I personally lean towards Horizon, I feel Days Gone has more potential to get cheaper with time.
Haven't played any of them, but I think I've seen more criticism about Days Gone, despite it being a really solid game. So whichever is closer to you, shooting down robot dinos with a bow and arrow in a kind of futuristic world, or ride your motorcycle in the Oregon wilderness with zombies and whatnot around. It mainly depends on what you'd prefer right now.
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Definitely Horizon Zero Dawn for me. I mean, you get to fight robo-dinosaurs instead of banal zombies you've already killed thousand of in other games! I liked Aloy much more than that boring biker jock (or maybe it's just me being more comfortable with playing as a woman). Both are not exactly story-rich, but, once again, Days Gone is just another story about surviving in zombie-apocalypse, HZD is just more original, and there's that sweet feeling of discovery when you explore ancient ruins and find out what's happened to the world.
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Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty story rich I don't know what you're talking about? It also has a lot of grind if you want to do everything though. But HZD's story is one of the more compelling ones, there's also a lot of text/audio to unravel what happened before. I'd say it's one of it's strongest points, fighting robots became boring/annoying quite quickly for me.
Haven't played Days Gone so I can't comment on that.
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Weird, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that. I also play more adventure games and RPG's and still think it's a pretty story rich game unless you compare it to cRPG's or Visual novels or something like that. If you will indulge me, please tell me what you consider a story rich game? I'm very curious. I guess for me learning what happened in the past was the interesting part, I didn't care much about the present day and in that I can agree that the story is more focused on learning what happened in the past then what's going on at the moment.
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They are both kinda mediocre tbh, but definitely Horizon, I encountered game breaking bugs 3 times in Days Gone, 0 times in Horizon.
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Horizon Zero Down for sure. The world they created is great, plot and missions are great. I don't even remember the last time I enjoyed an open-world game this much.
I was looking for a stealth-ish game that I could use bow and arrows when I came across HZD. If you like bow and arrow combat too, you should definitely get this game.
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General consensus is that HZD is better than Days Gone. And SONY agrees:
Horizon Forbidden West
Days Gone 2
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Haven't played days gone, but actually just finished HZD (not including DLC region) three weeks ago and it was really amazing. The story was really interesting and the combat worked pretty well.
I won HZD on SG ๐
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I finished both. And by finishing I mean I completed everything.
Horizon is great game from any angle. It has great original story (i truly liked that main idea) but mainly the way how is it revealing to you - it's always one step in front of you. You always think what this means, why happened that etc. My theories was part of the fun.
And gameplay wise? Just great. If you're open to try every weapon and every ability in the game, not sticking in one style you learn, you will experience absolutely rich combat system where everything has it's purpose. You have to be skilled but smart at the same time. You have to learn how the machines works, that parts means what, etc.
The Ability tree is just what ability should look like. Its not about "this shit gives you 10% hereหand "this shit makes you 10% faster". 90% of the skills gives you real new ways how to play the game. You will learn new thinks how to fight. Just be openminded and try everything what the games give you.
Yep, you can probably use just the bow and shoot to everything but it's much more fun to come up with plan, hide, kill same machines secretly, set some traps, use the environment, tie some flying machines to delay them in the battle, shoot down a weapon of the machine to use it, get your acrobatics involved etc etc etc.
It's also beautiful world full of hidden places which is fun to discover.
Days Gone isn't a bad game, but the story is just pure trash. Seriously. Full of bad acting and cliches. The gameplay loop isn't bad, it can be fun, but it's quite simple. The world (nature) is also beautiful and with HDR, some scenerie are just gorgeous.
I'm now playing the Forbidden West. So far I'm almost in heaven. Almost :)
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HZD. Aloy is about as boring as they come, but the rest of the game is pretty close to perfect. Amazing environments, understated & beautiful music, and the combat is extremely addictive & fun. If you're a completionist, you'll get a little more bang for your buck too.
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Both. Horizon was more successful, but both games are interesting.
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I played both and i enjoyed both as well. If i had to choose i would go with HZD though. More interesting concept imo than DG.
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I liked both but i liked Horizon more, best of luck with your acquisition and i hope you will be able to experience both. :)
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Played both, decent games both, I would pick Horizon
There are some interesting mods out there.
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Uncharted :D
But when it comes to those two, I prefer Days Gone, it really comes down to your own preference of what you like more in a game.
Both are Open-World, both are Action with a bit of Role-Play mechanics, but where they differ are worlds, Days Gone world is closer to our world compared to Horizon, in Days Gone you have human and zombie enemies with modern real weapons, in Horizon you have hybrid of machine and monster enemies :D with slingshot/bow and arrow weaponry.
In Days Gone you have a motorcycle as a vehicle, in Horizon you have machine/monster animal
So it pretty much comes down to what type of game/world you prefer more, both are fun games, but Days Gone suits my taste more.
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Both game for 20-20 euro. I want to play with something, but can't choose.
Which one do you recommend?
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