Some people might, most people wont, and unlike most people, I actually give back. No need to preach to a person who is literally giving away games, without expecting anything in return, and on top of that, I am not even giving away shitty bundle games right now (although I probably will later), but AAA games that havent been given away in the thousands, on steamgifts. Additionally, 99% of the games on steamgifts are bundle games, I am just using my given points to get those.
So please, while I see you are not a leech yourself (although you are only giving away to 175 specific people/friends of yours), take your high horse elsewhere.
Edit: Oh and on top of that, I did a little digging, and it seems you have forgotten to "play" a lot of the games you have won:
One, you havent even played.
Most you have played under 1 hour.
The rest you have played under 2 hours.
How long does it take to get cards from games again? A little under 2 hours. Oops. Didnt see that coming, did you.
Edit 2: I apologize for offending people, I edited out the above quote to make people focus more on the actual giving away.
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I give all my wins a ago, if I don't like it I don't continue. Why push through something that's broken or did you even factor some are multiplayer based, so I have to play offline mod since my home internet is crap (Some achievements are multi only). But you just keep coming up with excuses & btw I don't farm for cards, never have never will, what's the point of installing something if I'm not going to play it?
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I'm not excusing myself, I'm stating a fact.
Whether its ethical really shouldn't be up for discussion on this thread where I am trying to give back to the community after winning games I will never play. So despite the fact that I will probably never play them, I am still giving back real money that I have spent on games that are actually worth more than those I have won, to strangers I have never met, despite not having any obligation to do so whatsoever.
Aren't you missing that point?
If you want to make a plea to SG, or CG himself, about changing how giveaways are done and enforcing a rule that requires people to play games they win, for at least <insert amount of time you think is fair>, then do that, but dont come here harassing me on a thread where I am trying to give back to the community, jeez.
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I get you're trying to give back, but just a small tip, don't put "all shitty bundle games I will never play" it comes off rude & ungrateful, Plus why not try them? If you don't like em, just uninstall it or who knows you may find a game you like.
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+1. thank god I keep finding people that think like that.
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So, because you finally decided to give away 2 games that "aren't given away in the thousands" after two years of being a leecher we should praise you and simply ignore the fact that you are using SG to collect games for either a higher number count or cards, not for the fact you are interested in them and wish to play them? The fact that you brag about your trade thread with over 500 unique games and your wins that you never play, yet it's taken you this long to give back to the community huh...Well I know where I'm putting you.
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Well no lol, I didnt say that, I said I am going to start giving away games, but unlike how I did it before where I gave away publicly. I did give away much more than I had won, and my ratio is still positive to this day, mind you, but now I will just be doing it in a group.
I didnt brag about my trade thread at all, I used that as an example of having way too many games that I will start giving away. I gave away to the community A LOT a long ago, and only really started entering giveaways again about 2 months ago, and now it has gotten to the point where I felt bad about not giving away.
So I decided to give back to the community after getting from it.
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Your attitude in the replies sure makes it seems like that's the case. The fact that you put a number of games in says you're doing it as a brag, be it subconscious or not it was meant to show off. You could have just mentioned a trade thread or your spare bundle keys without putting a number in if you didn't want to seem like a big deal.
Your reply comes off as extremely arrogant to me, very passive aggressive and almost seems like an attack on auroable because they felt differently than you did.
A lot of people here think that you should only enter games you are going to play or have a desire to play. Entering games just to win games, to farm cards or to increase your game count is why many people do not do public GA's.
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Yeah no, but the way people are replying to me, however, is giving me an idea about how ungrateful the community is towards someone who is trying to give back to the community after winning a bunch. And this attitude is frankly just offputting to me.
And like I told the other person, check your own games and actually play the ones you win.
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There's one game I have not touched that I won here at all, that's because I am replaying through Witcher 1 and 2 before starting 3 as I have none of my previous save files after building a new gaming machine.
Like you said, life happens work happens things happen, nobody is expecting you to drop everything and play the game instantly after you have won it, but to say "shitty bundle games I will never play" really says how ungrateful you are towards the community that gives back.
I don't care if you don't have time logged in games yet, if you intend to play them awesome! When you say they are shitty bundle games you will never play, it begs the question - Why even enter them?
You can't tell people to get off their high horse when you're sitting eye level with them.
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Awesome, do you see how much difference there is between that statement and "I realize that I have recently won about 20 games in the past 2 months (all shitty bundle games I will never play, but nevertheless)" ?
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I honestly didnt think people would take offense to it, lol. I thought people would be more like.. "Oh great, someone who actually gives back when winning!" Because you know, it shouldnt matter why I win a giveaway if I give away much more than what I won right? Especially when the games I win are just bundle games that are literally littered all over SG.
You realize most people on SG dont actually play all those bundle games though right? At least tell me that
But instead, I am harassed about something that most people do here on SG. Just because I said it.
