Probably yes since it costs only 0.75 USD in CIS RU Region (49 rubles). this equals a discount of 97.5 % compared to US standard price and the CV you would get here.
So any discount higher than 95 % compared to US standard price will go to the bundle list. Question is only when.
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Kind of irrelevant. The Russian price still qualifies it for the list.
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It doesn't depend only on sale but oin combined sale discount % and cheapest region store discount %. For example if the game went on 90% sale but it's only 30% cheaper in russia, combined discount would be 93%, which is less than 95% and it wouldn't be bundled. On another hand Evil Within is 76% cheaper in Russia, so even with 85% sale combined discount is 96,5% - so bundle list it goes.
As for your main question - as Amnesia is also 75% cheaper in russia it will be ~97.5% discount, so bundle list.
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Dang, and there goes my motivation to giveaway games this sale.
Thanks for the very detailed explanation, sir.
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if your main motivation for making GAs is getting maximum CV the lowest cost - you're doing it wrong ;) And yeah - if you care about your level you will be dissapointed - things will drop in price, be retro-bundled and so on - just keep giving for other reasons - because you feel like it, for forum or chat community, because you like puzzles, because you're part of some awesome groups, because you want to do sth nice for your whitelist friends etc and just consider CV/level as a bonus you get along the way instead of sole reason to make GAs ;)
Levelling up should never be a motivation of making giveaways as it only leads to drama further the line :(
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there are waaaay more GAs on low levels than there are on 5+ and especially 8+ - it changed a little bit thanks to what Valisorie started, but it's still the case. And if you want to grind to lvl 8 for example just to have a chance to win this one GA that will still be max 1-2% - you're much better just buying the game yourself than spending XX times it's price for GA making ;)
And as for all decent GAs baing locked - just an example - what is the hottest game there is right now? I guess it will be FO4. So I searched for it - - excluding group GAs I can see 3 GAs for lvl 0, 1 GA for lvl 1 and only 1 GA for lvl 7. Sure the lvl 7 GA will have much better chances BUT there are 80% of gAs for FO4 that are widely avaiable so it's hardly "locking" them to lvl X+.
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Well, drama is only made when people start it. Haha.
While I agree on that reasoning of yours, I have a certain personality to make every action worth the trouble.
Though, it's not that I always giveaway games for CV reasons, it's still a huge part that makes me motivate on giving away games.
Anyways, since I feel like it, welcome to my whitelist, sir!
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well, thank you ;3
and sadly around here anything can start drama, whether you like it or not - for example you made this topic, then here can come someone who bought 5 copies of Amnesia to boost his level and starts drama-ranting. Even if you yourself didn't intend to start any drama, the overall attitude of caring about levels rather than giving itself can cause the outburst from any discussion participant ;)
Anyway - at least now you'll know how to check games for bundle probability (adding discounts) - just keep in mind that even this can be not enough- because there can also be things like keystores (007 Legends) or stackable coupons (Talos Principle) that may lead to game getting bundled even if your discount calculations show less than 95% discount.
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The Evil Within is in there now? Wow, nearly ordered an additional physical copy to make a giveaway out of this past week for £4.99 ('bout $7.50 US). Glad I didn't.
This weak Russian currency is causing carnage.
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Every game will be bundle game. The future is clear.
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Yeah.. I'm not sure I like that great games that are only available for a crazy low price in one part of the world would get put in the bundled list for everyone else.
I dunno, maybe SG can make it so that you can only give a region-restricted giveaway on a region where you live so that the CV can't be exploited everywhere..
I dunno..
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not really a good idea - people can move, change locations - I live in Poland now, but in a year - idk, I may live in UK for example. But my Steam account would still be bound to Polish region with new steam account rules, and I'd still be buying games from polish keystores from time to time and some of them would be locked and I'd like to make locked GA. Same may go to Russian - he can move from Russia, but can still have Russian steam account, as most games has activation lock but not playlock.
Also while your idea would prevent it from being widely exploited - Russians would still be able to exploit it. And it would make things even less fair - cause then ppl from cheap regions would be the only ones able to boost CV with cheap games, while you or me for example couldn't.
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like I said - setting Germany as an example is a bad idea due to their censorship laws. I do not live in Germany so I don't know exactly what they can and cannot do, but like I said - it's an exception.
Also keep in mind that account being locked to your original region is a recent change Valve implemented just a few years ago. So for example if what you're reffering to happend a year ago it's no longer valid as things changed. And I know for a fact that nowadays these changes do work - a group friends, one of the fellow SteamGifters is originally from China. Recently he moved to Singapore. Singapore has it's own Steam Store currency - Singapore Dollar. But as his account is bound to China, even while living in Singapore now, he has access to Chinese Store, can buy games from it for chinese prices etc.
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really - how many times should I repeat myself? GER-MA-NY. EX-CEP-TION. CEN-SOR-SHIP-LAWS.
here, even found you Steam's own Support Update:
Your country is now part of your Steam account, so no matter where you travel, you'll see the store in your country's prices and be able to make purchases as you would normally.
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Won't that make it easier to implement then since your account will forever stay Polish? So you can either make global giveaway or Polish-locked giveaway even when you're in UK?
And yeah, but it's still gonna be 85% off the base Russian price where only RU/CIS can activate it, and doesn't take into account any other regional pricing. It's still going to be 85% off there.
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ok then another obvious argument - I'm not in Russia, I'm in PL or UK or wherever - due to your idea I cannot make RU region locked GA, but thanks to that I understand if I make The Evil Within ROW GA I will get full Cv instead of bundle CV? Then I just trade for RU copy of the game for cheap, make ROW private GA for it and invite only russians into it - and I get full 60$ CV this way :D:
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Actually, if you move to the UK and get a payment method there, you will be able to bound your account to the UK.
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I totally feel you.
And while of course you shouldn't only gift to get higher level, come on people, of course that's something people will want to know beforehand, especially if they're tight on money.
It's no different from going out to buy a gift for a friend and later on getting told that you could have gotten the deluxe version somewhere else for even less money, you simply feel cheated. It doesn't take away from the nice thought behind it though.
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I'm just wondering if it will (though the chances of it being included is damn high) since it was just updated earlier in the list that "The Evil Within" went in even though it is only 85% off, while "Amnesia: Memories" isn't listed yet at 90% off. I would like to hear your opinions.
Thanks and here is the obligatory giveaway.
z J Z C C
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