One of recent posts gave me an idea so ill share it, lets see what happens!
There was a topic about what class you usually play,so i tought to myself if i would be a character what skill tree is maxed for me, whats my perks etc. etc.
I will white list users with most interesting answers and then do another giveaway as soon as this ends.
I'll start
Passive:Leveling Diplomacy skill tree is 100%faster
Negative Trait:Smoking (Max health 90%)
Group bonus:Increase charisma for friendly characters in area.

It's rather weird but you get the idea, get creative!
P.S Apologies for my terrible grammar.

Update:After reading some comments, i wonder, how awesome would it be if SteamGifts had a game with those classes :)

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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It depends on if you're talking about me online, or me in real life... Both are slightly different.
This is me in real life:

Perks: Silence, stealth, reflex, swiftness, logic, observation, creativity.
Negative Traits: Speech, barter, skills learning speed is reduced, amount of gold acquired is reduced.

Please don't judge. ;_;

9 years ago

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You need to find cleric to remove some negative traits :D, let's hope there is one ^^

9 years ago

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I probably think R'hllor exists irl

Don't judge me, I'm not mad :|

9 years ago

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Red priests send their regards?

9 years ago

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For the night is dark and full of terrors

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Class : Another No-Life'r
Passives :

  1. "Stuff" : Near his device,if any available.
  2. "To lance or not for free" : 25% chance to get some money every day.
  3. "Successful bet maker" : 75% chance to waste money every day.
  4. "Insane" - makes some things again and again...and again!
  5. "Code!!" : Types some letters and calls this "PROgram".(Cooldown: random, Duration: random)
  6. "Give it Away?" : Gifts something to someone.(No cooldown)
  7. "Sleep already!" : Rare ability to wake up on mornings. ( Cooldown: ~2 days)
  8. "Turbo Boost Mode : On" : Rapidly learns a new skill.(Cooldown : Week, Duration : Day)
  9. "Do I Wanna Cook?" : Makes random tasty food ( Cooldown : 3 days, Duration : 0,5 days)
  10. "Fast as Stream" : launches video-recording of a gameplay and sends results to Twitch.(No Cooldown, Duration : random)
    "Human Being" : Slowly dying by every year.
    Seal of Unluck" : fails if has a chance to do it.
    Group Bonus:
    "Steam Gifter" Everyone in radius receives a game or a skin for a game.
    P.S Apologies for my terrible grammar. 2X.
9 years ago*

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Did you hit level cap recently? :)

9 years ago

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Yeah, I'm No-Life'r LVL 2 xP

9 years ago

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Those motherlurkers will add level cap in a dlc and then sell it :(

9 years ago

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Too far for it, I have some items sets for LVL 1 and 2...
And I'm gonna save some money for a brand new set of items - "Another HalfLifer 3.0" for LVL 3.
But the dev named Gode Oldell doesn't want to make it =(

9 years ago

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Also dungeons IRL are actually scary 0_o
No idea how to get legendary items

9 years ago

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Yeah, and they are way too expensive in shops!
I got only one epic item : rechargable batteries for my mouse - Perpetuum Mobile!!!
Got a rare laptop for cheap price once, and now it's my main weapon!

9 years ago

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I crafted my PC which turned out to be common,gotta get some more materials :D

9 years ago

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yeah, depends on your "luck" attribute!
some materials aren't easy to find in an open world so it's hard to craft decent hardware...

9 years ago

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these days all you need is Epic or Legendary CPU/GPU for efficient questing,at least feels like it :)

9 years ago

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Class:Master of the universe tbh I've been in galactic astronomy, not extragalactic but it sounds nicer this way :)
Perks: observation, reduction, analysis, gamer
Negative Traits: free time

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Too yummy, get it

9 years ago

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I'd use that skill Over and Over....and Over!

9 years ago

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I am passive aggresive.

9 years ago

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Class: Engineer of course
Passive: Silence, funny pop outs in damm moments, observer, can sit 8Hour continuously :v
Negative: meh eh meh eh meh, over whelming gaming (mom don't like it ;; ) get mad so fast, noob ;;
Group Bonus: Buy that for me :P i'll get it for you later, but tomorrow never comes
PS: don't judge meh eh meh eh :b

Edit: i got something wrong i guess :/

9 years ago

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Class: Scientist
Passive: Able to create stage 3 potions, Cast Iron Stomach (can craft and eat spoiled food for health), Gain +1 dexterity for each coffee consumed
Negative Trait: Obsessive (-1 to awareness), Muscle Weakness (no knockback to enemies).
Group bonus: None (scientists gain +1 to each stat when alone).

9 years ago

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You got it all figured out, don't you?

