Looks good, and I'm really glad it's got a single player mode again. IMO the campaigns for the original Modern Warfare trilogy were always superb (the first Black Ops' as well), and I'm really hoping this is a proper return to form. They were always easily the greatest part about Call of Duty.
People tend to rag on CoD a lot--and there's a lot of justifiable reasons to do so--but man do they tend to really overlook the quality of the single player stories many of the old games had. I feel like even fans do. Very few semi****-grounded FPS games have ever come close. Price, Soap, Ghost, Makarov, Mason, Woods, Roach, Nikolai... All the twists... The voice acting... And even now many years after playing I can still clearly remember a lot of the missions--some truly being unforgettable. I'm sure just about anyone who played through them could.
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To be frank, the stories were just a random Michael Bay movie from the past ten years on steroids:
Random bad guy conspires against the Land of Freedom, the Country of the Whitest Soldiers on Earth, the United States of America, you play as a random white guy who is tasked to travel to a region which is full of very non-white people (preferably Muslims) or Russians, use your zillion-dollar weaponry, drones, and tanks to kill a large number of them while they are armed with sticks, stones, and the occasional pickup truck. I cannot name a single CoD story since CoD4 that couldn't have a "Highly approved by the NRA" stamp on it.
Edit: And to anyone disagreeing, please explain what we see here. :P
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HARD disagree with all of that completely, though I'm not gonna argue. :P Think we prob just have too different tastes, and you seem to judge/value it mostly just through a certain, rather strange lense--a lense I definitely don't share or care for much myself.
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Agreed. I don't even like most single player COD games, but you do seem to look through a lense of skin color and nationality, when that doesn't seem to be the point of the developers. It's a military shooter and the developers are located in the US. Whites are still the majority of USA's population, so it makes sense that most of the game's US military characters are white.
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Are you sure you've played the Modern Warfare games? Please do
[Spoilers] The main protagonists are not even Americans. They're British and Russians, with a very prominent enemy being a U.S General.
Other protagonists include Blacks and Hispanics, and there are very few enemies with 'sticks and stones' if any.
Your link holds no water. I repeat, please play the trilogy...or watch it on Youtube
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Didn't you get the memo? All white skinned people are the same (American), and how dare they as serving soldiers shoot at POOR evil, mass-murdering militants (who happen to have a darker skin tone and different nationality) to rescue civilians (who are totally not of the same skin tone and nationality) 😠
Also how dare CoD with all these non white, muslim(??), totally not diverse villains... It's clear what political(?) message they're trying to make here. Yes. Something about some American gun association and white man good.
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They want to screw up google search so you dont know which Modern Warfare is the one you found. I hate when they do this because finding the old one become much harder. Like Thief and Thief(2014), Doom and Doom(2016) and Wolfenstein to Wolfenstein(2009) etc.
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This reminded me that I've never watched a CoD trailer before. I mean, it looks good. Looks like there will be good setpieces and it'll be another classic CoD popcorn flick.
hope it not bad like iw
Why do people hate Infinite Warfare so much? I mean, yeah, before the game came out, the trailer got randomly disliked into oblivion, but what's the real reason behind it?
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Nowadays it seems that people hate every new game that comes out and when a new one is released they hate it and love the previous one.Most franchises are treated like this, battlefield, call of duty, assassin's creed.
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I don't want to agree with it, but it really starts feeling this way, yeah.
Infinite Warfare was literally the most innovative single-player campaign since Call of Duty 2. Most attention put into visuals, vehicle combat, sidemissions, minor consequences to actions, new gameplay mechanics. Personally I didn't really prefer this game to any of the others, but the genuine vitriol for the game seems way too excessive.
Same went with AC: Origins. "This isn't AC!", followed by a "This is a great breath of fresh air" after release. AC: Odyssey, same thing: "Same thing again?" followed by "Yay, the same thing as Origins, but improved!".
These obviously aren't the same people for the most part. But the size of the mob is too big to have the fans and haters be separate. They obviously overlap. This is only inherent to gaming too. Movies, TV shows and other such media don't have these things happen. At worst it's in certain franchises and smaller fandoms.
An odd phenomenon.
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I would advise to buy it through cdkeys as they have the same price and they are the only third party key that isnt affiliated with developers but i have never heard anyone complaining or being scummed by them.
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The trailer for IW wasn't disliked randomly, I think it was because the MW remaster was a pre-order bonus
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They complained that the only way of getting the remaster was by buying a special edition of another game before it's out.
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It didn't seem like a temp exclusive at the time, the DLC was sold separately for full price, and it was all also after years of everyone getting tired of this franchise, or of the futuristic direction the franchise was taking.
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It got better though. They did not release the original CoD4 DLC pack within the remaster but sold it separately, which generated another outrage that also crashed down partly on Infinite Warfare. And to make it better, they eventually added microtransactions into the CoD4 remaster on top of the paid DLC, even though the original game did not have any.
It was the point where the gamer community, at least for a while, hated Activision-Blizzard more than EA, which is a statement in itself.
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I actually liked Infinite Warfare for what it's worth. It was had a good campaign and decent story + zombies was rad with the 80's retro style
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Or they could've gone with my idea to call it Call of Duty: Peacekeepers. They keep rejecting it, saying something about how CoD:Peace isn't a marketable name. Pfff...
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captain price is back lol , hope it not bad like iw
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