Your experience with crates?
cheap products twice more expensive than their worth that you hide away from friends, and a shirt that i would wear if the logo of the crate wasnt ruining the artwork, Very cool, very cool !
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I want to hire you for my next party you're so full of joy and fun I must share it with the world!
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I keep telling myself that to make up for my lame jokes and puns but I have yet to break out.
Though really pretty much everything you buy now is cheap and overpriced at least they don't hide it here is looking at you Apple the top of the heap for selling overpriced stuff.
So in the end what is worse overpaying a bit on trinkets or a phone there is none because both have the same outcome you paid too much junk or not overpaying is overpaying.So who is the bigger fool the one paying twice as much for a phone or the one for trinkets in a box?
Than again junk is subjective and why do I care what people spend there money on.
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Thanks, I watched like 2 videos from some guy called boogie2988, but it'd be cool to have other points of views. Unboxing videos are new to me and strangely entertaining:).
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I subscribe to one for my wife, she gets a box of stuff every 3 months and it makes her happy, plus she can take some pictures and share them with her friends and talk about them, etc. And if it makes her happy, it makes me happy. :)
I think the anticipation is a big part of addiction, usually the thought of something in our mind is more satisfying than the actual thing itself. And I've come to realize that this is also very similar to anxiety -- where the thought of something in our mind is made out to be worse than the actual thing itself. I've dealt with both ends of this spectrum in my life and I try to be mindful of what's realistic, and try not to let myself get too far from center, too far from realistic expectations whether they be good or bad.
So, that being said... I subscribe to humble monthly and expect to be disappointed. If there's a good game or two, I consider that a pleasant surprise and I've come out ahead of where I thought I'd be. :P
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Humble Monthly is almost always disappointing, but I never regret it!
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I've had various Nerd Blocks and the regular Loot Crate for a while - Nerd Block "exclusive" items usually seemed cheaper, and I didn't like most of their shirts (I have so many shirts I'll never wear now XD). Shirt quality with Loot Crate is better, but the designs are hit and miss as well.
I unsubscribed after several crates/blocks with nothing of interest for me, stuff just kept piling up (some I could give to friends or sell, but I still have a few boxes). I'd say it's fun if you subscribe for a specific thing they announced, but long-term it just gets annoying.
Humble Monthly only works for me because I can at least give everything away here, nothing takes up extra space etc.
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You're right. It sounds better to look at the theme in advance. looked at this month's Loot Crate theme: Overwatch, Voltron, Power Rangers, DC. I'd only be interested in DC, so I guess I won't get that one ;x
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I normally just wait a few months and pick up any LootCrate cloting or cool collectables from the "Loot Vault" for 50-75% off. Buying the box each month is absolutely not worth it, unless you love tiny collectables that you forget you have a few days after opening the box. I haven't tried any other boxes because a majority of them are a waste of time and I don't feel like sifting through the good and the bad.
The only "box subscription" that I enjoy is the Humble Monthly. It helps me discover cool and mostly decent indie-ish games for a price that I'm actually able to pay. I've skipped a few months and forgot to unsubscribe to others, but I cannot say that I've ever been disappointed in a single one of their monthlies in the past year.
If you have the money to waste and are interested, go for it. Try a few months and make your decision.
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I use and get some foreign candy and snacks every month. It's alright. prob not worh the price, but whatever.
I also got some gothic mystery bags from, the first one I really enjoyed, every other one I disliked.
Otherlootboxes I;ve thought about getting but have been repelled by their low quality content, high prices, or focus on "geeky" shit that isn't my particular type of interest.
Mysteryboxes tend not to be worth the amount you spend for them imo.
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I'm subscribed to Bokksu. It's a monthly box of japanese snacks. I have a code for a 10$ rebate so the price isn't too bad a 29$ shipping included (I'm in Canada). I haven't been disappointed so far and been considering trying other snack/food monthly boxes.
