So, since this happens every time there is a big sale of a game not counted as a "Bundle Game" I figured I would suggest something I think we could all agree on.

Rather than worry about what games need to be on the list, which don't, which sales are "Real Bundles" and which are not; this is what I propose:

1) Remove the bundle list entirely. It has outlived its usefulness as the amount of bundles has skyrocketed. It is also inconsistent as to what counts as a bundle game or not.

2) Limit the contributor value that a member can obtain from any single game to one copy. That means you get full value the first time you gift a game, but no more after that.

ie: Give away Crazy Machines - $10 Contribution Value. Give away 10 copies of Crazy Machines - $10 C.V.

Setting the system up in this way removes any potential for abuse of certain games, while still allowing everyone to give the game away once for full value.

This also "restores" value to older bundle games that people avoid gifting now, like Super Meat Boy or To The Moon. We could see some great games start to be gifted again!

Lastly, this has a side effect of nerfing huge value gains from Developer giveaways and keeps the amount earned for those at a fair level.

Please let me know what you guys think :)

EDIT: OK, so after reading the replies it's clear that this likely wouldn't work well. It would also make quite a few people upset :)

I'll leave the thread up for conversation purposes.

11 years ago*

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I'd just rather see things kept as they are now and just remove games from the bundled list after they haven't been in a bundle for a long time. Limiting getting value for more than one copy is going to cause problems for legit giveaways as well. For instance, I doubt DeltaBladeX's massive Fortix giveaway would have happened to the level it did if we didn't get value for those. Many of the gifters had given Fortix before and a lot of the giveaways were for more than one copy.

11 years ago

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How about people stop worrying about contributor amounts? Point of this site USE to be just to gift games, now its treated like a god damn investment firm. "Well, if I spend 2 dollars on this, I could get 60 dollars in games back". Fuck you people with this mindset.

So sick and tired of seeing these kinds of posts where people want the rules changed to benefit them. Im tired of seeing people who only do private or group giveaways, or a new group that require you gift once a month like a stupid circle jerk. Defeats the entire point of the site when it was created.

11 years ago

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Will you have my babies?

11 years ago

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Amen. The site owners know, however, that contributor value tricks those with a gambling compulsion to invest in the website so they keep giving away games to keep the website alive and, in turn, keep a steady stream of ad revenue flowing. Contributor value is less an actual reward for generosity and more a carrot on a stick.

11 years ago

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Very well said. It certainly works on me. Dastardly Steamgifts admins!

11 years ago

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I still think using "lowest available price ever" instead of "Steam price" would be the best solution to fix those bundle abuse.

11 years ago

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would also fix a majority of legit giveaways that use sales. who wants to give away sleeping dogs now that it's been on sale for $5 before? anyone? silence

11 years ago

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Aren't we here to gift games, not extend e-penis?

Besides, games on typical sales doesn't need to drop their price down, only obvious abuses.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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According to what country and sites?

11 years ago

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Well, best would be steam-gifts forum, since that's where abuses are always reported.

Abuse is reported, price goes down.

11 years ago

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I'v already suggested a decent solution for that problem to the support like weeks ago. Personal user & game banlists would solve the issue.

  • Add users abusing the holes in the system to your giveaway banlist.
  • Add games you think that are exploited/bundle/abused etc to your game banlist so they won't count in contrib value.

Community created bundle/exploited games list which would be updated regularly on a sticky forum thread can be the real solution.

11 years ago

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yes, I'm still hoping for that personal banlist

11 years ago

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So if I guy preorded 10x Bioshock Infinite to give it away he won't get $600 contributors? Seems fair to me...
Or even a known member (koff) that gave a bunch of Skyrim copies.

11 years ago

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this is not bad

11 years ago

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Maybe the only way is that people cant simply make more than one giveaway of those bundles, or a time limit period.
You can use the same game only once every 2 weeks. You will get the full amount the games are valued, bundle or not bundle, but the games on the list cant be giving so often.
That would be for me the best way to stop this. Yes you can give 10 crazy machines game, but it will take you 6 months.
Same with bundles, so you dont get the price lowered but you are limited by how fast you can improve you CV using exploited games.
That Way I dont see people buyinh 20 bundles and waiting so much.

