The Ebay seller I linked had good feedback and you save a few cents. If you ever want to use Paypal, but a place doesn't take it, try their debit card. It gives you 1% cashback and it works directly with your Paypal account, the same way regular Paypal does. It uses Paypal balance first, then your backup option second.
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ye, I just actually accidentally got ghostbusters lol, he just wanted payday the heist (I got it in 4pack 75% sale, so its actually just costs 3.75)
Then I got a reasonable amount of profit on the ghostbusters trade (actually a steam moderator contacted me and offered for it xD)
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That is because a few copies still exist, new. I think within a couple of years there won't be much left for these. I didn't get mine to trade, though. I like collecting games as much as playing them, so I got a copy for myself. I thought about grabbing a few and holding onto them for a couple of years, but not really worth it and I would rather see people be able to get it, if they want it.
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It was removed in December of 2009, but the cd keys activated on Steam, so people just have got them using that method. Right now, few stores have them. Which is why I was pointing that out.
It was speculated that they ran out of keys and couldn't make any more of them. It was pulled mid holiday sale and listed as sold out. After that, the cd keys were the only way left to get the game and they are drying up. It makes sense, but I don't think it was ever proven. Based on what happened, I'm guessing it to be accurate. They can't make new keys for the game.
I'm just going to add this in, as an edit. The short version is that when Ghostbusters was pulled, that was the end of Ghostbusters on Steam. Prey can still be added to Steam, but probably not for much longer. I am just trying to help people grab up a copy before it goes away for good. The reason why the price isn't flying up is because you can still buy it, barely. Not many places have it left. So get a copy now or wait until they are all gone and see if you are paying more from a trader.
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I got the 360 version. Unless there is a significant modding community for the game, I'm not going to complain.
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I don't disagree. I wanted it to just to get it before there were no more Steam copies, but I am not in a rush to play it. I played it on the 360 and it was cool, but nothing too special. I have just been tracing the history of the game, when it comes to Steam, and it looks like less and less places have had it through each interval. I'm guessing that the copies out there, right now, are the last ones. It will probably dry up, soon. Most major retailers don't have it, anymore.
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I think once the sequel releases (if it ever does; it seems to be following the same tradition as its predecessor with release dates) the original will make its way back to Steam with the sequel. And maybe then there will be a way to get it individually too. For now, I'd skip on it and wait for the sequel and maybe get the first game as a preorder bonus.
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Hmm.. that reminds me. I should look up prices for the two games I have that arent on Steam anymore - Mafia and Transcripted
Edit: Oh UFO Afterlight got removed too
Edit: Oh, I gave away a copy of Soldiers Heroes of WW2, and that's been removed too o.o
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It's good to live in Ukraine. I buy key for this game only for 2 $.
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There are actually quite a few copies, I was selling them on steamtrades for a while, I think I sold about 15 copies of it them in about 3 weeks. They sold pretty well, but because they are available at reasonable prices around, the price I was selling for was a bit unstable.
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I knew there were before I bought mine. I just thought about two things. First off, there aren't many easy to acquire copies for Americans. Various Europeans, yes, Americans, not so much. I mean you probably know, anyway. You collect them, so you don't count for how common a copy is. :) The second thing is that I wouldn't buy or trade for a retail cd key, like that, because they could just show Steam proof of ownership and get it back.
I think I am getting like you, though. I bought Legends of Pegasus, knowing it was crap, just because I could. I rushed for Cryostasis, before it was going to go away. Space Rangers, too. I like playing games, the most, but they are also the only thing I collect, at all.
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Yeah, Legends of Pegasus was actually on sale recently on getgamesgo. I bought a few other removed games on amazon in the past few days because they're steamworks, one arrived and one should arrive in a week or two. I have a few removed games in my inventory which I plan to activate soon because, unlike some people, I don't hoard games, I want people who actually want to have the game to play them :)
As for games like Cryostasis, there are still plenty of tradeables and keys remaining, so the value is still pretty low (I have a spare key myself, actually, waiting for the value to go up at least a little, though, before selling it).
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Yeah, I got them on sale. I don't hoard, either. I just buy copies for myself. I don't care much about trading. I just enjoy collecting and playing. I might look into these Amazon things. I have some extra GC money. It will take me a while to see what is still kicking around, on there.
Cryostasis was killed by the Gala Store sale, right after it went off Amazon. Everyone got them for $1 or something. I can't remember, but it was low.
I don't feel so bad about paying for Prey now that I see you were charging $15 for it, ;).
I've only been buying games since the middle of this past December, with the exception of like 7 I got 7 years before. I still have a ways to go. I took many years off. I'm probably screwed on most past games.
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Hungary? No doubt. The game is found all around Europe. I think it is all the same old copies, that are slowly going away. All the original ones. Eventually there will be no copies. If you can find it in a store, by all means, buy yourself a copy. I can't find it where I live, so I had to have it shipped.
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I had bought it from Direct2drive when it came out but the account was created using an old email address which I dont even remember. Since they pulled the dickish move of the century and transferred everything to Gamefly, I can no longer access that account. Hopefully Steam will never pull something like that, although I have my doubts about Origin or UPlay.
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I was thinking about getting Prey from your link, but then I really, amazingly lucked out when I was at a thrift store earlier today. They randomly had a retail boxed Mac copy of Prey on sale, complete with the cd key in the box. I took a chance on it and I'm happy to report that the key activated the game on Steam, and it cost me less than $1 (USD).
I still have to thank you, though, because if not for your post reminding me I probably wouldn't have noticed the game or I would have ignored it because it was Mac only.
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I know this game is getting harder to find, with it off from Steam and all. I figured I would point out where I just got mine from. I had been contemplating buying it off from this British seller on the American Amazon site, but for some reason backed off. The game is priced at $7.98, which is pretty good, right now. Anyway, I finally gave in and tried it. The shipping info said it could be a month, but it took only 12 days. That wasn't too bad.
So yeah, I got mine from Amazon, using the seller: harleys international shipped from UK.
I also noticed you could save a few cents and use Ebay. There is one seller from the UK that has the game for around that price.
It looks like you aren't going to have an easy time finding it for less than those prices. Unless you trip upon it at a store or find someone that will sell you a copy. I wouldn't take the risk on a used copy if you want to add it to Steam. Those copies aren't much less, so it is worth it to get the new one, before they are gone for good.
I'm guessing that if you live in the UK, you can get it cheaper. The game is still around in various countries, but finding a copy isn't that easy for everyone, as far as I can tell. I paid the $8 because I wanted it before it went away. Might not be the worst idea if you want it, too.
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