Shity games

1$-No games only art LOL

BTA-Napoleon: Total War

Ripoff price-Big edtion of shit !

Enjoy lol

R.I.P Humble Bundle

1 decade ago*

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humble bundle died for me after they released the audio book bundle

1 decade ago

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The new tier system and ridiculous art pack make it worse. Otherwise, bundles aren't that bad actually. Onle "R.I.P." situation is "humble" title.

Pay what you want is another lie. If they only address that art pack, it's OK though :3

They should have to split all Total War games into many tiers. i.e. Rome + Medieval II pack, Napoleon + Expansion, Shogun 2 + expansions etc.

1 decade ago

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I don't don't give a **** about how much I'm saving, if I don't like the game I won't but it!

1 decade ago

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sooo tru lol

1 decade ago

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I was hoping for something a bit better for the last of the daily's. Ah well.

1 decade ago

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thats already the 5th time

1 decade ago

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This won't cause the end of Humble Bundle at all. They just fired a new type of deal (the 14-days-bundles) and overall it wasn't as much a hit we (you, I, most of gamers) expected it to be. I would have been so happy with just rebundles - but it seems they didn't get too good offers from developers. It's understandable, as the idea was also new, big names doesn't really want to risk their games to be in a deal that's not working. I've bought the full Deep Silver, The flying bundle...tier2? with Guns of Icarus Online, X3: Terran Conflict and hammerwatch )from store sale). I still have my money, and still got loads of games - plus the weekly bundle I've also bought.So, besides the usual bundles I've got 4 games and a full bundle with 9 (!) games. I just don't see why should we flame HB for it. Out of the 14 bundles I've bought 4 - it's roughly the same rate I would buy from any weekly bundle. This wasn't worse than the weekly deals, just people have a hard time dealing with issues, like having a bundle they don't like 4-5 days in a row.

1 decade ago

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Totally agree, my buddy!
I saw the bundle when the Total War Basic cost 16$ and the Total War Collection cost 7$.
Incredible! I preffer to buy a cheap game for 15$ than to "donate" Humble Bundle.

Best regards!

1 decade ago

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I didnt even care about what bundles offerd but those tiers are pissing me off.

1 decade ago

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best bundle ever (no sarcasm)

1 decade ago

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They have a store, just focus on that and let the "humble bundle" die cos it makes no sense anymore.

1 decade ago

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I thought the point of humble bundles was to give to charity?

1 decade ago

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The point of charities are to give to charities.

1 decade ago

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I actually bought the first daily bundle, the rest was crap!

1 decade ago

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aww my gawd wai no skaireem ohr watshdougs?

srsly? spoiled kids!

1 decade ago

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[ ] You understand what Humble Bundle is about
[ ] You can accept people like different stuff than you
[X] You're an idiot

Keep on crying you don't get AAA games from 2014, makes you look really smart.

1 decade ago

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Who cares about clichAAA games? Most Horrible indecent Bungle buyers are there for the indie games.

1 decade ago

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CMIIW, but isn't selling $45 bundles from original price of $299 humble enough? ($14.99)

1 decade ago

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Most people only want to by AAA games for 1$. Of course, it could not last forever.

1 decade ago

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I just want some random new indie games in an actual 3-4 game bundle.It shouldn't be that hard to gather them,so much indie games released this year and most of them sold pretty less.

1 decade ago

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I don't get it, what's happening with humble bundle ? I thought there was a bubble on indie gaming, I thought they were too many games created. As far as I know many developpers would like to be in HB, maybe their games are not as good as braid but they can't be as bad as ravaged zombie apocalypse.

1 decade ago

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I think it's pretty clear they decided to turn into a store, just like GMG is. GMG leverages Playfire credit, they leverage the Humble Bundle name and fame. But what they're doing is mostly combined sales disguised as bundles. And when they do bundles, they're not particularly good. Like others said, IndieGala, Groupees and Bundlestars offer better deals. My guess is the trend will stay, but the proper, occasional "Humble Indie Bundle" bundles will still be good. And this is not about getting AAA games. That was a sign, but not at all what HIB is or was about. HIB was about getting a... bundle of great indie games for a great price. To be fair, HIB 11 and probably HIB 10 and 9 fit the description; the rest of what they did in the few months doesn't.

1 decade ago

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IG and Bunglestars will always be inferior as long as they mostly fill their bundles with repeats, and IG has some of the worst customer service in history, so bad if they don't like what you're saying, instead of seeing you as a paying customer, they ban you.

1 decade ago

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IG's recent record is pretty good, IMO. Everyone is making too many bundles now and repeats are bound to happen, but I think IG is offering the best value and choice. I understand this is somehow subjective, of course.

And I was only speaking about games. In terms of support, I have zero experience with IG, while Humble were nice and helpful the one time I needed it, just a little slow.

1 decade ago

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Well just 2 weeks ago I got $190.00 Worth of games from Humble Bundle in an 11hr sale for only $9.00 so I'm definitely not complaining.

1 decade ago

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voted with my wallet, not gonna give them a dime until they got a decent bundle. *Humble bundle 11 is the last bundle I bought from them. Since then no bundle impress me.

1 decade ago

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1) Humble start the 'bundle culture' for PC gaming, and release an absurd number of high-quality bundles.

2) "There's nothing wrong with reselling their keys in bulk! We get better deals, so who cares?"

3) Humble introduces mandatory pricing tiers to protect certain products to reassure certain companies.

4) "OMFG Humble you're terrible now! I won't buy from you, THAT'LL TEACH YA"

5) Has store-sales that even beat Steam by a few £'s on occasion.

