Let the carnage begin!!!!!!!!!
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Mmm, honestly, I probably don't deserve it. I've sunk hours upon hours upon hours into Civ III and Civ IV and would certainly like to try out Civ V though.
What I think you should do though is, given what this website is, continue this thread as you have it posted, but rather than choosing a single person to give the game to, you should select several people you think potentially deserve it and make a private giveaway and allow them to all have a shot at it. Or even better, just make a small group and add them to it and make it a group giveaway so you don't have to worry about the potential for the giveaway being leaked as you can have it so only you can invite people. I think it'd be more fun that way, personally.
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Honestly I think you'll find yourself in that situation. While there will be many people that very obviously don't take this seriously, there will be those few that give a passionate response. Each of those responses will be so unique to each person that trying to pick between them would be very much difficult.
I know your rules are already made, but the more serious people probably wouldn't mind a minor change, and would probably appreciate the little extra chance at it. I don't know if you saw it, but when I did my "Pick a Game" thread a while back I updated the rules a few times while it was going on, though admittedly it was mostly just me rewording the existing rules to be more clear and increasing the size of the font since many people weren't reading them.
Anyway, this is just my two cents. Regardless of what you do, thanks for the generosity, the Civilization games I've played are great great fun, so I've no reason to believe Civ V wouldn't be the same.
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Agree with the private giveaway option.
Love Civ series. Include me in a private giveaway if you like, but dont pick me to win outright. Im sure others deserve to win moreso then I do.
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OMG SIV V shitty...!! i think ths person dont hv Turn base Expr... !!
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actually this is one of the first times im actually going to attempt wining a game , and if i do win this would be the first time i play civilization v, i deserve i am taking time and effort to win lol , pretty much
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Being a student, I don't always have money to spend on games (most of the games I have are bundles or sales) and some friends of mine have been playing multiplayer for a while but I have no copy. I used to play Civ II back when I was younger but don't have it on my Steam. I may not actually 'deserve' it but I really would like to get the copy. Thanks for the chance and challenge.
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I want it, but i probably don't deserve it, as I can't do anything right in my life, and why should i deserve something if I fail at everything. I have a good life, just like 99% of the people on this site, and in all honesty, do any of us DESERVE to win a free game? Probably not, but its always nice to hope. and maybe one day, we will all win a civ 5 in the end. :D
But if I HAD to say why I "deserve" it, I'd say its because im generally a good person, and I loved the fourth game, although I only got to play it a few times at a friends house. It was fun, and civ 5 got TONS of good reviews, so it would be awesome to get.
And with that, I conclude my failure of a post. :(
And congratulations to who ever wins this awesome game from this awesome guy.
Good day.
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I have many strategy based war games, but I am still searching for THE ONE. The one that will steal hours and hours of life from me to play it. I'm not a very gaming person, but if I find something I like... I really seriously play the s*it out of it.
I enjoy the genre a lot, but I just can't like most things I play on that genre. I would still like to try that one and see how it goes, and well... who knows?
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Well I do love strategy games,but those I love and play are very old titles like Empire Earth or Age of Empires.Been playing these as a child and even now I still spend hours in them.I have almost all their titles;Empire Earth 1,2,Age of Empires 1-3 and even their Gold Editions. I'd love to play a newer strategy game too but it's just out of my price range :(
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Giggity Giggity Goo, I want that game :"(
We all only live once dont we ? Why not make me happy and let the rest die.
Cant you see, these tears that comes out of my eyes is for that game ?
I mean come on here I sit and type this for your pleasure.
You want to read all our posts, You are the boss that throws bread on the floor and think we must play Hunger games. (bread is the Game)
So it looks like only one can win.
Im not like the other people, ok maybe I am, dont know what else to type. Hmmmmmm.......
Oh well Let the Hunger Games BEGIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have been a hardcore Civ fan since CivIII. Strategy games are at the least 2nd on my list of favorite games to play. I put so many hours into CivIV before I got a new computer, and I have been playing CivIII for a while. (but man, is it hard) I think I have upwards of 100+ hours on CivRev for the iPhone. I think what is great about CivV, is that it really helps players that aren't experts get into the game. (which is why civIII is terribly hard) I haven't won anything on SteamGifts yet, and i'd be oh so very appreciative for the game.
I think it's really cool that you're doing this.
Cheers! - Garrett
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I really want to play Civilization V. You have no idea how many hours I sunk into other Civ games and Age of Empires before Steam came around. Heck, I still play strategy games: for example, I love Tropico 4. Civ V has been in my wishlist for a long time, and I want to play it because oh my god, online multiplayer Civilization sounds like the most awesome thing ever.
Unfortunately, when the game was on sale, I was on a trip to Israel, and ended up not being able to buy it. Also, I just finished a huge monographic project that got me a spot on a monographic fair that can open a lot of opportunities, and I really want to relax after months of hard work: what better way to do that than on Civ V?
