What do girls like as gifts, besides me ofc. Also something that that wouldn't cost me a fortune and takes under an 2 hours to get, I'm kind of in a hurry..

Background: She's 17, a close friend whom I haven't seen in quite some time, charismatic, likes Jazz, sympathetic, playful, over-flirtatious, and never forgets a bad gift(Bioshock seemed like such a good idea at the time)!

Thanks for all the advise, in the end I just went with my gut.

1 decade ago*

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Don't buy her anything since you obviously don't know her well enough to justify a gift purchase anyways. Plus she's only 17... hold off on the gifts until you can legally tap that ass. I'm not saying don't try and tap that ass, just don't leave a paper trail.

Seriously though, don't buy her anything. Girls like guys more when they don't seem to want to impress them. I'm not sure why. If you don't act like she is the most important person on the planet, she will wonder why and pursue you.

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't say that's true. Many girls like "nice" guys and romance. But we don't even know what OPs relationship is with this girl. Maybe she is JUST a close friend.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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fat princess

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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As a few of the commenters have mentioned above, it depends on her hobbies, etc. But things like clothes are too personal and if you don't know her favourite perfume, DON'T buy just any random one.

But if you're looking for something just quick, small decorative items usually make for good gifts, such as crystal suncatchers, notebooks with nice covers/patterned paper, trinket boxes that she could put something in, etc.

1 decade ago

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Little decorative thingies can be nice, I have been given candles, trinket boxes, and small anime figures and I liked them all very much. I personally love little notebooks, stationary and art supplies too, but I'm biased, can't resist to paper! Haha.

1 decade ago

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Skyrim hehehehe

1 decade ago

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A Dildo

1 decade ago

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Or a copy of L.A. Noire

1 decade ago

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Chocolate and flowers. And then something you personally made.

1 decade ago

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She doesnt like Bioshock? give her Secret of the magic crystals !fixed

1 decade ago

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Well, if you havent seen her in a while. Just making contact with her would be a good start. Maybe call her, see if she wants to go for a walk. Dont think it really matters where you go for the walk, cause its the company that matters. But someplace quiet, without many people around, so you can have some privacy is always nice. Giving a gift to someone you havent seen in a while, especially girls, will just make you seem creepy. This is why I suggest seeing about making contact and the walk.

If this is a long distance thing, and you are both gamers: Still try to contact her, maybe play something together that you both enjoy. If you two still get along with each other, maybe get her and yourself a new co-op game to play together for her as a gift. But make contact well before the gift thing. You cant buy someones affections with gifts, at least not if they are really worth your time.

Good luck mate!

1 decade ago

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Something nice for the kitchen

1 decade ago

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17? she won't appreciate nothing but justing bieber signed CD or 2 tons of pure gold jewelery. don't waste time and money on her, tell her to come back in 10 years when she realizes that you are not santa and give her everything she has on the wishlist

1 decade ago

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Good fucking god.

You are the reason fatuglyorslutty.com exists.

1 decade ago

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Hahaha nice website!

1 decade ago

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you go to walmart and buy boxes full of MLP action figures and you can say "im getting this for a girl :trollface:" because it will technically be true,but you only give her the crappy pinklestia doll and keep the rest,its the perfect plan! :likeabaws:

1 decade ago

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Thanks for Skyrim.

1 decade ago

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sequence =D

its an rpg guitar hero =P

1 decade ago

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if you want a game - botanicula. it's great for even casual player, it has great music.
if not - taking her for and concert or meal or is always the best idea.

1 decade ago

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If you take her for lunch, order dessert first. Something really good. Then share the dessert together BEFORE you eat any food you order. (Life is uncertain, eat dessert first) Then, if there's any places around where you can go to a jazz concert-get tickets. Or find her music by The Rippingtons-it's a contemporary jazz group that's really good. A walk around a nearby lake or beach at sunset...Good luck to you. Let us know what you decided on after you're done with this get together!

1 decade ago

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This, so far, is definitely the best advice. Though if a concert is out of budget then you could do the movies instead.

1 decade ago

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Mirror's Edge?

1 decade ago

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gift her Bioshock 2

1 decade ago

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Diamond Ring.

1 decade ago

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cough SotMC cough

1 decade ago

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Flowers and Chocolate.

1 decade ago

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Take her to eat and give her some flowers and talk real nice to her and keep her in a happy mood and take her to dance,girls love that stuff.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by GnomeAlone.