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Oh my, I told my boyfriend that for Christmas I want some weird/uncommon snacks from abroad and this is just perfect! I have sent him a link so hopefully my Christmas will be full of Japanese snacks :D Thanks!
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To an outsider looking in, the Keto diet looks like suicide. “You’re eating what for breakfast?… 6 strips of bacon with a full fat whipped cream breakfast smoothie? And you put butter in your coffee?”
You will tell us results :P
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The joy of -having- to buy less fruits and vegetables, and instead having to buy more sausages and whipping cream is... <3
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I know them because internet photos, but they don't exist in my country and nobody here would be able to buy them, even less do any subscription
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Bump and meow. If they won't ship to Canada, I'm thinking they won't ship to New Zealand.
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Most crates ship in Canada (although it's more expensive -_-), just that particular one I wanted didn't. I... don't know about NZ:)
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Living in Holland, I've never felt like trying was a good idea, if they even ship here.
Some of the crates/boxes do look quite interesting but I fear in reality most are filled with cheap crap from China.
If I ever get filthy rich I'll try some and let you know. :)
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Not interested in Lootcrates. Ultimately you end with a load of small stuff that eventually piles up and takes up space and gathers dust.
Kind of like what bookclubs used to be like before the internet killed them ;)
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Yeah, that seems to be the case with many people - things just piling up.
I'm going to try for a few months to get the experience, but the novelty will probably wear off eventually ^^
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Well, I suppose you could change to a food or beverage kind of lootcrate later. At least then you daren't let the stuff pile up ;)
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I used to do loot crate (as a gift), but shipping to Canada was so much, so I didn't renew. While there was some cool stuff, most of it I wasn't actually interested in, and so gave away or sold.
In my opinion, you'd be better off ordering something you like every few months.
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I tried a sample japancrate last year and it was pretty neat -- mostly snacks and candy with a few trinkets thrown in and a cool little "Manga-zine" booklet providing some info on the stuff included and stuff about Japan. I believe they also have crates that are collectible-focused.and they advertised that some people randomly get mega-crates with extra premium stuff in them.
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i don't get it. is this about food or nerd stuff? or both?!
i watched jingles' unboxing of the super geek boxes and i don't get that either. why would anybody want a shitload of cheap plastic trinkets and all that utterly useless crap being delivered to your door every month? literally everything i saw him pulling out of these boxes would take a ride in the trashmaster if i had it my way. it's literally buying worthless shit just because you can only to dump it into the next landfill. or fill your home to the brim with garbage so the ambulance crew can't reach you in case you crap out in the middle of your man cave.
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So offer no insight other than you rant of why you don't like them and don't get why people do.I don't get why people feel the need to share a dislike for something and just crap on a thread for no reason.
Waste the OP time explaining why you think these are a waste, you don't see the irony in that?
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I get it - but why do people want or buy anything, really? :/
You're probably right that a lot of it would end up stored in a corner somewhere, but I'd rather try that out than buy, let's say, a pizza... that ends up stored somewhere in me.
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don't worry missus, you're safe with me for i am the pizza chef!
none shall pass!
anyway i prefer just buying the stuff i really want instead of buying the whole lot and hope to find something in there that's not totally shit.
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Talking about lootcreate and stuff, I've always wanted to get at least one of those, just so I can decorate the place with some cool stuff. My house is pretty boring.
Those food creates do sound nice but I doubt I can get one shipped that far.
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They do look kind of neat:). I watched a couple of food crates unboxing today and got hungry.
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While I have never subscribed to one that Fallout one from Loot Crate was very tempting almost bought the year for mini nuke USB hub and well every 2 months I could get pieces to build a power armor suit.
Lootcrate seems to have the better selection and most likely the better quality.If you really like t-shirts and the sorts they also have loot boxes geared toward clothing.
