Since the requirements were changed, here's almost 1cc on Normal. I lost 3 bombs when dying at the end of boss 4. Still want to 1cc it though. My fingers get sore quickly from the tapping mechanic, so I try to avoid that.
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Ahh! So you can! Thanks, this helped a lot. Made a 1cc on Normal right after reading this. The extra points also were enough for another life. Being tired made for not a very smooth run compared to the usual, but still made it!
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3cc easy,I think. Two dittos from blue wish,but to a lesser degree - enemies that get behind you give you hard time,and getting pinned to the side means you must use a bomb. Both my Bullet pattern were even uglier than blue wish andenemies and my own bullets seemed to switch colors between blue and red and I have no idea why - while red bullets were generally okay blue bullets often interfered with my ability to notice incoming bullets. my hitbox felt - if that's even possible - even smaller. No auto-bomb when getting hit is a bummer - I probably could've 1cc'd it if I bombed correctly. Stage music was okay,didn't really like boss music. The only thing I really hate about this is the fact bosses can make bullets come from the middle or bottom of the screen,or shoot them instantly,giving you a very low time to react or even an instant death if you weren't in the right spot. This wasn't very frequent and probably could be memorized,but I prefer bullet hells that rely on your skill rather than memory.
Overall,It wasn't an horrible game and I gave it a few more tries after doing above replay,but I guess I expected better. There wasn't anything unique or remarkable about it.
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"you can only Bullet Cancel if you kill the enemy with Laser (hold Z), killing enemies with it depletes the Laser bar, making the bullets red and unable of doing Bullet Cancel" That's why bullets switch colors. It was so hard for you because you didn't bullet cancel at all, you should kill smaller enemies with shot (tap Z/hold C) and the bigger ones with laser (hold Z). Also avoid destroying all bosses parts unless you want score, it makes them go into "rage" and throw a harder pattern at you. I did actually loved this game, only thing preventing it from getting 5 stars from me was the music, which I thought that was dreadful, and some repeated patterns.
Congrats!, invited
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I read that but wasn't exactly sure what bullet cancel was. Perhaps I misjudged then,it may actually be a decent mechanic,I'll need to try it out.
Is there anything I can do to change bullet color to pink/purple/whatever? This was in blue wish's menu.
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As you grow found of a genre,those words become a part of your vocabulary and you assume they are obvious - but you have to remember they are not a part of the people who read your spotlights. Note how I almost never used terms like otome or galge in my vn spotlight,even though those terms often show up in vn-related discussion. If I had to guess,my first thought was that it had to do something with a sort of power-up system,something like 'kill enemies with color-shifted bullets to get extra score.'
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Done! I remember two continues used, but might be three. I'm just too sleepy to pay attention... and that stage 5 left me => @_@
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I can say with near certainty that the most brutal, eeevil and dastardly foe you have to tackle with in this game is by all means... your ship's targeting system when playing as Type-B. I mean, seriously, making this thing shoot what I want it to shoot rather than everything else was 2/3 of the challenge here. XD
As for the replay, I pretty much barfed out a bunch of bombs on the last 2 bosses because I didn't wanna die on them stupidly (again!). Having only 5-7 lives in total is quite brutal, especially when you don't notice that one little bullet that always hits you. O_o
I see you changed the rule... that's... nice... I didn't read that before. :D
(Also, free bump!)
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Hey! Sorry if you felt the rule change unfair :(, but I didn't wanted to left people out of the spotlight. But nobody would be able to take from you that sense of accomplishment you get when 1cc one of these games! :D
Yeah, While using Type-B makes some parts easier, it makes targeting a hell. Also don't worry about Bombspaming the last boss, pretty much I did the same thing.
Congrats man! You got some nice scoring also. Invited
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I should try this game :) Doubt I can make the 1cc though - much as I love shmups, I tend to suck at them ><
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The other download link posted in the comments should work.
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I started messing with it since yesterday, still dying lots. =P
But I made a tool! The game is 512x384 and resizes to 640x480 when going fullscreen, which looks kinda ugly. The tool tries to run the game at 1024x768 in fullscreen. mediafire link
To use it, just put the file on the game directory and run it.
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Hope you can make it before the deadline! Must say that the difference with the tool it's really noticeable. Good work and thanks for making it!
However if you want to use it you'll need Visual C++ Runtime 2013. Otherwise it would give you an error.
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LENGTH: 5 Stage + 1 TLB.
DIFFICULTY: Easy on lowest, Very Hard+ on highest (Extra2)
PERSONAL RATING: ★★★★☆ - A really great game heavily inspired on Ketsui.
CONTROLS: Z: Shoot - X: Bomb - Esc: Pause - Arrows: Movement - Space: Fastfoward.
This one is not as easy as the previous. First, no Auto-Bomb (or Shield) if you get hit you lost a live. Second, you can only Bullet Cancel if you kill the enemy with Laser (hold Z), killing enemies with it depletes the Laser bar, making the bullets red and unable of doing Bullet Cancel. To replenish it, you need to kill enemies with Shot (tap Z) which make them drop crystals, the closer you are to enemy, the more you get. Third, this game also includes a Chain system, kill too fast and you break it, kill too slow and you end up with a low Chain. This game is also quite generous when it come to lives and bombs, but as much as the previous. Since you might want it (I did the same with the previous game after all, just I didn't uploaded it), I repackaged myself new music: Click.
As always, my shitty replay: Click (Type-B; Normal). Stupid mistake at the beggining of Stage 4, and Stage 5 went terrible (mostly the boss, it was done on the first time I managed to reach him, expect shameless bombspam), but considering my skills, I think it went pretty decent. Missed a lot of chain opportunities because I didn't memorized the stages very well.
With this being said, I found a way to make a giveaway for those who participate. The Requirements are:
Once you did this, and I checked that it was a valid rep, you'll be invited to a group with the giveaway posted on the forums as a private link.
Giveaways will happen every second spotlight (#4 would be the next one). When the giveaway ends, everyone in the group will be kicked and you will need to provide a new replay on the last game presented. I don't really know how many I'll do, but I'll try to do atleast 6.
Opinions and feedback are highly appreciated!
Hope you all have fun!
Best Regards.
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