Happened less than an hour ago: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34814203
At least 26 people are dead40 dead.. This is happening way too often these days.

There was a man with an automated gun, there are also reports of at least two explosions and hostages taken.

The reports are saying that there are at least 100 hostages.

France closes borders, declares state of emergency.
Hostages are being killed one by one.

Live updates: http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-34815972

8 years ago*

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WWIII will start in Europe AGAIN! These are the first signs.

8 years ago

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Lets hope not... that'll be the end of humanity

8 years ago

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We should wipe out Europe from world then we shall have peace

8 years ago

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The Eiffel Tower has its lights turned off to honor those killed in the attacks.

8 years ago

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France24 reporting 7 different shootings, 3 bombings (2 of which have been confirmed as suicide bombings) and the Bataclan event.

8 years ago

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gotta see how many of these shootings were connected to terrorist attack itself. I remember that during coordinated terrorist bombings in London there were also reports of shootings etc - turned out some lowlifes decided to take advantage of all the chaos, conducted armed robberries etc - hoping the blame will be put on attackers instead.

8 years ago

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Yup, that's what they think is going on with the fire at the Sudanese camp in Calais right now as well.

The lowlifes always come out to take advantage of the situation even when it's evil like this.

8 years ago

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I am shocked of what I just read. I really can't help myself believe that even a criminal can get that low.

8 years ago

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sadly it's nothing new - read about mass shop robberries in NYC right after WTC attacks :/ All police forces are occupied with the crysis so the criminals take advantage that either noone will notice them in whole chaos or even if someone does there will be no forces left to react :/

8 years ago

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I really am surprised.You could tell me that I shouldn't be, however believe that even criminals or not so damn cold hearted.

8 years ago

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That is horrible and terrifying. putin's sanctions against civilazed world in action?

8 years ago

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This and an earthquake in Japan. Today's been a bad day.
Stay safe.

8 years ago

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Send your thanks to leftist whoose let in swarm of angry and violent muslims to europe....

8 years ago

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Go away. Ideally from the whole planet.

8 years ago

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Anyone got a French Live Broadcast? I am getting tired of the bad translations I am hearing.

8 years ago

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http://www.france24.com/en/livefeed is the one I am watching, in english but I know they have a french one.

8 years ago

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Yeah I linked that one earlier and on the fr version but can't find the French Live feed for looking

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ah thanks. Couldn't see it for looking.

8 years ago

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For people wanting to know whether their friends and relatives are safe, Facebook has a safety check page:here

from /u/MaximaxII on the reddit

8 years ago

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John Titor's prophecy will take place, I suppose :(

8 years ago

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Polish TV respondent reporting that several tens of ppl were killed during Bataclan police sturm - probably executed last seconds by terrorists throwing grenade(s).

8 years ago

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Reports slowly coming in that one person has been arrested alive, claims to be Syrian and a member of ISIS.

8 years ago

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i could have told you that.

8 years ago

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That is not a surprise as Islamic values aren't compatible with European values!

8 years ago

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Is not about Islam, in the bible say not to kill but there you go Inquisition. I dont think that the Quran says something about: kill the innocent people that thinks different than you.

8 years ago

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This is horrible, they live like in the Middle Age

8 years ago*

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It does say it...It says anyone that doesnt take islamis to be killed and the women enslaved. Sadly

8 years ago

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Can I ask if you even read the Koran? Because I have read a translated Koran and you should check up on words like Sharia, Jihad,Taqiyya, Tawriya, Kitman and Muruna. The end goal of Islam is to assimilate all other religions and people so that in the end only Islam remains. Denying this is denying the light of the sun....

Also do you have the balls to say this to the relatives of the (for the moment) more than 140 executed people that French news describes the perpetrators as Syrian Islamic terrorists that according to eyewitnesses were chanting Allahoe akbar while they were executing hostages at point blank range?????

8 years ago

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My sister in law is married with a muslim and he always is defending the islam saying that terrorism have nothing to do with the "true" religion, i didnt read it

8 years ago

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Maybe when you have the time you could read it and learn for yourself what's written in black and white.

8 years ago

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I think you should avoid this discussion about killing and Mass murdering. Should I recall you Gaza ? Fyi I'm muslim and I lived 5 years in Paris, studying, working and had great time there. So stop putting a religion as the main factor since you are not fully aware OR you pretend to be.

8 years ago

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Most religions believe they should be the only religion, Christianity is the same, its one of the ten commandments. Acting like that is unique to Islam is stupid.

8 years ago

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U know they all originated from Judaism right ? Founded 3500 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah. I read it. And what you're saying is all wrong. Quran is only saying in one point that killing people is okay but if it is only for self-defence.

And I'm done. This is not the right place to argue this out.

8 years ago*

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Eagles of Death Metal - the band to play the Bataclan tonight has posted

8 years ago

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They are ok, right? Just wondering..

8 years ago

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Band is ok, reports from the lead singers mother have them on stage as shots rang out. The lead singer escaped as the gunmen were firing. The crew the last I heard has not all been accounted for.