9 years ago

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I like to think so. ;)

9 years ago

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Class: Herbalist

Perks: Stealth, agility, eavesdropping, blending in, distractions, knowledge about herbs and pharmaceutical drugs (in the process of acquiring)

Negative traits: Speech, money-handling, impatience often leading to recklessness, can't remember names, can remember faces unless asked to describe to sketch-artist, somewhat colorblind.

Group bonus: Boost team morale and damage using special rallying war cry. Along with expertly made herbal tonics and poultices that heal and enhance capabilities.

Jeez, I have a lot of negative traits. :|

9 years ago*

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Can i join your party im in need of a herbalist!

9 years ago

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Of course. However, keep your money out of my hands or you'll regret. I have my eye on a solid gold bow. Impractical but fabulous.

9 years ago

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There is no reason for stealing, i dont mind sharing!
Here is a gift so you can hone your herbalist skills :)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Oooh, shiny! Wait while I make a strength-granting tonic.


Here you go.

hands over tonic

Also, I wouldn't steal the bow. I'd spend too much for something I don't really need. I'm bad with money.

9 years ago*

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As long as I can say I belong to this class...

Class: studnet lvl5
Passive: party hard (charisma+3, health80%), bankruptcy, aura of freedom
Negative trait: pernament headache (focus-5)

9 years ago

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I didn't want to read the thread first, because I thought it was about The Game, but then I lost anyway, so I figured I could read it.

Class: Stealth
Perks: Keep your personality to yourself and act nice around people, despite having some dark secrets.
Negative traits: Buy friendship & trust DLC to unlock.
Group bonus: 50% chance to either piss everyone off or make everyone feel good about themselves.

9 years ago

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That sounds like actually effective class tbh :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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That's how I lost, too! Someone made a thread about it on Steamgifts once. I had a 24 year winning streak. :(

9 years ago

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You wouldn't believe how long my winning streak was. :)

9 years ago

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Damn you, that was my longest streak of not losing too!

9 years ago

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PASSIVE: fiery, yet, good at making enemies cold,
female character (so doesn't look silly wearing a robe or dress)
dps - capable of damaging everything, including inanimate objects.
NEGATIVE TRAIT(S): Very slow, despite having blink spell, always getting distracted by shiny objects, vendors and detours,
Attracts overwhelming amount of aggro - usually due to trying to pick fights and sheeping boss, - (has been fired and kicked from several groups and establishments)
Failing reputation - makes enemies for life of the game, can't enter several territories due to negative rep
Lack of storage space, despite tailoring skill and having largest available bags
GROUP BONUS:support class - my play style makes others feel better about how they play,
diplomacy - despite fiery temperament, for the most part, tries to be the voice of reason supporting healers, teachers and tanks.

9 years ago

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1st thing that came in my mind was GrandMasterPuppeteer, probably due to voice of reason :)
If you invest a little bit in control freak tree your negative traits can become usefull abilities or somethin like that .

9 years ago

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Never really thought of it as a control freak thing, but this might explain why I prefer solo play. I was born, an only child, by an unlikely couple - male worgen and female ogre.

9 years ago

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Trust me!You are destined for greatness. :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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yeah, i wasn't sure about choice of topic i made either ;(

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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To be honest I didn't even know such game existed!
Is it available in Tabletop Simulator? :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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There is an online version

9 years ago

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Class: Multiclass Nerd/Radiographer
Passive: Gets double exp from learning manuals
Negative Trait: Ridicously shy (-10 Charisma)
Group bonus: Wound diagnosys (-10% difficulty to heal/+10% healing effects)

9 years ago

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If there is a sale for manuals and you have some money saved up, you can powerlevel your way through game :)

9 years ago

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Ahah, clever tactic :D Hopefully they deal a good amount of exp XD

9 years ago

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How I see myself in a MMORPG game:

Class: Gamer girl

  1. "Receiver" - has high chance to receive a gift from somebody (not sure if I like this or not)
  2. "Queen" - charisma skill is leveling faster


  1. "Cheery spirit" - can immediately cheer somebody up with her talking

Negative traits:

  1. "Idiot trap" - has 50% chance to meet rude (especially male) character
  2. "Clumsy shooter" - bad aiming

Group bonus:

  1. "Mamma role" - 70% chance that everyone around will behave nicely (except the rude ones)
  2. "Don't disturb" - has unique power to be calm and don't panic in raid with her group
9 years ago

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Raids shouldn't happen without your class, i like it ^^
Also, welcome to SG!

9 years ago

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In RPGs maybe (or MOBA), but in FPS not. The negative trait - I can't aim, so I can be calm as the night, but it will be worthless :D

Edit: And thank you! :)

9 years ago

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I'm talking about being myself in game cause i play a lot. I hope you don't mind :)

9 years ago

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Ofc not, it's great!

