This account has the most games in all Steam.
At the moment, this Chinese has 22576 games registered.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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There was some Steam event a couple years ago when 10 (100?) lucky participants got their top 10 wishlisted games at the end, and one lucky participant got all games on Steam. Perhaps this is that user.

4 years ago

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But did they get all games for forever or just all games from back then?

4 years ago

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I have no idea. Technically it can be any of the two, either adding all available packages at that point of time, or just activating this kind of pack for the user:

4 years ago

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That was an awesome event (the first?), you had a chance to win a charcoal (do nothing, it's just a ticket for the prizes) or win games. I wasn't playing the event everyday but I won 3 great games (and I discovered the wonderful Dreamfall games thanks to Valve prizes).

4 years ago

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And don't forget the 8-hour flash deals regulating sleep schedule - you either had to wait for the next ones to start prior going to sleep, or jump up at some possibly inconvenient time to catch the end of them.

4 years ago

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Oh, that's one who gave in and allowed himself to be consumed by the backlog, who gave up on the mortal concept of owning games to play them and became one with the ever expanding mass of digital stuff. A.K.A. that's a collector.

4 years ago

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A living embodiment of warning, that when you stare at your backlog, your backlog stares back right at you...

4 years ago

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Or maybe they did it right by ridding themselves of the temptation to buy more games to add to the backlog. It's like techie billionaires always wear the same clothes to not waste time on useless decisions. If you already own all games there is never a need to wonder if to buy or not.

4 years ago

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That's an interesting angle I hadn't thought about. But somehow I doubt that to be the case.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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He's Gaben beloved dad xD

4 years ago

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Dang, his game library is even unloadable xD

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Even the "tile" cache for the new library should be 12-13 gigabytes for him (the images in Steam\appcache\librarycache).

4 years ago

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That also happens with way smaller libraries. I cannot load my own games list. Haven't been able to do it for years. It always crashes my browser or the Steam webhelper. xD

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You can use to check huge libraries. I was able to check yours. It loads way faster than Steam. Works better on Chrome than Firefox imo.

When you enter the url you want to check you'll probably get an error that says "Oh noze... Not loading or showing any items..." I think it's trying to load the list in the background and if it's not done loading within a few seconds it always shows that error. Just wait a bit and then refresh the page. It seems like the bigger the library the longer you have to wait before refreshing. If you have a library with like 10K games you might have to wait a minute or two then reload and it'll show up.

4 years ago

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Steamcaltulator (or any other website that uses SteamAPI to download games) are not accurate in the first place, as SteamAPI does not show Profile features limited games.

So if you really want to confirm someone does not own a game - you need to check /all games tab manually.

4 years ago

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What does "profile features limited" games mean?

So how do we check someone's library if they have so many games it crashes the browser or client when you do it through Steam?

4 years ago

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Basically all new games have this tag till they "prove" to steam they are not trash copy-pasta. When tag is active those games are not visible on /all games tab, do not give card, do not show achievements, do not count towards total number of games visible on the profile.

So how do we check someone's library if they have so many games it crashes the browser or client when you do it through Steam?

Checking user profile is the only way. Even if it crashes browser 3 times and takes 20 min. Which is always fun for support.

Alternatively you can add user (or already have them) on your Steam friend list, and try to buy said game to them. "Already owns it" text will be visible next to their avatar on gifting page. It is also only way to check if someone owns DLC (as those are not visible on /all games page at all most of the time).

4 years ago

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I see. That's good to know. So if the game you're checking is not profile feature limited then using a 3rd party site to scan would be ok?

4 years ago

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Yes. You also need to see if game you look for still has Steam Store page. If not - it means it was removed from Steam, and will not be visible on user profile. It only stays visible in user library.

4 years ago

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If your browser doesn't at least have a minor heart attack every time you load your library you're playing the Steam meta game wrong :P

4 years ago

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I'm kind of disappointed that someone with that amount of games (money) doesn't have a unique profile picture

4 years ago

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Такая фишка)

4 years ago

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Never thought someone would overtake Kongzoola any time soon

Most Games on Steam Ladder

4 years ago*

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Kongzoola lost his number 1 spot nearly a year ago :)

4 years ago

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THAT blows my mind even further..

