Miscreated is the cheapest one so take that, about 9,49 I think.
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Survival: Postapocalype Now is the cheapest for 4,99
As for Miscreated, i bought it, tried to connect on every single server, failed, read every guide available to fix it, failed and eventually i asked for a refund (which was granted, atm i 'm waiting for the money to be delivered back). So i wouldn't go for the Miscreated. Devs said they couldn't handle the many new players but that's pretty much a lie as neither the empty servers were allowing you to connect.
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'H1Z1 would be a free game any soon... so dont buy that one if your financial situation is not that good. i dont know about the other games. but i guess for the best interactive survival game is DayZ. it has the most players around, so for making friends its your choice :)
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Rica ederim :)
Gercekten DayZ disinda, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved (yeni) ve ''7 days to die'' var. bunlari oynayanlar cok. Online oyun oynamak istiyorsan kesinlikle hangi oyun en cok oyuncuya sahib olduguna bakmalisin.. bence bunlardan birini sec, yada F2P survival oyunlar var, parani bosuna harcamayip F2P survival oyunlari oynayabilirsin. (DayZ en cok oynanan ve en populeri sanirim. ama pahali tabi)
buarada hicbiri bende yok. yani ona gore oku onerimi.. bunlarin hepsini oynayana sormak lazim aslinda :))
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Haklısın oyuncu sayısı yönünden de inceliyorum,ARK:Survival Evolved'ın videolarını izledim bir kaç yayınınıda izledim açıkçası pek hoşuma gitmedi bunun dışında F2P oyunlarına da baya baktım eli yüzü düzgün bir oyun yok bence.''Rust'' ya da ''7 days to die'' olabilir.DayZ benim için biraz pahalı.
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Unturned is a free zombie survival crafting game. It looks a bit like Minecraft, plus it was made by a single kid who programs for fun.
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Perhaps shortlist The Forest or Rust or ARK: Survival Evolved.
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You should consider getting Rust.It's a really good game which is getting weekly updates with lots of features.They've even added PVE mode in the last update to prevent new incomers from getting killed constantly without doing any progress......There's no ZOMBIES though.Another good game is A.R.K i think it's the only game which features Dinosaurs (You can even ride them) which makes it kinda unique.
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Yes you can.However it'll be so hard for you to survive alone in PVP servers as players are far away from being friendly.I've had many terrible experiences one of them was spending two hours building a base upgrading the walls and getting resources then an experienced player destroyed one of my walls killed me then went to the room where my spawning points is located (Sleeping bags) and instead of destroying he upgraded the walls to metal and replaced the door with a metal wall (strongest type which can only be destroyed with explosives) so i got trapped in and had to kill myself and restart the whole game.The game is very challenging and players aren't the only danger you'll face there're (traps,radiation,Wild animals,hunger....etc).RUST is the best option out there in my opinion and you'll surely enjoy it especially if you got friends to watch your back.
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I would suggest to buy games under 5$ with different genre than survival. but if you are REALLY want survival go for ARK:survival evolved it's 25$.it's early access ut developer updates game regularly & it's got ton of content . gameplay is smooth. had some optimization problem which is solved in latest update & also as I said they keep adding new dinosaurs every other week
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Sorry, I'd have to disagree with the optimization part of your post. Yes, ARK is well worth the $25. Yes, the game gets updated daily, sometimes multiple times a day, but the optimization problems are far from solved. Optimization isn't going to happen with just one patch. It's something that takes time. While patch 173 did have some GPU optimization, it done nothing for high-end cards like the 900 series. I heard it has improved performance on lower end cards, though, so that's good. Hopefully in July we'll see some good improvement with DX12 & SLI support.
As for the op, I don't think Miscreated is worth the money with it's current discount. With a survival game, where other players play a large part in how the game plays, Miscreated doesn't have a large player base. 612 peak players today? That's going to drop quite quickly over the coming days/weeks. You'd be better off going for a game like H1Z1 or Rust.
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i would suggest you to watch some streams before buying, f.e.: a lot of people are disappointed from the h1z1 community.
miscreated doesn't have so much content and community like h1z1.
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Don't get H1Z1 - it's going to be F2P game one day. And that's all I can say about "Jerk Simulators".
Hmm, well, maybe this one thing: if you want survival aspect, I think you should focus on single-player or PvE games. PvP games love to change into deathmatch arenas, where you either kill everyone or you're dead.
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Hello,I want to buy a survival game.it can be ''Miscreated'',''H1Z1'' or '' Survival: Postapocalypse Now'' or you can suggest me.
I want to speak english well and i guess,i can improve it with playing these games.In addition i enjoy playing this kind of games and i can make new friends.By the way my financial situation is not that good.
Which game should i bought? Thank your for your suggestions. :)
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