9 years ago

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Class: Lazy/Human
Passive: Read your own mind
Group bonus: Absorb bad luck

9 years ago

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Class: Knife Thrower Student Cooker Hunter Thief

Passive skills:
Reduces walking noise by 70%
Reduces running noise by 30%
Increases hearing by 50%
Steals food and smartphones without detection
Can hold dark secrets for eternity
When no one is around he tranforms into a silent rock star
Can use any type of gun.
Can't get fat

Active skills:
Cooks cake
Cooks beans and rice(best combo EVER)
Throws kitchen knifes
Throws cakes(highly effective, even tho it's a waste)
Throws office utilities
Sleeps while studying
Does not study at all
Does artistic tricks with knifes

Negative traits:
Left handed
Increased reloading and bolt action speed by 45%
Friendship relations limited by 15%
No muscles
Lack of imagitation :/

9 years ago

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Hmm... Good question...
Class: The Lard
Passive: Constant drain of electricity
Eyesight lowers by 1 each year
Weight increases by 5 each month
Suprisingly good people skills, when people are not in the area of effect.

Active: Eating all the leftovers
Eating all the food
2 litre Coke disposal
Recharging energy by sleeping until noon

Aura: +5 self-esteem to the party
-10 patience to the party after an hour
Everyone has less fear because there is a sacrifice in the group.

9 years ago

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Be careful of Cooks, they might advantage of you :)
Then again, we have Herbalist.You should talk to him, he might be able to help you out :)

9 years ago

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Damn, you're right :D

9 years ago

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Angry young man.

Positive traits:
Immune to "Being pushed around" skill.

Negative traits:
No perspective for a brighter future.

That's a bad build, avoid at any cost!

9 years ago

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Real question it worth trying? for funsies!? :D

9 years ago

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It has its moments, but expect a tough battle with the boss on "Choose what to do with your life" stage.

9 years ago

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Damn,never liked that stage.I cheated on that stage..Wait for like 2 years then message appears would you like game to pause for 5 years? Press "Yes" and you are good to go!

9 years ago

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Isn't there a cheat code or something like that? I've heard that if you can get your hands on a money-hack you can do some crazy stuff, but be careful, moderators will suspend you for a very long time if they catch you and you wont be able to join public servers.

9 years ago

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I loved this one : A, C, Up, B, Up, B, A, Down.
For one of SEGA games ;)

9 years ago

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Class: Geek, Programmer. (so far completely accurate)

Passive: Decreasing health by 1% each month.

Negative Trait: Expert in alienating people because people suck.

Active: Sarcasm Boost over 9000%

Morning Boost: Repel enemy through morning breath.

Group Boost: Morale + 30%.

Stealth Boost: Can blend in with living skeleton attackers since he looks like one.

Do not feed after midnight.

9 years ago

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What if Cook crafts a legendary potion and you drink it after midnight?Will you recognize friends and kill enemies?Or are they all the same to you? :D

9 years ago

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Drinks don't count, hydration is mandatory. :)

9 years ago

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Positive traits:
Smart, immune to "annoying" type of attacks, friendly, fast learner, good sense of surroundings (immune to flanking)

Negative traits:
Gets annoyed by "dumb" people, scared of "spider" type enemies

Neutral trait (couldn't figure out where to put it, can be both):
Can't enjoy other music then rock and metal

9 years ago

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Wow, so you have aura that gets stronger depending on what party you are in! Amazing

9 years ago

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Could also be lowered, if it is a party with only "dumb" people that hate rock and metal :p

9 years ago

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Passive: Higher speed to jump in the middle of enemy group and start doing my job when none expects.
Negative No heavy armors to equipe (which can slow moves)
Group bonus: +5 to surprise attack

that's seriously my game style xD The second one is sniper as I play mostly in fps.

9 years ago

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Shouldn't Kamikaze have lowered cooldowns on Respawn if they kill an enemy while dieing?:D

9 years ago

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why not, good idea :D

9 years ago

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Class: Einzelgänger
Passive: Gets a +15% boost in all skills when left alone for a few hours.
Positive traits: Intelligent, able to go around unnoticed, can analyze situations well and make quick decisions,
Negative traits: Bad at bartering and socializing.
Group bonus: The party will be +150% faster on their feet.

9 years ago

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Group bonus for fast Runs?:)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Class: Individual

Passive: A certain knowledge of film and piano. Has a wide imagination. Sense of humor. (+70% creativity)

Negative: Has an extremely hard time expressing himself (-70% self-esteem)

Group bonus: Optimism of sorts (+10% morale)

9 years ago

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