In November last year, I asked steam support a simple question.

"I just noticed that Team Fortress 2 badge is missing from my steam account, I can't find it anywhere. I remember that I had it some time ago, but now it's gone. Could you please take a look at this? " (I've been on steam only about a year and I didn't know the reason at the time).

I got 2 replies from them:

  1. Please restart your computer and then follow these instructions to refresh your Steam files: (Have you tried turning it off and on again, lol)

And a month later:

  1. Hello, Thank you for contacting Steam Support. Your badges cannot be adjusted in any way.

Great responses...

I asked the same question on and got my answer in the first hour. :D

I wonder, does steam hire people that can't read and they only try to guess answers to questions?

10 years ago

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I don't know how Steam support works, but all the times I asked something here, I got my answer quickly. I love this community.

10 years ago

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In my understanding it in general goes something like this:

The first message is completely automated relating to the category of the question. Second it picks a few words from your sentences and gives another automated answer. Third it is realized you actually want an answer so someone quickly looks at your ticket and ignores everything to answer something tangentially related you weren't even asking. Fourth is when the actual support starts but without reading any of your previous messages.

10 years ago

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If there would be an upvote I would definitely use it +9000 times, Nice one :)

10 years ago

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The truth.

10 years ago

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Sounds fun :D

10 years ago

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Something like that. I recall I was having login issues last year. I asked them "please do NOT reset my password"

So they reset my password.

10 years ago

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Steam got the worst support on the whole world. I guess one of the hell circles is located there. I don't want to be there after my death.

10 years ago

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That's why I like Origin.

10 years ago

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This made me heartily chuckle. Origin is so bad I feel bad making jokes about it.

10 years ago

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Its not as bad as Uplay though.

10 years ago

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Origins customer service actually is way better than Steam

10 years ago

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I like it too.

Origin is not bad. They have great client, great support, and great download speed.

What's bad about them is EA. EA is bad.

10 years ago

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Yep their support is pretty bad. I hope I never have to deal with them ever again. If there is ever an FAQ panel in the future with GabeN answering questions then someone needs to ask him why steam support is shit.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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It amazes me that you put this kinda question for Steam support before you went through everything else (like here). No wonder it takes Steam support to take that long to solve real problems when receiving so much junk mail from millions of users.

I only contact Steam support with issues like purchasing/ Credit card etc for which their support is great even if slow.. Everything else gets solved by searching the forums & simply asking in the forums.

10 years ago

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Well I always do a search on google, but I couldn't find an answer for this.

Junk mail? It was a legitimate question. It's not like I use their support every single day.

If Steam employee does know Steam system then answer to this kind of question would take few seconds. After giving up on Steam support I came here and asked the same question, I got my answer few minutes later, from people of which Steam makes their money.

Steam is a big company which makes millions of dollars, support of this level is inexcusable. And I have heard bad things about steam support all over the place.

10 years ago

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While I agree that their support is retarded, you should've asked on Forum first.

10 years ago

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Steam Support


10 years ago

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10 years ago

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