I've been listening to a fair amount of game soundtracks recently, and just wondered if some of you lot have any suggestions?
I listen to all sorts, but favorites include Jet Set Radio(and JSRF), Anarchy Reigns, Bastion, Killer Instinct and Metal Gear Rising: Revengence.
Cheers in advance.
Here's a giveaway for AVGN Adventures : http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ls6GT/angry-video-game-nerd-adventures.[ENDED]

8 years ago*

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The best one I have listened to so far is for Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken - I can't believe noone else has mentioned it!

8 years ago

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Try the Sunless Sea soundtrack; it's great.

8 years ago

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XCOM2 and Witcher 3 are my main gaming OST go-to right now. But some good ones are:
-Halo 4: Original Soundtrack, Vol. 2 - I have never played any the Halo games, found some music a year or two ago on youtube that I liked that turned out to be from one of them. Got it on Google Play but it isn't listed there anymore. But it is one that has really stuck with me and I enjoy going back to from time to time and have left it on my computer instead of transferring it to the external like a lot of music I don't listen to.
-Killing Floor 2 (some great metal and rock, w/o vocals to get in the way of the instrumental)
-Two Worlds 1 & 2 (great fantasy adventuring stuff, would prob be good for DnD/RP nights for those that do that)
-Sword Coast Legends
-The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 1 & 2
-some the BL2 stuff was good enough for me to buy most the albums. I still need to get last couple parts of it.

I have TONS of OST but most are on my external and I do not listen to them that much or only left one or two songs on my computer, out of the whole album because those couple tracks were best. HB used to include them a lot with their bundles. Groupees sometimes does gaming OST. I will also buy a special edition of a game if it includes OST and artwork, because I love artwork and concept art (artist, so I get nerdy on that stuff) and some games have good music, even if it is a few pieces out of the whole OST that I like. I bought the XCOM2 soundtrack off Amazon as soon as it was available for the boyfriend and myself, because he'd already pre-ordered before they had the special edition pre-order and I already had XCOM2 the base game myself because I'd won it. It is actually the music I have had on constant replay on and off for a couple weeks now. W3 has been on that I have had in cycle a lot since the boyfriend gave me a copy of it when he got the game last year. Those two will be remaining in my go-to list for a very long time.

8 years ago

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As someone already mentioned, Journey is a good one.

8 years ago

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Subject 13 soundtrack it's fantastic, even being only two songs.

8 years ago

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, The Witcher, Starcraft, Final Fantasy VI, Mega Man X, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Baldur's Gate: Shadows of Amn. Machinarium, Golden Sun and Unreal Tournament to name a few.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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VVVVVV has a great OST :D

8 years ago

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The Binding of Isaac (Danny B is GOD)
Retro City Rampage (VIRT)
Undertale OST

just to name a few.

If you like Soundtracks: here's a bundle for you

8 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MushroomScarab.