Do you think he's really dead?
dont let him ga
it has bad reviews anyway
dont want to see it on my own eyes to believe it
Or this one
we could have pandemia or sth. We dont want that, it could go wrong.
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And to the extreme. No compromises, no holding back. I mean, the guy had a hammock with a cut-out hole so a prostitute could shit into his mouth while he was under it (it's not a joke, look it up). How many of us could say the same?
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The thing about McAfee is that every part of his life could be absolute bullshit or completely legit. There is no middle ground. Tweeting that the government is planning to suicide him and them killing himself later is the most McAfee thing he could do.
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John McAfee | Soft Focus with Jena Friedman 2 | adult swim .. "has uninstalled self".. missed opportunity
from the video: "if you could murder.. someone..(pause) else..". She knew what she was talking about.
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To be honest, I never heard of him.
Yes, I've heard of the antivirus software, but not the dirty old man behind it.
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I don't really get why people like Epstein or McAfee are elevated into cult hero status after their apparent suicides. I mean I get that the angle of a bigger conspiracy has the makings of a real life thriller, but they were both rather despicable humans. Surely in a world with Didn't know much about him, but I've watched some things on him today, and I don't really see much to celebrate or mourn with his passing. But anyway, I guess in the pop culture world, we value notoriety above merit.
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I don't think you can really compare the two. One made a career out of grooming underage girls and the other was more of a Dan Bilzerian type of out of control.
The thing with Epstein is he clearly had ties with very powerful people, notably but not limited to his close relationship with the Clintons. Bill was on Epstein's plane, he was in direct contact with Epstein victims, it is a very big story and Epstein had connections to other powerful people like Prince Andrew. When his security camera gets turned off, the guards just happen to forget to do rounds right at the time he decides to kill himself, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out something fishy happened.
In terms of McAfree, he literally said if he dies he didn't kill himself. He also said he had terabytes of data on corrupt politicians and the like. So when he commits suicide, well the same alarm bells go off.
This has nothing to do with the character of the people, this has everything to do with the obvious stench of corrupt political hit jobs.
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Yeah I guess that you are probably right, in that it's the undertone of corruption that draws people in and elevates the death into something significant. And not denying that the circumstances are fishy, but there's this tendency online for these people to be turned into martyrs for the corrupt conspiracy that runs our world. I know people are mostly joking, but I've seen plenty of people elevating Epstein. He was no anti-hero, he was a sicko.
And whilst yes, McAfee seems to have avoided outright running a pedophile ring, there's plenty of suggestions that he was into some pretty shady stuff. So no, I don't think he was a 'mad lad' or a 'legend', at best he was a self-important rich guy , and at worst... well I guess nothing was ever proven in a court. But hey, if those terabytes of data get released and criminals get caught, then maybe I will change my opinion.
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An interesting John McAfee tweet from 2019
He was a colorful guy, if nothing else.
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At this point I'm skeptical if anyone will do anything if names are dropped. What is truly stopping people from just ignoring the evidence and continuing on their merry way? The people are stuck spinning their tires in the rut. They know that the system is broken and in dire need of reform but instead we're stuck squabbling with blind supporters of the harmful status quo because they fear change or facing the fact that things are much more twisted and corrupt than they think. It doesn't help that the record of sins are often recorded and kept by a sinner.
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He was hardly in his right mind most of the time because of his constant drug use. Couldn't trust anything he said. He also (most likely) murdered his neighbor then fled the country and was never arrested for it. Pretty incredible what you can get away when you have lots of money.
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i understand your statement and i get the joke, but i dont want anyone to get the idea that rich people pay there fair share.
if anyone thinks rich people pay taxes they have not been paying attention to current events. g7 just had a meeting about how the rich dodge taxes world wide and there planning on making them pay there fair share. im not looking to start a conversation about opinions, im just stating a fact. no ill will, just setting the record straight, rich people do not pay taxes, its a world wide problem.
inbreeding on the other hand... lol.
luckily they can afford the meds they need, too bad they dont take them.
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Oh no, no, I'm very aware of those facts. I actually meant that sometimes even rich people get caught not paying their taxes and when that happens, their money can't protect them. Maybe it doesn't happen often enough that the ones who do get caught are able to claim persecution like McAfee did but maybe if he had spent a little of his money buying politicians to make sure that didn't happen (like the Koch brothers) instead of blowing it on drugs, hookers and extravaganza, and two presidential runs, his story would have had a different ending.
I don't really think not buying the right politicians qualifies as political persecution though...
luckily they can afford the meds they need, too bad they dont take them.
That's often a problem with mental health because a lot of mental health issues prevent you from recognizing you need help
but yes at least rich people with mental health issues can afford meds, which is more than a lot of people who would like to seek treatment can say in some countries.
Although a general lack of accountability also helps people with issues who don't wish to seek treatment, and we go back to fat portfolios there.
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The infamous creator of the McAfee Anti-Virus has apparently commited suicide in a Spanish prison while awaiting US extradition. I could fill several pages with his exploits and shennanigans, but I will instead share some clips alongside the news link and let you form your own opinion on the matter.
Requiescat In Pace, you absolute mad lad!
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