Hello guys. If enyone need a steam trash dump, felul free to use my account. I accept Any items you send.

11 hours ago

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Asides from the fact that this could be seen as begging...

11 hours ago

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This is far from "could be" and a clear way of begging.

Hard stuff on steamrep.

11 hours ago

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Do you also accept account suspensions? Because that's a good way to get one

11 hours ago

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Nice rep.

11 hours ago

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So you can't scam people because of your Steam rep warning so - you come here to try and do the same - reported

11 hours ago

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10 Steam accounts, wtf?

10 hours ago

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? - why would anyone want that many

10 hours ago

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They have 9 alts listed on Steam profile.

10 hours ago

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Closed 9 hours ago by Noxco.