You could also check out they don't have loot boxes but it's a geeks paradise at least for geek collectibles and so forth.I prefer them because well I'mm not huge on surprises when it comes to tangible items.
In the end, if I was to buy one I would go for what I like and not what looks cool If I just want some random stuff and don't care than I would pick whichever offers the most stuff for the best deal.If you want certain stuff try to google it and see if a loot box exists for it.
Like if you're into comics
In the end, Lootcrate has the best selection but other options do exist but enjoy whatever you decide on.
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Thanks!:) Thinkgeek is pretty cool - I just saw a Wonder Woman on a horse figure and <3 <3.
Yeah, I spent the day researching the various crates instead of studying. I did come to the same conclusion, that Loot Crate has the best quality out of the geek-related crates. But also that you should take advantage of them revealing the theme in advance, and the exact movies/games/comics that will appear in the stuff.
So unfortunately I will have to skip this month, as I'm not interested in Overwatch/Voltron/Power Rangers, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for December's!
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Yeah, that is the other nice thing I forgot to mention about them they do give you an idea of what to expect to a degree.Though loot crates are more or less meant as a surprise it's nice to at least have an idea of what is coming and it's still a surprise.
Just be careful they can be addicting
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I've never even heard of this before. I thought you were going to rant about the addictive property of digital loot crates, and how they aim to both mimic gambling and trigger the same addictive centers of the brain as drugs - but then you say that it's about physical loot crates? Isn't that even more like gambling?
I mean, if it really interests you, go ahead. It's your money. But it kind of seems like tchotchkes, and ones you may not even know about or care about, and who really wants more tchotchkes cluttering up their house? At least the digital ones have the advantage of not taking up physical space. ;)
And I get your excitement, but is it worth paying just for that feeling of excitement? It kind of reminds me of this comic:
Then again, I'm risk averse. I don't want to buy anything unless I know exactly what I'm getting and am pretty sure that I'll like it.
Anyway, good luck to you, and I hope whichever you decide works out well for you.
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Haha. That's fitting.
And I learned a new word! Tchotchkes.
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There's nothing like that in my country, I believe. :(
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So if you want to buy one, here is my referr- I'm just kidding.
I am not talking about in-game crates. I am talking about the Loot Crates or similar that are shipped to your house monthly.
That contain collectibles, shirts, figures, etc.
So I've always been interested in them, but never tried.
Yesterday, I read about the Keto food Krate, for the Ketogenic nutrition, something I've been doing for 7 weeks now. I was thrilled, thinking I found the perfect match, and tried ordering one - but it's not available in Canada. The disappointment.
So, I decided I'd finally try some kind of Loot Crate during the holidays. Maybe a 3-month plan, for November, December (Christmas!!), and January (New Year!!).
I discovered that there isn't only the most popular one, called Loot Crate, but all sorts of different brands (Nerd Block, Geek Fuel, etc), and I have no idea which one to pick. Even Loot Crate has like 8 different crates. There's even a Harry Potter monthly crate, which I will order one of, and give it to my cousin for her birthday (she's the biggest HP fan).
I love the idea of geeky collectibles or figures. I don't really have any right now, and honestly I'm not even knowledgeable at all about it all. I don't know much about movies, or about stuff like Star Wars or other classics. I don't know any of the retro /Va5aG/ shows or comics. I don't play most AAA games or popular MOBAs. So really, I'm a terrible match, and will probably not understand half of the content.
I want them anyway! I'll find takers among my friends for stuff I don't know, for sure. Plus, most come with a geeky t-shirt, and I don't have any of those. It'd be super neat to have some to wear for workouts or whatever - I want!
You might say it's a waste of money, and I won't disagree, but I want to risk it anyway. It's not really about what's inside for me. I get really excited at the Humble Monthly a week in advance. The anticipation is fun.:) I want to experience it, and say I've tried it.
Do you guys have any experience with them, or any preference about which are better than which?
I'll try not to get Carried Away! lv2
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