I'm still generally new to this site, so I'm still not quite sure what to do in these situations.

Recently one of my giveaways has ended and I decided to check on the winner if they broke any rules. It turns out they have not activated a game on November 2015. I decided to reroll a new winner but apparently you can only do it if the person "regifted or did not activate previous wins in this month only".

So, do I have to give this gift to the winner? Or is there some way for me to reroll it?

P.S. this person has a horrible wins/sent ratio :/

9 years ago

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Yes, you have to give him the gift.

9 years ago

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No he dont, just take 1 as not recived. who cares :D

9 years ago

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True that. YOLO! :B

View attached image.
9 years ago

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also if you give it to winner and he not activated it in some time, you may request to mark it by administration.

9 years ago

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Well, there is the possibility of reporting him, hoping he gets banned for it, and then reroll for banned person, but if it's an old infraction (and support did not mention it in their reply) then the temp-ban was probably already served...

9 years ago

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I ask for rerolls even if the person broke a rule 1 year ago. Some people get away for a long time without getting caught.
Ask for a reroll and let the CG minion decide :P

edit: oh, your reroll got denied? Then give the game or accept a not-received.

9 years ago

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Don't want to sound mean but there is a saying in my country. Look at yourself before looking at someone. What I'm trying to say is that you have no right to say that his ratio is horrible because yours is abysmal. Mine is not good at all but that's not the point.

9 years ago

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Sorry for being greedy in the past ;-;

I've learned though and will try to give more games in the future

9 years ago

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Im glad to hear you were approved for a reroll :)
Sorry if I came out too harsh or something. (Psst, I might do a giveaway today so watch out for a secret link later ;)

9 years ago

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You know nothing John Snow

9 years ago

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Nothing you can do if the re-roll is denied, unless you don't mind having a not received mark against you. If you are concerned about the person just blacklist them so they can't enter any more of your giveaways.

9 years ago

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If the person has never been punished for it before, you can still get a re-roll, but if the person has already served their time, you'll have to give them the game.

9 years ago

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When this happens to me, I usually create a support ticket (normal user report, not reroll request). If it's not answered within 7 days, or if suspension has been served, I send the gift.

9 years ago

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You could just go ahead and request a reroll. Support will tell you if he has already served his punishment. When you're lucky he hasn't and you will be granted your reroll.
User reports are treated with much less priority than reroll requests, so you will rarely get an answer for those.

9 years ago

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I know :-) I do that only when an unactivated win is more than a month old (this is how I understand the rule, but I may be wrong).

9 years ago

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Yes, I think I understood you right the first time round. By doing this you might actually let slip some rulebreakers through with their thing.
This rule works as follows: if the infraction has not been punished yet, you will get your reroll and the rulebreaker will get his punishment, no matter how long ago it happened.
If he has been punished already but the infraction happened within the last four weeks, you will be granted your reroll nonetheless.
Always go ahead and ask for a reroll (excpet the infraction happened years ago and you can be quite sure the punishement has already been served, because the person was active and has won a lot of games from other active members, so you know at laest one of them has requested a reroll beforehand), there is nothing to loose, and you have your answer within minutes to hours.

9 years ago

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I thought the "one month delay" rule was a way for support to reduce the amount of tickets that are handled in priority, that's why I went that way. I'm not happy with letting a rule breaker claim another undeserved prize, you can be sure of that :)
By the way, here's what support told me on a related ticket:

The suspension was already served and his latest infraction didn't occur during the last month, so his entry is still valid.

I guess it means that someone already suspended (suspension served) for a less-than-one-month-old infraction would still get rerolled.

9 years ago

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I guess it means that someone already suspended (suspension served) for a less-than-one-month-old infraction would still get rerolled.

That's exactly what I wrote up there ^^

9 years ago

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That's exactly... why I need another coffee (3 PM here, my case is hopeless I think ^^) !

9 years ago

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:) Cheers!

9 years ago

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Just go ahead and request a reroll. Support will tell you if he has already served his punishment. When you're lucky he hasn't and you will be granted your reroll.

9 years ago

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I've requested the reroll, I'll see how it goes. Thanks guys :D

9 years ago

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wow just as soon as I said that Support approved my reroll. That was quick XD

9 years ago

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It seems the current system is you get away with breaking the rules "until someone notices" - and if nobody notices for a month, you are ok.

I believe there should be a automated activation check when the user enters their first GA after winning. Until their account passes that check - they cannot enter another GA. I'm sure this would "encourage" users to activate their won games ASAP. (Of course there would have to be a whitelist for games/dlc that cannot be detected - but that would be the exception).

Now if only someone had developed a way to check steam activations.....

9 years ago

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You make giveaway.
I won.
You send me game after 2 days.
Does that mean I can't enter giveaways for 2 days?

You can activate won game ASAP, however what if something goes wrong and creator can't send it ASAP.

9 years ago

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No - At the point you get the code - or the gift is marked as sent, is when the system would expect you to activate the game. Obviously you would not be able to activate the game - if the key or the gift were not available to you.

The system would check for activation when it believes the game could be activated (ie. you have received what you need).

If the gift or key is not sent for 2 days - then obviously the system cannot check if you have activated it yet (and would not expect it - or restrict entries).

It's just an idea - a workflow that I think would be more consistent that the current system.

9 years ago

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yes but you get the code after 2 days, this system would be completely flawed

9 years ago

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The need to check for activation doesn't occur until AFTER the gift is sent or the key is sent.

So for the 2 days when there is no gift or no key - there is no activation check (obviously). Once the key or gift is sent - THEN you have to add it to your steam account - and THEN an activation check would be done when you try to join your NEXT GA.

I could draw it out on a flowchart - or whatever, I think you need to read it again, paying attention to the sequence of steps.

  1. Win
  2. GA Creator goes on a Ski trip holiday for 48 hours.
  3. Winner continues to enter GAs
  4. GA Creator sends Key or Gift (This flags that an activation is now expected)
  5. Winner Activates Game (with Key or Gift)
  6. Winner Enters another GA (Activation check happens in background - to check that game was added to account)
  7. GA entry proceeds successfully (Activation flag reset - so no more checks are needed until next GA win).
  8. Profit.
9 years ago

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I remembered, I had similar idea several months ago, but later realized it is useless, and current 7 day system is best.

If key/gift doesn't work, then you'll have to wait until creator puts working key/gift, which you don't know when it's going to happen, it takes time, at that time you'll be unable to enter giveaways, here's another problem now, people will complain they missed their favorite/wishlist game giveaway, so that's why it's flawed.

9 years ago

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I disagree, I think the current system is best.

"No - At the point you get the code - or the gift is marked as sent, is when the system would expect you to activate the game. "

You clearly know that incidents happen, either when creator doesn't send it for days, be it even minutes of hours, or key/gift just not always work, mistakes happen.

You shouldn't be restricted to enter giveaways just because of that.

Imagine this scenario, a creator has sent you key, then he/she went offline for next weekends, but key doesn't work, be it either zone restricted, duplicate or whatever doesn't matter, be it gift which is zone restricted, or just not working, you shouldn't be punished by not being able to enter giveaways because of that.

9 years ago

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What about if check for activation is postpone for 7 days, so you can enter GAs. But i don't like it...
As you say current system is best for now.

9 years ago

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What's wrong with a "bad" ratio? This is steam gifts. If we all had 1-1+, this would be steam-random-trades instead.

9 years ago

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In this case nothing. He is new here but when you see someone 3 years account with 600+ games won and 8 games given and have AAA titles in library, i don't know for you but for me it look bad.

9 years ago

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