Happened less than an hour ago: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34814203
At least 26 people are dead40 dead.. This is happening way too often these days.

There was a man with an automated gun, there are also reports of at least two explosions and hostages taken.

The reports are saying that there are at least 100 hostages.

France closes borders, declares state of emergency.
Hostages are being killed one by one.

Live updates: http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-34815972

8 years ago*

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An other one of these attack in France, it saddens me to see this happening, even though i'm not from Paris (Lille) I have many friends and some family there. I just wish they are okay and that something will be done this time to stricten immigration policy (my wife is chinese so don't go about and call me racist). No matter from what religion you are, what continent you are if you can't live by french laicity laws and can't seem to adapt living in western country you shouldn't be allowed to stay in said country no matter if you have 1, 2, 10 or 50 kids.

I live in a foreign country I am able to abide by their life habits, political habits, culture etc even if some parts of it I don't really agree. But as i said, I am able to adapt to it and don't find it life breaking so I stay. If at some points i can't stand it I'll just leave, I'm not going to try to make the country adapt and/or for me.

We should feed these terrorist corpses to the pigs, you insult and kill our people. Why sould we give you a proper burial? Maybe by prohibiting you the decency of a burial it will deter some to attack us.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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That is awful. Pray for Paris.

8 years ago

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Nobody can change what has happenned tonight. Nobody can fix it. People are all guilty and people are all victims.. Remember the suicidal planes? remember the London suicide bus? The artists thrown of a building?

But then we return to the same basis of when too much is too much and when too much is too little.

Human nature makes us believe we're all equal, and we are. We're also wrong at everything.

The other side of the coin? Racist and xenophobic behaviour, racial profiling, acts of hate towards people not even related to the incident.

This is a bad day for everyone. And though it saddens me to see this happenning, the internet is the same as it will always be, and so are you and so am I. The only ones who changed, sadly, are the victims, the dead and the ones who can't/won't trust. Forever broken.

Want to change the world? Stop trying to. Stop trying to fix things. Stop trying to accept everything. Stop trying to understand everything.

I've always been a very quiet guy and I am never rude to anyone, so I'll tell you what I see.

I see nothing changed. from 3500 years ago, to today. Nothing changed. We're at war with ourselves, with the world, with eachother. And war never changes.

This is a sad tragedy, writen among many other tragedies before it, and the ones that are yet to come.

8 years ago

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I can't be as eloquent as you, especially at this time of night. But I really appreciated reading what you wrote.
It is very true what you wrote but it is also not true.
What makes it not true is, as human beings, we have the capability to change what happened tonight. We can fix it.
Unfortunately, as human beings, it would be an enormous herculean undertaking to accomplish. Most of us as individuals don't have it in us. Tomorrow, we'll go back to our games, our art, our whatever. A week from now, for most of us this will be over until the next huge tragedy.

Its a shame we don't learn to improve as a species. Our leaders, our politicians will say the same rhetoric regarding this and the next and the next. The only change will be the people who are affected next time and so on. Our countries will retaliate. They will also. And the cycle will carry on. The players will change from time to time but the destruction will be the same.
All this money will be spent to destroy the other side. But if all of us use the money to improve quality of life for all, would that be a step in the right direction? Would that work? Could it even be attempted?
If we all work together and spend money in the right places, could cancer be cured, could hunger be abolished. If there were no lines of religion, no lines for territory, if we were all one people, imagine the things the human race could accomplish.

Impossible, no?

8 years ago*

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Only one solution. ZERO muslims immigration. ZERO.
MultiPusli is a stupid garbage, fake, non-European junk.

8 years ago

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People said the same things about the Irish. About mexicans. About Japanese. Just because a muslim is a terrorist. Doesnt mean all muslims are terrorists.

8 years ago

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Thank you.

8 years ago

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couldnt agree more.
dont judge ppl by a small percentage.
the islam is not the problem here.
its the ppl that spread the wrong ideology.

8 years ago

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As sad as it is, his/her suggestion is the only effective solution to prevent further attacks in Europe. The violence that the islamic terrorist inflict is at least partially motivated by islamic ideas. The last major attack (charlie hebdo) was completely motivated by islamic ideas

"People said the same things about the Irish. About mexicans. About Japanese."