11 years ago

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I like the once per time-period idea. Yes it's true that people could just sit on their bundles and drip-feed them into the system to garner the value. But whatever system is thought up, someone is always going to find the way to abuse it.

Alternatively, add an expiry date to when something gets on the bundle list. If the game hasn't been bundled for 6 months, 9 months (whatever months), then it goes back to being a "normal" game worth full value.

For instance, it hardly seems fair that Penumbra: Overture is still hamstrung as a bundle game when it was only in HiB 1 and 2. Before anyone jumps in, yes I know they could be bought for $0.01, but it is fairly unlikely that people are still sitting on a stockpile of these bundles. I've been through the trades forums to pick up bundles that came out before I was interested in them, so I know how unavailable they are.

Once again though, as soon as the rules are declared, those that seek to abuse will develop a strategy to do just that.

11 years ago

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that's better. probably still rife with CV exploitation but at least that doesn't punish honest people who do repeat giveaways.

11 years ago

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Any changes made now are going to drastically change everyone's current contributor value.

I feel that those who care about it are going to be upset as they probably have the same game given away more than once or that they were "forced" to buy non bundle games, when they could have just waited. Those who don't really care aren't going to be affected by this. The only people who really benefit are those who want a high contribution value, but don't want to spend money to earn it.

11 years ago

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whoa.. now that's talking big. I think any changes made to the system should NOT be retroactive. That makes things way more complex.

11 years ago

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If you want to change it for better, you need to come up with something that doesn't increase CV "inflation", and this idea certainly does. :(

11 years ago

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I like this thread...I will read again later with no beer

11 years ago

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What about a system that automatically checks your gift inventory to see if you are gifting a key or a game?

11 years ago

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Won't work with private profiles.

11 years ago

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Have it tell them to make their inventories public for a second.

11 years ago

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ye, I suggested to this before, make a tickmark for the winner if he received it as a key or a tradeable

11 years ago

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Do you realize how could this be exploited?

11 years ago

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About the same as every other option suggested and currently in use tbh. Though I agree its a crap idea as it has the same problems as the current system he is complaining about and would only add to confusion.

11 years ago

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Also isn't fair to people who buy on sites like GMG, Amazon, and Gamersgate. I buy on Amazon often enough because it's easy for me to get Amazon gift cards.

11 years ago

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Well it would be better than nothing.

11 years ago

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just remove the contribution value system and make this whole site the point bidding site.

11 years ago

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What a great idea. We copy galagib....WOW. Totally a move we need to do here.

11 years ago

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If the concept is "contribution value", actual value should be considered. Example: Super Meat, boy costs, as I write, 14€ (about 18$) on Steam. I think it's unfair to estimate its value according to a bundle that was sold years ago. Obvious solution: lower bundle games value for a fixed timespan after the bundle release. But it'd be open to exploitation (sitting on a key until the period is over), not to mention hard to maintain. The problem is any ruleset will be audited for weaknesses and eventually exploited, in any context. Best solution I can suggest: few, simple rules, Occam's Razor.

In other words removing the contribution system altogether. Private and group giveaways are there anyway for those who don't want to share with the general public.

11 years ago

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I still think my idea is more workable. Instead of having a consistent timespan go random. Completely random. Maybe the value returns in 6 months maybe the value returns in 18 months, heck maybe the value returns in 36 months. But it's completely random. More importantly don't announce it. People find out when they find out.

That's the fairest system I can think of and it's STILL rife with exploitive potential. Because this is the internet and it doesn't matter how long it takes if people figure out that games will eventually come back in CV they'll hold them. Hence as a backup some games won't come back in CV. That said it's probably more complex to set up than the current list system.

11 years ago

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2) Limit the contributor value that a member can obtain from any single game to one copy. That means you get full value the first time you gift a game, but no more after that.


11 years ago

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exactly. If someone wants to get a 50% off sale of say GTA and then gift three copies why should they be limited to CV for one?

there's a phrase about babies and bathwater that applies here. This idea completely kills any incentive to gift a game more than once. While that would be interesting as people start gifting more and more different games it becomes hard work. Gifters have enough work as is.

Maybe I'd be more accepting to that idea if it was diminishing. Like -5%CV for each additional copy. That's more reasonable but it does screw people who do big giveaways.