Until recently I did not t even check , cuz..I thought he would be by far on top ...
Guess I was teached a lesson here again, to take nothing as granted.

dann haste ja bald teddy im sack oder ;)

4 years ago

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Zu deinem PS:
Seitdem er sich umbenannt hat, taucht er bei Steamladder nicht mehr auf oO

Reale Zahlen kenne ich nicht. Bei mir steht bei SteamDB 14xxx und beim Freibär 17xxx. Dafür steht bei mir bei Steamladder 17xxx und es gibt keinen Freibär mehr. Die reale Zahl bei mir inklusive F2P uswusf liegt bei 23991 laut Steam Library. Freibär dürfte daher realistisch bei 28xxx oder so liegen.

Alles ein Ratespiel momentan, da keines der Tools mehr verlässliche Zahlen liefert.

4 years ago

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Ja stimmt, removed & F2P games machen es schwer korrekte Zahlen zu finden.
20.543 games listed
Total number of Steam games owned: 20,514.

Kann man nur die Steamzahlen direkt nehmen?
Wäre schon nice wenn die von Valve da was anbieten könnten.

Erstmal weiterhin gute Jagd auf die Spiele und Teddy, bleib dir auch auf den Fersen ;)

4 years ago

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Danke dir :)
Ist für mich übrigens weder eine Jagd noch ein Wettbewerb. Wir Sammler müssen doch alle zusammenhalten :)

4 years ago

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Gut gesagt ;)

Ich bin einfach nur addicted xD

4 years ago*

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this guy is like me but to an extreme. Owns tons of games but loves to play f2p games like dota 2

4 years ago

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The thought of having this many games gives me a bit of anxiety. Keeping track of my 250 games feels like a lot as it is.

4 years ago

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I'm approaching 700 and that is starting to give me major stress. I started hiding games if I know them to be junk which has helped a little.

What happens if Steam ever stops? This library will just vanish and then what about all the games I've yet to play?

(obviously I'm a hoarder at this point, stockpiling cool looking games for the day I retire. Of course by that point, my eyes will have failed, my reflexes will have dimmed, I probably will have arthritis in my fingers)

4 years ago

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i'm pretty sure i read on steam that if they ever go under, you do get to keep all your games. i suppose they'd have to remove the steam drm first.

edit: one result i found. there are many more if you google it.

4 years ago

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that's comforting, thanks!

4 years ago

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Game count is still thing? I have 2k smth but its just what i collected in time of trades, activated all shits i never wanted and was usless to trade (so i can still activate tons coz here is lot of games that nobody want). I actually have lot of good games but i play like 3 and one of them is f2p :D

4 years ago

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You are a trader, so that's to be expected :D

4 years ago

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Yeah but i asking myself whats that good for.. look i have 10k games... shrug ...
same as am not impressed by 2k€ CSGO skin... hm skin, 2k worth of texture, hm :D

4 years ago

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You can always give the games up, there's no shame in that :D
When i stopped playing dota i got stuck with tons of 1c worth garbage... At least CS:GO items are worth something...
Always look at the positive side :)

4 years ago

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Real number of games on SonixLegends account should be about 7k to 10k higher if he also owns profile limited and removed games. I guess the real number is above 30k.
Neither SteamDB nor Steamladder can count those games, so the real numbers are way higher than reported.

4 years ago

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Yeah that can be annoying, there's never accurate data.
At least that "feature" allows me to lie to myself telling me that I haven't gotten through the 4k threshold yet, it lowers the anxiety if only a bit.

4 years ago

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calculates at least
Total number of Steam games owned: 25,887.

Stil removed games are not valued

4 years ago

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I'm gonna check that when I'm back home (don't want to risk crashing my phone), might be interesting.
Thanks for the tip :)

4 years ago

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Here are your stats.
Total number of Steam games owned: 3,844.

4 years ago

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and he has still over 7k games wishlisted

4 years ago

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>own 1k games
> see this dude profile

View attached image.
4 years ago

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damn son his account value is 204678$ XD

4 years ago

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Total value of Steam game collection today: $215,612.70 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 25,887.

4 years ago

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22576 games, plays only Dota 2.
I doubt he plays Dota 2 though, obviously 5k hours spent on purchase and revision of skins.

4 years ago

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And I can't even reach 5000...

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Give that man a cookie

4 years ago

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Well there's something I didn't know I would be interested knowing, lol.

4 years ago

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wow, he looks like a total winner. 🙄 no wonder people still +1 their libraries like mad to be as awesome as him.

4 years ago

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if i had to guess i'd say that account has the following options:

  1. more than one person uses it.
  2. that account belongs to someone filthy rich.
  3. that account belongs to someone over 35 years old.

has to be at least one of the above imo.

4 years ago

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Maybe 2,3)

4 years ago

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