I use the dvorak layout and in almost every game i have to re-bind the keys. Not all the games have this problem for example recently i tried the zero gear demo and i didn't have to fix the keys. What do you think about it, why game developers don't think to make commands that fit everyone?

12 years ago*

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It's just that some developers don't have the time to allow for manual rebinding, so they do the most popular layout, which is qwerty. It's a small scale version of why they don't make it compatible for different OSs. Especially with Dvorak, you take the risk that a game won't be able to use it when you choose to use Dvorak, just like with using a Linux or Mac.

12 years ago

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Dvorak have really nice musics!!!

now on the serious side, have you ever notice gamming keyboards are all QWERTY without accents ?

12 years ago

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Ironically, QWERTY was made bad to slow down typists on mechanic typewriters, which jammed if user used them too fast. Modern electronic keys don't have such problems... But we still need to suffer :|

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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Really? You don't see big flaw in your reasoning? If you need to move hand far instead of pressing neighbouring key with small movement, design is deliberately bad, not urban legend. Something designed for jamming keys shouldn't be basis of electronic keyboards...

12 years ago

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keyboard conspiracy [deus ex music here]

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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I use a Qwerty keyboard but I still rebind the keys to my preference so I dont know why you are a mad.

12 years ago

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Belgian azerty here. I've been thinking... to buy myself a qwerty keyboard. Makes thinks easier, and allows me to buy a notebook in other countries (which are cheaper). Still not sure.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Belgium is expensive I bought my laptop from Germany. Just go to Cologne or any other closest city :D

12 years ago

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ah de belge kome ier es bove

12 years ago

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We use QWERTZ here, justy Y/Z switched - not much of a problem.

12 years ago

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Some of the symbols are also changed, which can be a pain in the ass if you like to chat in games

12 years ago

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Let's all use this!

12 years ago

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ahaha, win!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Lol, thats the keyboard my parents use. I go crazy whenever i have to do anything on their computer and try to avoid using the keyboard at all while doing so.

Edit: I meant that keyboard, didnt notice the layout lol.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You are human and get used to or change the lay out. :)
I alread worked with 5 different Keyboard in 5 different countries. and I got used to :) My previous keyboard was Dutch, now it is German :D

12 years ago

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I'd heard about dvorak before but never looked into it; it does indeed seem more convenient. So now I've got Norwegian Dvorak added to my inputs and will give it a fair shake.

Thanks for reminding me :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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hey crabman

12 years ago

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Hey not-Earl!

12 years ago

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Honestly, I didn't know DVORAK was around anymore.

12 years ago

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Common sense would dictate that probably easily over 95% use Qwerty.

Many people who use other layouts typically do it for legitimate reasons, not gaming. Dvorak is supposed to use less finger motion, increase typing rate and reduces errors compared to Qwerty. If you are remapping it back to a WASD format, then you're really missing the point of the Dvorak layout.

Not sure if serious or simply trying to brag.

12 years ago

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...when i play i don't write(unless im chatting), dvorak is meant for writing. When i remap for having the "wasd format", so in my case ",aoe" im remapping for something studyied for being good on playing. Wasd look for you like a keyboard layout...but really are only keys that have the right position for playing some type of games.
...maybe i have not understood you and maybe you haven't understood me...

12 years ago

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I had assumed you were somewhat using Dvorak only for the sake of using it. If you actually do something such as data entry, programming or something that requires many keystrokes then I apologize.

I do agree that it really wouldn't be much for them to add a simply switch to Dvorak that simply remapes WASD to <AOE. Maybe if you are a programmer, you could write up a program that automatically remaps them within Windows and reverts at a press of a button for quick switches while gaming.

12 years ago

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Just change the language setting for the keyboard in windows >< I honestly don't see the issue, this has been said plenty times now. But hey, whatever floats people's boat.

12 years ago

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The only Dvorak I know is the composer, lol. (Jk, I knew of the keyboard too...)

12 years ago

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John C. Dvorak is disappoint.

