link notification, which according to Humble Bundle means that everyone received a ROW key. This could explain why it went out of stock so quickly. After it was restocked, LATAM and SEA customers reported that they receive region locked keys, which means that new purchases might get regional versions. Currently these regional subs are not yet indexed on SteamDB.
Help needed: gift link notification screenshots for Batora: Lost Haven, please specify if you bought the bundle AFTER Mar 16 (after it was restocked).
🔑 Full list of subs (ROW purchase)
🔑 Full list of subs (LATAM purchase)
Batora: Lost Haven was not initially included, and was added to the bundle page ~20 mins after launch
Compared to the previously bundled (March 2021 Humble Choice) version of Control ("Standard Edition"), the key delivered in this bundle is for the actual Ultimate Edition which includes the 2 DLCs.
🌟 2023-03-12: Batora: Lost Haven OUT OF STOCK (source)
🌟 2023-03-16: Batora: Lost Haven RESTOCKED (source)
🌟 2023-03-22: Batora: Lost Haven OUT OF STOCK (source) but perhaps this happens only for some regions (for LATAM it is still in stock, for EU it is out of stock).
🌟 2023-03-29: Batora: Lost Haven back in stock for EU and US (source)
If you have redeemed the Control key from Choice (March 2021), you can activate the key from this bundle, EVEN IF YOU UPGRADED YOUR CHOICE VERSION WITH THE SEPARATELY SOLD DLCs.
This way, you can accidentally waste the key you receive from this bundle - sort of, read below.
Reason: they have different depots: Control Ultimate Edition has Control Content (870781), while the key from Choice has Control Standard Edition Content (870782)
The game build delivered in the proper Ultimate Edition is widely considered to be better (in terms of bugs/glitches) than the Standard Edition, even if one has purchased the DLCs for it.
To ensure that you have the actual Ultimate Edition content, you will have to FIRST remove the old Choice activation (sub/543422) and THEN redeem the key from this bundle. This way you can be sure that the Control Content (870781) is used instead of the the standard edition depot when you run the game.
Here's how to do this + more info about the topic
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF 406547
15 USD | 14.23 EUR | 12.37 GBP
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By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
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Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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