According to my basic info. laptops CPU are way less powerful desktop CPU.The same goes for GPU.I don't really know the "technical" reason behind this but i know for sure that most laptops tend to stick with Intel core i7 brand for "marketing" purposes.
Check the link below for a comparison between your CPU & Intel Core i5 3470
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Ok, thanks for the link. What I got from the webiste is that my CPU is about the same as the i5 for desktops, with the ever so slight better performance if a game can use all of the cores. But, if a game can only use one core, than it performs worse than the i5 for desktops.
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By the last 3 generations intel just improved some minor points on their cpus and relaunched it with lesser consume and WOW 5% increase performance! a well thats the average info, but the thing is if you using a 2nd or 3rd generation cpu you would have some minimal gains migrating to a gen 5, 10%~15% it is not all that gain, i do have friends who play games like gta V and witcher 3 on a I7 2nd gen and have no troubles, the only IF is that they have ssdยดs on the laptops.
And as has been said, desktop cpus will be always more powerfull than mobile ones, because battery, so only if you think you machine is too old or not playing well i would recommend an upgrade, try a ssd, give it a boost of memory if you dont have 8gb and only after that think about change it.
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Ok, thank you. I did know that desktop CPUs perform better than Laptop CPUs, but I guess I should have clarified that my laptop (so far) performs all of my games just fine. I guess I just worded the original post wrong. My laptop is fine, it still gets past the minimum specs, so I do know I need to upgrade soon (hopefully a desktop), but I just wanted to know what my CPU is capable of.
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About upgrade to a desktop, it would do wonders to your gameplays, but again even if its a desktop or a laptop, having a good quad core(like amd 7850k or an i5/i3+gtx 950), with at least 4gb ram(8gb is much better) and a decent ssd or a very good hdd is enough to play 90% of the games you see on the market, the other 10% well you will need a very good gpu to do so.
About witcher 3: amd a8 6600k+260x+8gb+128gb samsung evo = Witcher 3 playing at 1080p 45~50fps and everything on high, my machine, and more hours of gameplay than i would like to admit, but your laptop could play it on the minimum i think.
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I made a topic about this in a Steam group lately and I think I even used the same headline. Will stalk the thread, don't close it. Might help me as well, although I have a way crappier CPU, but with 3,2 GHz.
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There is no other way to know other than trying. Your CPU seems great, among the lines of a desktop i5, according to some basic comparisons. However, to really see if it performs well in GTA5 or TW3,, you should get one of them on Steam. If they don't work well you can get a refund. Also, you should look into turbo boosting the CPU if the clock speed worries you. Finally, maybe look into an SSD as well, it could improve the performance of everything on your computer. Getting a 256GB SSD made my i3 2nd gen laptop seem new a year ago. What GPU are you using?
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Define run?
Can it run things? Absolutely. Will you find them playable? Another matter entirely.
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I'm being totally serious. I pre-ordered Witcher 3 before the requirements where even announced knowing there was little chance my laptop could run it. I tweaked the settings as low as possible and even deleted all the grass/trees and still only got 8fps and I beat the game with no less enjoyment then when I replayed it after building a PC. Not everyone needs 4K resolution and 120+ fps to enjoy a game. That's just the most recent example, there have been other games I've had to butcher to run.
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I have almost the same CPU, it's enough for gaming, in fact, its' enough for anything you'll ever do on a laptop :)
The question here is, what GPU do you have? The mobile CPU is very good, so the GPU is probably your weakpoint. It's mine at least.
I saw you got the Gt650m above, which is the same as mine. I can play heavily modded and optimized Skyrim (no ENB) at 40 FPS at high-ish settings, main issue on this one is VRAM. I've seen that Total War Attila only runs at 10-20 fps min settings though :(
It will definitely run GTA V, my 40fps guess is medium settings.
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I use my crappy laptop to game. It has recently been brought to my attention the specs of my laptop may not be as up to date as i thought, and while I do know the answers to my GPU, and my RAM, i need help with my CPU. I currently have an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40 GHz. What I don't know is what exactly this means. I know that I can basically play games that require 2.30ish GHz or less, but can it run games that require more GHz on a past generation processor? For example, can it run (I'll use GTA V's recomended specs) Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHz, since its a generation behind the i7? Until now I always assumed that "oh I have an i7 I'll be fine". Thanks.
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