6) "Nothing that I want in these daily sales, therefore humble is totally dead and useless, RIP"

Aren't we heading down that dumb slope that leads to people sending death-threats and telling them that they deserve to get cancer while being raped? Seriously. They've given us a little golden age in PC game sales that is second only to Steam's sales. Yeah, I didn't really get much out of the daily bundles either, but that doesn't mean they're dying OR bad. In fact, an increase in bundle frequency often means that quality goes down, or it comes with some kind of restriction (in this case, in the form of tiered pricing, which is FAR from unreasonable). Can we stop shitting ourselves over nothing now? If/when it's gone, you're gonna miss it. This is pretty much like grouching that your silver spoon isn't made of gold.

1 decade ago

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I'm gonna miss bundles as a concept when they're gone. But Humble? Not so much. Sales are sales, but bundles are a different thing. And they tiered pricing model is trying to blur the line, without much success.

This said, the whole cancer/rape issue is sadly epidemic in the gaming culture, you're obviously right about that.

Now, good night. :)

1 decade ago

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the way I see it, good bundles are already gone, and I already miss them

1 decade ago

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Oh man, was hoping for an epic bundle on the last day.

1 decade ago

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me too :( Well lets wait for the next one !

And for all the other people who say AAA games = 1$ i am willing to pay more for good games LOL

1 decade ago

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They should have kept with re-bundle it would have been better than the shit they keep bundle

1 decade ago

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Humble Indie Bundle. No longer humble, nor indie, nor bundle.

  1. They dropped their commitment to linux.
  2. They dropped their commitment to drm-free.
  3. They dropped their commitment to indie games.
  4. They dropped their commitment to being humble.
  5. Finally, they've dropped their commitment to doing bundles.

Ok, maybe they never actually said they had a commitment to the first two. They're not important to me either, though I do think they were important.

I don't mind them doing non-game bundles, as long as they don't get in the way. The recent move to separate book bundles is great. Yes, AAA bundles were awesome and unexpected. I don't think anyone reasonable expects them to be a common event, if at all. So no 6 AAA games for $1. Biggest strawman ever.

Fine, they replaced BTA with a fixed price tier for the weeklies, and called those sales rather than bundles. They still kept bundles the same.

But now, they've made bundles, that are not bundles at all. Most of them had fixed price tiers only. Most of them had nothing but art in the $1 tier. Most of them had at most 1 game per tier. They also introduced several more fixed pricing tiers.

Take this last daily, for instance. Why not put Rome: Total War in the $1 tier? Last year they had a steam sale for it for around that price. Then, instead of putting the master and grand master collections in later tiers, which only benefits traders and resellers, they should've split the collections among the tiers so you don't get repeats in later tiers which inflate the "value" the of the bundle while simultaneously making both the barrier to entry high for most purchasers and the true discount very high.

Basically, like others said. The collections have had better individual sales before. But repeating games across the tiered collections means that an effective 88% discount from the publisher pov, which is extremely high, looks bad to anyone who is either not interested in all of the games+dlcs and/or tracks sales.

I don't know what the hell is going on with them. Maybe they think that since there are now other bundles taking care of the indie games that they can set their aims elsewhere.

Oh, and instead of fixed pricing tiers, why has no one tried variable pricing tiers linked to the average. So, tier 1 is $1, tier 2 is BTA, tier 3 is 1.5-2x the average, and so on. Alternatively, instead of being proportional to the average, they could do fixed increments above the average, like tier 3 being average+$3 and so on.

1 decade ago

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I don't know what the hell is going on with them. Maybe they think that since there are now other bundles taking care of the indie games that they can set their aims elsewhere.

Many people still believe Humble Inc. is some kind of charity organization. It is not. It is a company like any other company, they want to make profit. They don't really care about anything else. That's not evil, that's just what companies do.

If you start selling Steam games for prices that aren't any cheaper than the Steam store and no one knows your site then you won't sell a lot of games. And no one will bother looking at your site. If on the other hand you have a bunch of awesome bundles then millions of people will look at your site and many of them will keep buying from you even if you don't have super awesome deals anymore. And that is what Humble did.

They got a lot of attention with their super cheap, awesome bundles and now after they built up enough reputation they use this reputation to sell stuff for real profit. Just look at some of the daily bundles, I'm sure most of these wouldn't have sold more than 100 copies within 24 hours on smaller bundle sites, but on Humble they sold 10k+ 'bundles'.

I'm sure there will still be great bundles in the future, but there will be less of them. Just enough to keep the interest high enough, everything else will be regular offers that could be on any other site that sells Steam games as well.

1 decade ago

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I've never thought Humble was a charity organization. I have thought they had certain goals, such as making profit, raising money for charity, and promoting indie games, among other things. All of which are perfectly compatible.

Actually, raising money for charity would be the last "ideal" that they would abandon. The more profit they make, the larger the amount that goes to charity. Plus, the backlash for that would be the worst. Of course, they could probably survive that too if they can retain publisher support, which simply requires them to be no worse than any other store.

Having principles can help a small company get good publicity. But it does seem that as they grow, companies tend to slowly forget those principles. I'm reminded of google's "do no evil", and look at them now.

Yes, I realize that's "what companies do." Though I think that's only because of the importance modern society gives numbers, while most people do not "understand" them. And in business, money is both the simplest and most obvious number. So as we seek to maximize potential, it "only makes sense" to do so with regard to profit. Whereas other factors, such as customer satisfaction, etc are not easy to quantify, are not simple, and do not have a simple relation to profit.

That's why things like employee satisfaction were only given importance once research was done to quantify it in terms of efficiency. Meanwhile, qualitatively everyone knows that "there is no such thing as bad publicity", yet I imagine that if and when public perception is quantified into some sort of marketing efficiency companies will aim to include that in any optimization analysis.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by yaired.