man You need to have in your power the games you will give away
so you must buy it
all the people you see here bought the games they are giving away as gifts and then sent the games to the winner = /
As I understood he thinks the games he gives appear out of nowhere = P
thinks he can give away free hahaha
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I don't know where you are seeing that you can create 3 giveaways.
As far as I know you can create a giveaway for any game you want to. You need to actually be capable of giving the game away, however, which should go without saying.
It seems you understand mostly how it works since you are giving away a copy of Dota 2, right?
Read the FAQ once more.
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You have a limit on how many giveaways you can create simultaneously. The limit is established based on the percent of games received by users.
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He doesn't have dota2. So its extremely unlikely he will be able to give it.
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You are permitted to do 3 giveaways at the same time. Yes, if you want to give away a game you first have to buy it.
And I recommend you read the FAQ again more carefully. It has everything you need to know to understand how the site works.
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bro, this is steamGIFTS you are supposed to have the GIFT before making a GIVEAWAY. Like they say, this is not a warehouse, and the list is only to reflect what game you currently HAVE for GIVING AWAY. So I advice you to contact the admin and have your Dota 2 giveaway removed before people report you and you have your account banned.
Next time read and investigate further BEFORE even making one.
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Great, love the community on steam.... I really, truly, honestly love you! Not ONCE did it happen that I come across a normal person who would just help me with a normal, positive answer.
Tbh, you're worse then WoW players... Much, much worse
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I'm not sure how a WoW player can be worse than a WoW player, but ok.
edit: Sir, you are rejected.
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At this very thread there were people who answered your question normally. Don't worry about some people on the internet, many like to use sarcasm just to have fun, if you don't care about it and try to participate in the community maybe tomorrow you will be the one making fun of them when they eventually slip. Everybody does. :)
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Don't worry, give me a few more months of internet lurking and I will soon be doing things for the lulz. x)
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I was nice as can be in my posts, bud, and gave you straight up answers that gave you the benefit of the doubt.
My first advice was to read the FAQ, which expressly states that you need to be able to give the games you want to giveaway- as asinine as that sounds it seems some users need that.
That being said, most people here are being assholes and should really just ignore the thread and let this resolve amicably as it would have. Not taking the blame away from you for not reading the FAQ, but definitely others should just refrain from posting in threads that irk them.
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Your profile picture is SO FCKNG RELEVANT! It is so relevant I cannot stress it anymore
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Anyways, I contacted support and they sorted it out. I thought that I can give away one game FOR FREE since I'm the new member and I wanted it to be DotA2 cuz so many people wants it.
After all the negative attitude here, I'm really sorry to even think about creating that giveaway. I didn't want that game for myself anyways...
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You made the giveawa before you asked. Playing the "EVERYONE IS A JERK" card while you have yet to fully understand how things work around here is truly amazing. Besides if you found your way into the forums, the FAQ would be what you would click and read before making a thread asking. These are things you could have done to prevent embarrassment to yourself.
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Indeed I do think that people overreact a bit with these questions, but seriously, your question has an obvious answer, just have a basic knowledge and if you know english you should be able to understand it perfecly.
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I'm baffled how so many people think they can giveaway games without having them. I just don't get the logic, do they believe Steam or some random person is paying 100's of thousands of dollars with all the games that have been given away here?
I honestly don't intend to be rude but.... where do you think the game is going to come from?
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Good question, outside of free games and those from various Indie Bundles which I thought didn't count his account only values $30....
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Heh, don't worry about all the trolls. Just try not to feed them too much. ;3
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I just joined this site and noticed that I have 3 giveaways available. Do I have to buy those games if I start a giveaway now?
Or are they 3 free games that I can just GIVE AWAY?
Anyone knows?
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