8 years ago

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Lets keep this off SG? It will lead to some political and racist discussions.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sure, let's logout of real life :rolleyes:

8 years ago

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When you grow up, you will understand, have a nice day.

8 years ago

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Actually, you're the one who needs to grow up. I'm grown up. And in case you didn't understood i was ironic.

8 years ago

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Good for you.

8 years ago

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that would be the best, but since people love to discuss, it won't happen.

8 years ago

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Agence France-Presse βœ” @AFP
BREAKING Around 100 dead in attack on Paris concert venue

8 years ago

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Also these cowardly murders are executed by what French and other European news says as Syrian Islamic terrorists that were chanting allahoe akbar according to eyewitnesses!

8 years ago

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French news states casualties now at 140....

8 years ago

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Hostages are cleared, supposedly.

8 years ago

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100 hostages killed.... I am shocked

8 years ago

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112 at latest report. And counting... :(
EDIT : 118 now...

8 years ago*

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French news states casualties to be 140...

8 years ago

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There were 40+ before the Bataclan + 1xx ... >.<

8 years ago

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Viva la France.

The concert was a Eagles of Death Metal concert.

8 years ago

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Why is this on steamgifts.com? lol..

8 years ago

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ShanaPlayer: Why is this on steamgifts.com? lol..

SteamGIFTS. Why are YOU on Steamgifts? lol...

This is on Steamgifts because it is news, it is important, and it probably affects every single person (except apparently you) in the world in one way or another, directly or indirectly. People are sad, they want to talk about it, they want to express themselves. If you don't want to do such things and only want to continue to enter giveaways, there was no need for you to click on this topic was there?

Now, if you don't mind, please answer the question I posed to you.

8 years ago*

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Oooh, buuuurn. I'm totally stealing that question from now on.

8 years ago

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Oh,i should posted it when i saw it first

8 years ago

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I was probably a bit harsh to that person but wrong place, wrong time for them to say such a thing. I didn't think it was very appropriate.

We're gamers after all and many of us bury our heads in the sand and just want to play. So when something this huge happens in the world, maybe once in a while we should look up and take notice. Don't have to do anything but at least feel bad for those affected, those innocent men women and children who lost their lives.
And above all else, don't say anything to make it seem like their lives meant nothing, even if you don't know anyone who was there. Because one day it might be your world, your life that this happens to and imagine someone commenting about how it doesn't matter and why people even care about it.
Steamgifts is a world community after all.

I think it was the "lol" from that person more than anything that was utterly disrespectful.

8 years ago

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Banksy I think has said it the best tonight here

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thank you for the picture... It will save lifes of many people... You all should post it on your facebook's walls... It really will help...

8 years ago

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Thank you for your attempt at sarcasm and the English language.

It will help save the lives of many people.

You should post it on your facebook wall.

It will really help.

Snark and sarcasm can be done by anyone, it doesn't make you special at all. Nothing wrong with sharing and passing things on. Have a great day and I really hope nothing like this ever happens to you or anyone you know.

8 years ago

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So I am curious. Can you make a 16 inch shell rocket assisted?

8 years ago

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No but you just sank my battleship of heresy.

8 years ago

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I am afraid that passing such images on provides people with an easy and effortless way to clean their consciousness and makes them believe that they have satisfied their obligation to help others. If someone feels bound to do something about the case, the last thing she/he should do is to post such images. Such actions are meaningless and changes nothing at all. There were millions of pictures shared because of the attack on Charlie Hebdo and nothing has been done to make the situation better.

I wish you all the best in life too and I don't mean to insult or provoke you in any way. I may be overreacting and exacurating because of what have happened. Additionally, the fact that I am going to see hunders of similar pictures posted on social media combined with the knowledge that there will be little done to prevent similar terorrist attackt in the future is quite depressing.

8 years ago

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I think you're reading way too much into it. It's a simple yet well put image to help people put a sigh in a moment of chaos that has happened today. To say the action is meaningless is wrong, if it gets people thinking or talking it is not meaningless. If you want to say it is meaningless in the war against terror, that's a different argument but still who are we to say who something may or may not inspire.

After Charlie Hebdo there were not any huge steps towards stopping terrorism made, but there were changes made that most people don't even notice, the one being the most important today would be the fact that the media did not say a thing about police movement or activity. They followed the gag orders and did their best to allow the police to do their jobs and put a stop to this event.

We all do what we can or choose to do to help, from donating time or money to charities or passing along pamphlets for a cause, joining in protest rallies or speeches or even joining a service in our country. In the middle of chaos unfolding in front of us we can be silent or be heard. I'd much rather be heard than be silent. Even if it's only by one person and they do not agree with me, at least I've done something and that's always better than doing nothing.

8 years ago

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man this is brutal and France has tough gun laws so no one there can even defend themselves or there loved ones:(

8 years ago

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Why would guns laws matter...do Americans bring guns to cafes, rock concerts and sports events, aka three of the places these events have happened? Because if you do that thats terrifying.