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Hehe, honestly, for me, the thought of playing Civilization against other people is kind of terrifying. I may love the series endlessly, but that doesn't mean I'm particularly good at it haha! I rarely play above the middle difficulty, and even then I'm hit or miss on wins.
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I get a lot of anxiety playing versus games like this. I think I played StarCraft II for a year and played < 50 ladder matches in 1v1. Most of my ladder games were in team battles since I felt less anxious playing with other people on my team.
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I don't know how multiplayer works in Civ V, but it was terrible in the older games. I don't remember which version I tried it...
The idea is great, but then when you think about it, a single player game takes weeks - imagine 4 players; it would be so slow! This will work for some people, but I think for most people it's a no-go.
The multiplayer version I tried was a bit different, though I don't remember it exactly...
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Totally unrelated to gaming, but I decided to grow out my hair (which has only been ~1" long for YEARS) so that I can donate it for Cancer (well not really for Cancer... but to part of a wig for someone who may have Cancer). My mother's friend was diagnosed with Cancer and I can understand how much it would really suck to not only not feel like yourself but to also not look like yourself anymore. It's taking a long time obviously (13 months in so far), and I look ridiculous AND it drives me completely insane... but I'm getting pretty close and I think I deserve something like Civ 5 for this torture I'm putting myself thorough :P
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Mmm, while I don't find it particularly appropriate for you to bring such a sensitive subject into the thread like this, give your mother's friend my best. Cancer took my mother, and I remember one of her happiest moments during the battle was when she got a nice little wig. She very much loved "having" her hair again, and seeing her smile so brightly during such a hard time was a very, very needed uplifting moment for everyone.
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If you've never played any of them I'd recommend looking into Civ IV first. It's a very well made game and it's easier than Civ III mostly due to many many small, yet large(Heh) improvements all around the game.
Also, Civ IV has the most extensive Tutorial I've ever seen in any game, and the game's narrator is the legendary Leonard Nimoy, that alone I think justifies buying the game if you're iffy on it.
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I can't say I deserve it, probably here has a lot of people who really deserve it. What I can say is it I really want this game, I love this kind of game and would like to have a chance to participate.
Anyway I thank for oportunity and generosity, wish good luck for all members that trying to join in this amazing giveaway and I'll wait with faith.
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I played WoW for 4 years and had over 15000 hours in it. I played an Everquest rip off for PS2 before WoW and probably had similar playtime over the same amount of years. I most people would generate as much playtime in a strategy game as an MMO, but even so if he played religiously like that I'd be afraid to know how much time he put into it..
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I really love this game! I'm a major fan of anything strategy (I particularly love turned based strategies) I currently own Total war Shogun 2, Napoleon Total War, King Arthur RPG and greed corp on steam as well as a couple non steam( AoE 2, some C&C, Empire Earth, Dungeon keeper etc) . My favorite is Shogun 2 but unfortunately Shogun 2 crashes constantly so it ruins the experience for me and I've given up on it.
I've had this game on my wishlist for a long while but never really had the money to buy it and its never really been on sale.
I recently played this at a mates house for the first time and it was so much fun! Its so different to any strategy games I've played before and I think its wicked! If I had this game I'd play is so much with him or anyone else. I've also recently been roaming the internet finding every Civ V giveaway on any site and entering, unfortunately I haven't won a copy yet. I'd love to enter this giveaway and snag myself a copy of this great game!
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I watch the debates and make educated political decisions.
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It's over, thanks so much for all your responses, was fun reading through them all. Grats to fbc123 for winning the giveaway I made for some of the most deserving entrants. I wish I had a copy for you all :(
Simple. I have an extra copy of Civilization V and have been unsure with what to do with it--until now. I'd like it to go to someone who will appreciate/enjoy it, so I want you all to tell me why you think that's you. You can write out a reason, sing a song, make a picture, I don't care. As long as you get your message across, it doesn't matter what you do
Having some played time in the older Civ titles or Civ like games on Steam will help your case. If it's apparent by your game library you are a fan of strategy/turn based strategy games that will also help your cause. Having this game on your wishlist before today's date (today being the day I posted this) will work in your favor, as well. There is no need to post this information, I'll take a look at that as well, unless your profile is private.
Whatever you have to post, post it here on this thread. Friending me on Steam won't help your chances, and in fact will most likely hurt your chances of 'winning'. At 11:59 EST October 20th (GMT -5) I'll start reading through all the posts, you can still submit something after that date, and so long as I haven't chosen a winner by the time you submit your entry I'll still examine your submission.
Just so we're all clear, this is a very subjective decision I'll be making, although I'll eliminate certain biases (I won't favor friends or people I know, at least consciously :P). The only other thing to note is that I refuse to choose a winner who has regifted wins or has not claimed wins from SteamGifts.
In the event that I'm unable to choose between entries, I'll make a private giveaway and invite all of those I think deserving but cannot choose between.
tl;dr In reply to this thread, tell me why you deserve Civ V (hint: reading the entire post shows me you are interested in getting the game)
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