Currently we also have a live public giveaway for anyone who is interested :)
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I am interested in too :) currently got no internet on pc, so i Play steam offline, its mogę than 90 hours for slay The spire atm, and playing final fantasy ix and playing tetra mini card game in:D internet only on phone atm :/ count me in if there is no problem :)
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Hey, good question. The main reason is that most multiplayer and especially card games can change the user experience drastically over just a few patches (and usually for the worse). So in order to always have a valid review, you would need to commit to playing the game over a longer period of time, which is difficult with so many games out. I would have hated it if I would recommend a game, that would get ruined by poor management and greedy tactics just a few months down the road, or worse, game lost most of its player count and is essentially dead. If you look at Artifact for example, the player count dropped like a hot potato.
That being said, I think there are plenty of great multiplayer games out there, so we might open up a discussion and an "unofficial" recommendation list.
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Hey everyone, I'm absolutely stunned by the reception so far. In only a few days after the post, the group members count has doubled!
This is why, to celebrate we are organizing a DOUBLE giveaway this week, and more giveaways every week during May.
To participate follow this link and check the highlighted post for links (you will need to be a group member to join).
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Hi everyone. The weekly giveaway continues. This time, we are giving everyone a chance to vote what game will be in the group exclusive giveaway.
Voting ends on Sunday, 17th May. Two highest voted games will be in our next giveaway. You can cast votes here. Or simply comment which games of the following you would like to see in the next giveaway:
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ROUND TWO of our MAY GIVEAWAYs where we giveaway 2 games each week for the entire month of May as a sign of appreciation for our group members.
To make it more interesting, we pit 4 games against each other in a brutal, bloody clash of, ehm, votes. Two games that garner the most favour will be in our future group exclusive giveaway. You can cast votes here
Last time Immortal Redneck and Oxenfree won and you can join the group exclusive giveaway here here and here (you need to be a group member to join).
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Voting finished last week! Thank you all for the participation and becoming members of our little Card Game Kingdom!
1st place with 43% Renowned Explorers: International Society and the runner up with 29% The Age of Decadence.
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Hello how are you? I would like to join the group Hello how are you? I would like to join the group!
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I've joined, played a bunch of Hearthstone in the past, still have an itch for card games but will definitely sway towards single player. Played Slay the Spire and Hand of Fate already, have Griftlands on my wishlist, I'll check your other recommended games.
Surprised Thronebreaker wasn't among the reviewed games, another one on my radar.
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Welcome to the group! Griftlands was great and gets even better and better with updates. Hadn't had a chance to actually play Thronebreaker as of yet, but it's definitely on the to play list! Recently I'm trying to prioritize finding hidden gems (like the recent Vault of the Void) that don't have such a big visibility, but yeah, Thronebreaker is definitely worth checking out!
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Wish this existed in 2017. I don't really play card games as often as I had in the past. But some that really were enjoyable:
Shardbound (investor backed out right before official release, the game is still up, and works. There's just a lot of placeholder art while looking through the decks, not actual in game play placeholder art)
Spellweaver (It's developed by a single person, so it doesn't get updates as regularly as it could, but still worth mentioning. Although some game play types are really terrible. But pVp is fun)
Shadowverse (Kinda hearthstone in comparison, but used to be really generous to new players)
The Horus Heresy: Legions (If you're a warhammer fan you'll like this. The META is dominated by like 3 Champions though. 67% of players use these three. There's balance issues in the game, but they're generous to players also.)
There's plenty of others. I've played most card games on Steam, those are my personal favorites/recommendations. I joined the group, could always do with others to shoot the breeze with card games. =)
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Welcome aboard! Our Curator page focuses only on single player games (because mutliplayer is very volatile to review) but in the group there is no SP restriction, so feel free to share your list there as well! Personally I spent a ton of my time on Duel of Champions (Heroes of M&M card game), Kingdoms (a browser card game) and Duelyst (square grid + deckbuilding)
Duel of champions was an amazing game that had so much depth (no small part thanks to the 4 lane, 2 column system). Ultimately, big balance problems and apparently not a sustainable economic model killed it off.
Kingdoms only had 3 unit slots, but despite that it had very cool deck building options. Sadly, balance issues and economic troubles were the end of it.
Duelyst had a big square field where each unit could move on it.. The gamepaly was awesome and very tactical, and it was fairly easy to get cards. Unfortunately, yet again big balance issues and powercreep killed it, and it's no longer available.
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Hail good people!
Guess our top 3 card game picks of 2021 and win the games below:
Contest details HERE
Or if just like like card game you can follow us
Join us: Card Game KING.
It's a niche but steadily growing community of people who love card games (be it Slay the Spire or something more casual).
We also have regular giveaways for of all sorts of games as a special thank you to members of our growing group. Currently, there is a much higher chance of winning than in public giveaways. We also occasionally do larger giveaways for promotional purposes.
If that sounds interesting to you, join the group or follow our curator page.
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