8 years ago

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Exactly...and if France didn't have tougher gun laws, there would probably more terrorists involved in today's attack. Not only that, but if France had more ease to get guns, every day there would be more French people dying due to guns accidentally or rage or just for the heck of it.
This is a terribly tragic event and gun laws or wild wild west laws, it still happened and its just so sad these things are commonplace around our world nowadays.

8 years ago

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yes, actually a lot of us do, i conceal carry any time i leave the house as do many Americans, you never hear on the news of anyone getting shot by one of us ether because the person being shot would be a criminal/murderer/rapist and that wouldn't fit the liberal medias agenda:)

what some people dont seem to understand is gun laws only stop good responsible people from protecting themselves and others because criminals dont obey laws so you really think someone saying they cant have a gun is going to stop them from having one and using it,when you ban or restrict guns from people the only people that will have them are bad people who will then use them on the good people who can no longer defend themselves.

anyways terrible tragedy going on over there my prays will be with them,we will leave our freedoms or lack there of out of this sorry for bringing it up:)

8 years ago*

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Pretty much this, I mean just ask New York City how the ban on guns has stopped criminals from accessing them.

8 years ago

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There are mass shootings every month in America. Those are because of relaxed gun laws. Suddenly, a coordinated terror attack succeeding is the fault of tough gun laws? Did America's gun laws help with stopping 9/11? Because the attacks on France are in that scale.

8 years ago

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yea there are mass shootings in the usa and only 2 out of all of them in the past 20 years have not taken place in "gun free zones" were people were not allowed to defend themselves or there children,and no gun laws did not help with 9/11 those were jumbo jets flying into office buildings, these are idiots with guns big difference there...how do you think these guys are going to be stopped? with fairy dust and unicorn kisses? no they will be stopped with GUNS by the police...

8 years ago*

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I have no issue with the authorities having guns. Citizens having guns is another issue altogether. The fact that there are mass shootings at all is the issue.

You obviously come from a place where you feel the need of something to supplement you as a whole and I was born and raised in a culture and country that doesn't seem to be as violent as yours. I foresee we will not agree on this and we'll just have to agree to disagree.

8 years ago

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thats fine by me,i was raised in the woods with firearms as part of my life and i am very skilled with them and ill be damned if i become a victim without fighting back if your ok with being a victim thats up to you,you were raised in a different society were you were forced to trust your life to other peoples hands(police) i was raised to defend my family and my own life above all else,i am 42 and have carried a hidden gun on my body my whole life and luckily to this day have never needed to use it on another human being,i do not carry it to "supplement" myself, in fact its a pain in the ass to carry, keep clean and safe but i do it for the protection of myself and people around me.

now tell me honestly would it have really been so bad had say 5-10 of the people in that theater been carrying a gun (like they would be in the usa) and were able to shoot back at these guys and possibly kill a few of them or in the very least give time for others there to escape from there while they were shooting back? now i understand the culture you grew up in dont like guns but as long as we live in a world of violence it only make since to me for good people to defend themselves and other innocents around them,and dont get me wrong police and are a great resource unfortunately they are almost always to late.

8 years ago

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Yeah i bet it would have been fantastic if 5-10 people had guns and had started a firefight with the terrorists IN A DARK CONCERT HALL FULL OF 1500 PANICKED PEOPLE, it would have saved so many lives.

8 years ago*

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Maybe you could show a little bit of respect and not use a massacre to further your agenda ?

8 years ago

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World end with terrorist or nuclear war.
Seemingly and sadly, what we all terrified are happening.
Terrorists must be stopped.

8 years ago

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Bio warfare is another possibility, don't forget about the zombie apocalypse!

Seriously though, you are right. The end of humanity won't come from space, alien attack or asteroid or sun exploding billions of years from now. We will destroy it ourselves, probably much sooner than any of us even realize.

8 years ago

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Bio and Chemical, as well yeah.

God know how much money used to invent new, high-tec weapons. Resources are wasted on how to kill other people, how to destroy other facilities more effectively and efficiently. At the end of day, We are nothing more than suicide.

Forgive my English, if I used a wrong word or something.

8 years ago

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Your english is fine :).

8 years ago

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Thank you : D

8 years ago

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who did ? and why?

8 years ago

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who ? Terrorists saying they did that for Syria, at least for the shooting and hostages and kills in Bataclan, not confirmed about bombings near Stade de France.
why ? Because they were brainless, like any people thinking there may be a so-called God asking to kill people. If there is a God somewhere, every day news prove that he lost and Devil has won.

8 years ago

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France has troops in many countries. It could be any number of groups until it's confirmed by someone, not some hysterics on the internet.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I'm in France and we don't know who did this. But there is at least 100 people killed and at least the same number highly injuried.
It seems that the terrorists has been all killed by French security. The French security is keeping information until the end of investigation.

8 years ago

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Yeah, all this "multi-culture" idea is apparently all wrong. It's just not working; we see it tragically often yet we never learn. Instead of being more strict to the muslims and immigrants, we (the goverements in general, not the citizens) are more open and happilly welcome them to our countires :/

We should of course try to be open minded and not judge the people by their race/religion/country of origin, but not at the cost of our lives!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by BirdCute.