Okay, so I want to pklay Victoria II with my /online/ friend. I don't know him in real life, but I am fairly good friends with him. He insists the victoria II internet online thing doesn't work and has many faults, and wants me to download hamachi so I can oin his network and play with him.

I've been reading up on hamachi, and it says that people who have joined your network can view shared folders on your network (of which i have a few, which include a few personal details such as real name, county etc.), and this is a reason why I am reluctant to get it.

My question is - does this apply if I join HIS network, rather than the other way around? Are there any other risks in joining his network?

9 years ago

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i have no idea.
but in theory, you can firewall everything other than that game...

9 years ago

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Hi, I think there is no risk becasue you can choose what folders to share in the settings. But I'm not 100% sure because it seems AGES since the last time I used Hamachi.

I'm just leaving a BUMP so other people can help you out better ;D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't know about Hamachi.
But there is a tool called Tunngle which works great.

9 years ago

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I have heard Hamachi is unsafe and that Evolve is better, https://www.evolvehq.com/welcome

9 years ago

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I have used Evolce for Risk of Rain. Works great an has a nice ui.

9 years ago

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If you have a password, he can't access your shared folder anyway. And If you are a little bit concerned about your security, you already have a password I hope....

And yeah, tunngle is really nice, there is lot of games supported and you can join room with plenty of people for playing lan modes with friends or strangers. I was playing a few games that online mode was dead on it, and there were a lot of players

9 years ago*

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much like sex, if it is with someone you know and with consent on both sides is perfectly safe.

9 years ago

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Hamachi used to be the defacto service for network hosting, but it went to crap a few years ago.

The main service at the moment is Evolve, while Tunngle is the second biggest, and GameRanger works well with specific games [despite having a terrible, sketchy-looking interface].
(Basically, try games on Evolve, if for some reason it doesn't work with it, try Tunngle, then see if GameRanger has the game listed.)

There's also one other one that's used, but seeing as I can't even remember its name, probably not worth mentioning anyway :P

In any case, stay away from Hamachi. While it's not necessarily unsafe, it just simply doesn't work very well at all, and turned into a premium service rather than the free service it used to be.

9 years ago

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could you elaborate why hamachi went to shit? havent needed network emulation in years, so im out of the loop

9 years ago

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Honestly, haven't used it since it went bad, so I don't really recall.
If I'm right in my vague recollections, it became spammed with ads, actual functionality and interface became very poor, it had spyware elements, etc. Dunno for sure, just remember it was unusable :X
That is, literally unusable, couldn't play anything on it anymore.
[I do know my gaming group briefly tested it again just a year or two ago as well, and it still failed to run any of the games we tried through it then.]

A quick google search also suggests that it forces a firewall exception that means anything routed through it is a security risk, so yeah, it may have security issues as well :X

The fact is, I could be entirely wrong now, Hamachii may have cleaned back up and be entirely functional.

But there's still no reason to use it, since there are such well working alternatives already out there- alternatives that are simpler to connect with than Hamachii, have more support for games, and in the case of Evolve, is very fast and easy and attractive, and boasts a lot of extra features.

In other words, sure, you could try Hamachii if you wanted to, get a personal opinion on it-
But chances are you won't need to :)

Really, just try Evolve at some point. ;)

9 years ago

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I used to use Hamachi but then they wanted me to register for some reason. I remember that it would launch at the start up of your computer and you couldn't easily disable it to prevent it from doing so without impinging on its functionality. Really annoying.

9 years ago

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Start -> services.msc -> LogmeIn -> set to manual start

Anytime you wanna use hamachi you´ll have to enable it by hand, and on every hamachi update it will sneak automatic starting back in.
Other than that, it´s easy to maintain.

9 years ago

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Yup, that's what I had to do. I tried something different but it ended up not working (I think msconfig?). I don't need to use hamachi anymore though after Terraria updated.

9 years ago

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thanks for the answer. i dont intend to use any service in the forseeable future but its always good to know ^_^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Kinda make you wonder how it manages to stick around, with that level of (non)functionality.

Not like they're synonymous with online networking anymore..

9 years ago

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Last time i used it , it was fine.(4 years I think)
Just be careful what you share xD

9 years ago

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or you could configurate your own vpn if your router firmware let you :o

9 years ago

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Hamachi works like it was a HomeWifi or LAN connection (idk how to explain it), so yes, he will see your shared files too :/

9 years ago

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The group i play with uses Hamachi for Worms Armageddon and SWAT4 ... i´ve yet to hear something about "my shared files" or anything to that extent. It simply works great for playing. Even if it should have some sniffing potential (which i doubt), using it together with people you trust is absolutely harmless.

9 years ago

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