Indie Gala now Beat the average.

Hey guys, i have a question it may sound dumb, just don't troll me.

Beating the average is matching the average or higher isn't it?

SO say the average was $10 and I payed $10 would I get the bonuses?

12 years ago*

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it's so hard to add 1 cent?I mean if it's 10$ why you can't do 10,01$?

12 years ago

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That's not what IM saying, in the rush of getting it I put the average. Is that a problem. And yes, considering I can barely afford it. It is hard to add 1 cent. Ok?

12 years ago

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It clearly says 9,4 or more, 1-5,38 and so on

These are the price ranges.

12 years ago

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The it says, beat the average a receive all 11.

12 years ago

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Look under the game/album icons:

  1. The Carebear Bundle: 3 GAMES AND 3 ALBUMS FOR JUST $1.00 - $5.33!
  2. The Big-Saver Bundle: 5 GAMES AND 6 ALBUMS FOR JUST $5.34 - $9.33!
  3. The Epic Gala Bundle: 11 GAMES AND 7 ALBUMS FOR JUST $9.34 OR MORE

Can't go wrong, really.

12 years ago

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It doesn't say "beat the average get all 11" it says "Beat the average and get the full pack!". I've E-Mailed them about it (before the prices under the bundles were dynamically altered) and they said their sorry about the confusion and they're fixed the price tags and will alter/remove the ambiguous beat-the-average message.

12 years ago

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I paid exactly 4 USD and got Big Saver bundle. I orientated myself by the price ranges indicated on their web-site.
UPD Oooh I see how it works now. Tough pricing. Well I "think" you can pay the lowest number in the range and still get everything. Worse come to worst - you can now increase your amount via their web-page (like HB/IR).

12 years ago

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Increase my amount? Meaning pay again?

12 years ago

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why not it's for chairty? give the other to a friend.

12 years ago

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Rather "add". So, for instance, if you pay whatever you can afford now and later you see you did not get everything you wanted - you could pay more (again, yes) - this amount will be added to your initial payment and the total will (most probably) give you the access to what you want. At least that is the way it works with HB. You will add the amount via the web-page they give you (which would already contain whatever you paid for in Indie Gala).

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Brinko54.