So Clickteam Fusion 2.5 (and some other things) costs $1, but it's sold on g2a for $2, therfore you can sell it an infinite amount of times and get infinite money.
Edit: Woops, it's set to 1 hour instead of 1 day.

8 years ago*

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good luck getting your entries bump

8 years ago

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Thank you haha :)

8 years ago

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I second this comment lol
Good luck and bump..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Humble usually has a limit of how many bundles you can get so it's not really infinite money but 2-5$ profit. Considering GA cut even less. It's still profit (however it's against Humble TOS and if they terminate your account for it don't come back crying ;p) but hardly "infinite" money if you can make few $ every few weeks/months depending on bundles ;p

8 years ago

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I'm not actually going to do it ;p

8 years ago

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doesn't matter, just saying it's not really even close to "infinite money" rather some beer money possibility every now and then ;)

8 years ago

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humblebundle sale is limited for each person only can make 4-5 buy.

8 years ago

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it generally varies from bundle to bunlde. There's been bundles in the past where this limit was just 2 purchases per person ;)

8 years ago

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because an item is listed for a price somewhere doesn't mean it will ever sell at said price....

selling my turd from this morning for $2bil if any1 interested...

8 years ago

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I actually saw a 5 cent piece on eBay listed at $1billion :p

8 years ago

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haha =)
yeah i believe it.. there are a few examples that could be similar to that.. like an old 1928 $100 bill that was literally backed by gold at the time. (they run between 125-1000+ dollars - source)

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Last few minutes!

8 years ago*

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Bump !

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by RevCat.