The problem is not nationality or race. It is ideology. Islam DOES teach violence, hatred and bigotry. And it doesn't help that islam's founder, "prophet" Muhammed, himself was a brutal warlord. A certain percentage of islam's subscribers will always interpret the violent ideas literally. You just can't make Europe more islamic without making it more violent as well. Terrorism in countries like Japan and South Korea will not increase in the coming decades because they have zero tolerance on islamic immigration, even if they wage war on Islamic State

8 years ago

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This here. These are the smallest percentage of muslims, and they aren't even real muslims usually. I live in a muslim country and no one here respects them.

8 years ago

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the two things do not really make a connection

the same way as 9/11 wasnt caused by immigrants

8 years ago

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How about zero European immigration to Europe?? You are enemy of allah you infidel!

8 years ago

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Oh well, the world just gets worse every day. Thanks for making me aware of this though. I don't pay attention to the news 'cause there's no use.

8 years ago

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This is truly dreadful. But at least threads like this are good for fleshing out my Blacklist.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nothing that any of us says is going to change the magnitude of this attack, nor the depravity that lies within the hearts of mankind. And there's always the dimwitted groups that instantly jump to furreners = bad!. Things like this are just an unfortunate part of the inevitable circle of violence.

8 years ago

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Wow. I blacklisted a few but whitelisted many. I really liked this community.

And for these heartful attacks tonight, I'm very, very sorry. My condolonces to relatives and friend of victims, to French People and all mankind those are against all kinds of violence.

8 years ago*

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amen to that brother

Im really worried, since I have some friends who happen to be in France, I hope they are all safe ><

8 years ago

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Uff... words cannot express the sentiment i have right now. :/
Been on the computer for the last hours mostly undisturbed, so i completely missed this until i saw this thread a few minutes ago.

Seriously stumped. :/

8 years ago

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As of now the dead count goes up to 150+

Pretty sad, this ridiculous islamic war needs to stop, someone needs to eradicate them asap

8 years ago

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the problem is not the Muslim , is their believing that they are doing good thing for there god and the brain isn't easy to reconfigure (i know it might not be the best word but i couldn't find the appropriated one)

8 years ago

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you are confusing radical islamist with muslims who are peaceful and do not support the radicalism at all

8 years ago

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Question is how would you eradicate them and not in process give number of them the justification for more of this sort of acts?

8 years ago

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Could it be parravicini prophecy? Or do are they doing?

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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this is terribly disheartening to hear! i do hope everyone affected is getting the support they need! I am in utter disbelief and disgust ...

8 years ago

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we are in a small world..and we kill each other..soo sad..

8 years ago

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Just woke up. sad news indeed.

8 years ago

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I heard about it earlier, terrible news indeed.

8 years ago

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This is very disturbing. The timeline of terrorist attacks/threats on France this year has been overwhelming. This is video game came to life.

8 years ago

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So sad

8 years ago

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this is truly awful, especially considering that I used to live in France for like 4 years ><

all my prayers and thought goes to french steamgifter and non-steamgifter folks. If you happen to live there, please be safe and remember to report any suspicious activity to the local authorities.

Remember that your and your relatives/friends safety may depend on it.

8 years ago

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I have no words... :'(

8 years ago

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East dictators are much better than ISIS and terrorist rule :-(
Sad news

8 years ago

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This planet is not big enough for a lot people...

8 years ago

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No words can describe l'horreur which took place in Paris tonight. That prooves that the whole mess with Islamic State is way out of hand. I hope that will finally open European goverments' eyes on that problem and they will take more actions to stop this disgrace of human race from spreading.
All my prayers are with those who were injured and killed during the shootings, with their relatives, close ones and with French nation as a whole.

8 years ago

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"one witness at the Bataclan heard one of the attackers appear to express support for the militant Islamic State (IS) group."

What a shocking twist! [/sarcasm]

8 years ago

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After a couple of years Arab spring turns into Western fall.

Who the hell could do something like that.

Amongst all the horrors happened in Paris yesterday, the incident on the Eagles of Death Metal gig bugs me the most. For me personally live music shows are the only public events that make me feel completely free and unburdened of all that is bad in the world. Shit like that is not supposed to happen, ever.

8 years ago

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Allah Akbar!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by BirdCute.