11 years ago

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I actually like the second idea.

11 years ago

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Hell No! I stopped reading after the second rule! and I'll stop using SG if it comes to rules similar to yours! -_-

11 years ago

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I stopped reading when I saw the length of this.

11 years ago

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So if I give away 5 copies of Bioshock infinite I only would get CV for one of them? Maybe its rare for people to do this but I have seen it and it would be unfair to them...

11 years ago

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I would have to disagree with the second rule, because it'd be unfair if I were to give away several copies of a certain AAA game and receive only 1-game worth of the contributor value.

11 years ago

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It's amazing that people still can't use it's and its correctly. Its is the possessive pronoun; it modifies a noun. It's is a contraction of it is or it has. Just so you know. On the topic: whatever, really. If they changed it, you would get far less chance to win a certain game, since nobody would gift them multiple times.

11 years ago

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Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that people make silly grammar mistakes like your and you're, could have and could of and were and where, etc.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but since english is spoken all over the world, I'd expect people to learn the very basics, at least. I think it's not asking too much.

11 years ago

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yes, everyone's perfect

11 years ago

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Didn't say that. But I am.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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LOL this is the very basic for you? Most ppl on the internet don't even care for ' and ´ and `and whatever,don't tell me you don't understand the meaning cause its and it's is changed. Next we shall shitstorm english speaking countries for not using ü,ö,ä properly in the names of people...

11 years ago

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Let's do that!

11 years ago

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Spoken vs Written.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Who are you to talk to me like that?

11 years ago

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So you can call everyone out for a grammatical error but when someone does the same to you its out of line? lmao...

English is always capitalized, you should know that before you act high and mighty brooo. You are obviously not perfect broooooooooooooooo ;-D!

11 years ago

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Preach it sista!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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lyk3 0m9 u d@ b0/v\b

11 years ago

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y0u'r3 h1ll4ry0u5, br4h:

11 years ago

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Or you are like me and that key is broken on your keyboard.

11 years ago

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The guy who yells the loudest in the whole thread is about an apostrophe, really?

11 years ago

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Click this,kid, and you shall understand.

11 years ago

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You know, most people don't proofread their posts on the internet. To be honest, if the spell-check doesn't catch it I likely won't notice the error.

I assume the majority of internet users are the same way, so maybe your time would be better spent contributing to the conversation rather than freaking out over a single punctuation mark?

11 years ago

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calling people on the internet kids
so condescending arent you

11 years ago

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???????????? huh? condewhat? their's no such world.

11 years ago

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Welcome to every blacklist of every person reading your posts here.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Wait, what? You're attacking people over an apostrophe, but you don't know that condescending is a real word?

You even fail at being a good grammar Nazi.

11 years ago

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Probably trolling, hopefully.

11 years ago

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Pretty much an old old old troll technique, sad to see it still being used.

Really as soon as someone calls someone kid on the Internet I stop taking them serious from that point

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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:-) D minus, you can go home now.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Its on....

11 years ago

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It would make more sense to scale it down with every copy given away rather than limiting it. First copy 100% and then reduce by twenty percent or some such until you only get 20% of the value for each further copy. All systems are broken, so, whatever.

11 years ago

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I like this idea. Although, I think the degraded value should be reset to full once a title isn't given away for a certain amount of time (like 2 months). This would create an incentive to give away things that were once in a bundle but haven't been for quite a while.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I think there should be an option where you can choose - key or Steam gift. If you choose key and game has been in bundle - then decrease contributor value. If you choose key but it hasn't been in bundle - give full value. If you choose Steam gift - you get full value because no bundle gives away Steam gifts. Because it's not fair when someone buys Steam gift for a game that was once in a bundle but doesn't get full contributor value because of that. If you give away Steam gift you should get full value!

11 years ago

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How does accountability work? Why wouldn't people just choose steam gift?

11 years ago

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Bundle games come in key form. You aren't given a giftable copy when you redeem a key. Giftable copies aren't from bundles.

11 years ago

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Yes, but what would stop someone from just checking the "steam gift" option to get the contribution value?

11 years ago

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So do games on amazon.

11 years ago

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I missed a to the moon bundle?! D:

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by AgeOfArmageddon.