12 years ago

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On the PC, they should always, always make the game fully customizable, because that is the strong point of the platform. People who fail to do this, or do it in a rushed and buggy manner so half the rebinds don't work (cough BF3, cough skyrim) are just taking the piss.

I am a RDFG user myself. Why? It's obviousl Same feel as WASD, but the F key has a bump so I can feel my way back to my movement keys. Also there are more surrounding keys for additional rebinds. Such as Q, W, E, T, Y, A, S, Z, V - all within comfortable reach. IMO this should be the standard but yes.. sadly.. majority rules. It's a shame when the majority is fucking wrong though, isn't it? ;p

12 years ago

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Oh god, I tried to place my hand at RDFG....yeah, too long using WASD, my hand and arm screams NO DEAR GOD NO STOP DON'T PUT ME THERE! Oh wait, that's why the world is still using QWERTY instead of DVORAK, because the lazy bastards decided to just adopt the keyboard layout they were used to on typewriters, thus perpetuating the use, therefore making all other layouts irrelevant, you have to train yourself from the very start to use any non-standard layout.

12 years ago

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I was a WASD player for two years, but I needed more binds and found the numbers finicky. It only took a couple of weeks to get used to in the end. :)

12 years ago

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for the standard layout they all should use (for directx games) a global hook for imput. many games do that so it doesn't matter if you are useing a qwertz or a qwerty keybord. but i don't realy know if this also works with a keybordlayout like yours... but yeah... developers are sometimes very lazy (like me xD)

12 years ago

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I thought about that as well. They should introduce йцукен layout as an international standart. Oh stop, they shouldn't...

12 years ago

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I don't use QWERTY nor QWERTZ nor DVORAK, I use GABEN

12 years ago

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Is this the keyboard you can only handle by rolling over it but whatever you do there is no freaking "3" on it?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks, now HL3 is delayed by another month.

12 years ago

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Man, its YOUR problem. For example - why there are no bikes for people with 3 legs? MAKE THEM CREATE IT! They would me sooooo usefull for majority, dont they?

p.s.- YOU can use hundreds of virtual keyboards to fix this problem\emulate qwerty keyboard. But why should you do that? Better make developers THINK about 1-2% of people, who use dvorak for gaming!

12 years ago

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I'd be shocked if dvorak layout usage was as high as 1-2%.

12 years ago

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Don't worry, in 2 months and 43 minutes we will all be using brainwaves to move in games anyway.

12 years ago

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Ideally all games should allows key input to be fully customizable so that you can rebind the keys as you choose.
As for why they don't, regardless of likely valid arguments about the superiority of the DVORAK layout it has such a tiny market share that it very likely never even occurs to them that there is an alternative never mind supporting it.

If it does occur to them, they probably aren't willing to take the time to support something that has in the range of a .1% market share last I read. However little effort it might take, the payoff in terms of additional customer adoption is going to be virtually nonexistent.

12 years ago

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Read OP's post again. Problem is not the inability to re-bind the keys. It's the laziness of OP to do so.

12 years ago

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nearly everyone does use qwerty keyboards, iv never even heard of this dvorak thing

12 years ago

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Well, using a AZERTY keyboard, I'd be pretty pissed off if a game I played didn't allow to rebind. But as long as I can do that, I'm ok with them not having some azerty profile already in the game.
I'm used to rebinding always the same keys anyway.

12 years ago

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I think most English speaking gamers use QWERTY. Why spend more money attempting to accommodate all sorts of keyboard layouts when you can just support the most used per alphabet?

Besides, if you can customize the keys, that's all you need anyways. I've never heard of this layout before and I've seen all sorts of gaming keyboard designs including, "SAY NO TO WASD".

12 years ago

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Dude... I think you may want to change this pointless thread to something more useful. Like games that DON'T let you rebind your keys at all. That's a problem. Not having to do 10 seconds of work. Even people with Qwerty usually rebind to fit their tastes.

12 years ago

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exactly this

12 years ago

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because everyone uses qwerty keyboard layout

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ChiP.