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There's a lot of indie lovers and people on SG who play their bundle games, they may not 100% or even 50% but they give them a chance. There are some really great games out there in bundles as well as some really great crap out there as well (Journey of the Light for example). Sure, if you're making a Level 0 public GA I would say most of the entries are just there to win a game. However, as you move into the community and get into Groups, Forums, Private and Whitelist GA's you will find out the people entering those games are genuinely interested in playing the game.
It really is all about how you phrase it, just like it is IRL/Offline. If someone gives you a fruitcake at Christmas you don't go "oh thanks I'll never eat this piece of shit lol" you say "Oh thanks I love fruitcake this will be great on New Year's!" and smile and know inside that you are regifting it to your brother in law or sister.
It's all about the sell and how you say it.
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Your example doesnt exactly make sense though. It would be more like "Thanks for a shitty fruitcake I didnt really want, heres a triple-chocolate cake for you" - I am giving away more than I am getting. The whole point of me giving back is because I am grateful.
I usually have more points on SG than I know what to do with, and thats why I enter literally anything these days, as many others do.
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Sure, if you gave something away as soon as you got the fruitcake. You however self admitted that it's been over 2 years since you gave something away and these wins have been over the last few months. You also, aren't trading the fruit cake for the triple chocolate cake.
The phrase Don't look a gift horse in the mouth comes to mind.
EDIT - I think you'd be surprised at how many people sit on 300 points daily. I can't remember the last time I was at 0 points. I only enter Wishlist ga's though unless something in a group or whitelist catches my eye, however the backlog prevents me from entering many things now.
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Yes, and it is long overdue I give more away, which is literally what I am saying and getting at, but I just started entering actively again about 2 months ago, so its not like I have been sitting getting 10 games every month, and its not like I have gotten more than I have given either.
I mean come on, are you really saying "too little too late"?
Bottomline is, there is no rule against entering without intent to play, at all.
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Your example makes even less sense. A better representation would be you get the fruitcake, then you go to someone else and hand him the chocolate cake while saying within earshot of the person that gave you the fruitcake "Here, I only received a shitty fruitcake but I'm giving you a chocolate cake"
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Got busy, finally can reply
Edit: Oh and on top of that, I did a little digging, and it seems you have forgotten to "play" a lot of the games you have won:
I thought I forgot to play a lot of my games? Only 1 with no online playtime.. Hmmm...?
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Well if you read right below it you will see what I wrote.. I said one you havent played at all, most have less than an hour, and a bunch more with less than two. Playing a game for less than an hour.... did you really want that game in the first place? I doubt it.
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Its pretty easy to tell if a game is good from the store page and the reviews. Sure, once in a while you will make a mistake on judgement.
However, what exactly entices you about Dead Bits please tell me before you continue ranting about your personal feelings for how SG should be in a perfect world.
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Just because it has negative/positive reviews doesn't equal bad/good, I'd rather try it out myself. Another simple example go look at NS2 combat reviews, I really enjoyed the game when I got a few chances to play it online (at a friends), but most of the reviews are negative.
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Well that's my problem then if I fail to see an issue with a game before buying/entering, but even if I do, why should it stop me from buying/entering? I bought Aliens: Colonial Marines clear knowing the game sucks, but I still wanted to try it. Everyone enjoys different games, just because I like something doesn't mean you or anyone will.
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I am not ungrateful to the people giving the games away, but the fact that a game literally has many negative reviews, makes it shitty, so you know, they are technically giving away shitty games, yet I still thank them when I win. Polite? I would say I am given the response I have received on this thread, and how I have taken their criticism.
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Good to know, not actually sure on how that worked, but what if they hadnt synced their account after being removed? Thats where my concern lies really.
But frankly, I doubt I will be removing anyone since I most likely will keep the level 2 cap, in which case most people have given away enough to warrant getting some back in my opinion.
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This is correct, someone not being in a Group or losing a level required before the GA ends is a proper reason to ask for a reroll. It does not matter if they met the guidelines when the GA started or they entered, what matters is at the end.
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I hope your group works out for you! Giving is happiness :-)
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*Conditions may apply.
I realize that I have recently won about 20 games in the past 2 months, and haven't given anything away in a while (2 years), and since I have a trade thread with a good amount of games (also mostly bundle games), I decided I might start giving away some games.
Now the rules I guess, the group will be public, anyone can join, no requirements initially, but I will probably go through the list and remove people as I see fit - although the group chat is lonely! I will likely be setting level-requirements on giveaways, although these first three will be part of the lowest level I will be giving away to (level 2). Additionally, if you are no longer in the group when I remove you - and you win a giveaway - I will reserve the right to reroll.
Why a group and not just a whitelist/blacklist? I cant be bothered to manage a whitelist/blacklist, and I just like groups better.
Now, in the spirit of steamgifts, since my first games given away (real ones, anyway) were Saints Row 3 Collections, I figure I will follow suit with one copy of Saints Row 4 Collection, two copies of Saints Row Gat ouf of Hell. So get at them!
1xSaints Row IV Game of the Century Edition
2xSaints Row Gat out of Hell (NOTE: NORTH-AMERICAN REGION LOCK - stupid gamestop, please don't hate free games, I thought it was ROW, meh)
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