Closed. 5 solvers. Solution in the comments on the 2nd page. Thanks for playing and Happy New 2013!

  • No help of any kind, no hints, everyone is solving for themselves. If I catch you cheating/sharing answers/hints, you are going to my blacklist for good, and trust me, I always catch someone. Don't even ask questions as a joke... Nothing!

  • If you solve and get to the giveaway page, bump the thread, be nice.

  • Do not tell anyone what game is given. If they want to find out and enter, they should solve the puzzle.

I'll post the solution afterwards. Good luck.

You don't have to add me on Steam to solve the puzzle. Everything you need is already given.

ALSO, if you are an active member (100+ comments) for 6 or more months, but have 0 wins, you should check this out...

12 years ago*

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"Since there were 0 entries first time around"
I wonder why, where's the bloody puzzle?
Is there some secret that only people who have been here for longer will know or something?

12 years ago

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To find the actual puzzle is a puzzle itself, so to speak. Not a hard one really.

12 years ago

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I thought so but I've read his post 5 times over and can't find anything even close to resembling a clue where to find it... He doesn't even say we have to find the puzzle first, as if he forgot a link.
I'm sure this is a troll.

12 years ago

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Well, I can assure you that it is not a trolling. There is a real puzzle at the end with 7 questions(yesterday they were 5). That last puzzle is hard tho.

12 years ago

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Or, we all agreed to troll new members and there is no puzzle, so they should quit and go back to entering public giveaways... :)

12 years ago

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Oi! I've made some private give aways in the forums too. But I think you'd be telling the truth if not for ZaknazaaR...
Bah I give in, there's some trick that only certain people know by the look of it. Good luck to the others! OP I hope you post solution at the end.

12 years ago

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This is impossible man, where's the puzzle?

12 years ago

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you're a puzzle demon, my friend.

12 years ago

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its not a good puzzle if the puzzle itself needs knowledge of how these kind of puzzles got handled in the past.
but keeping things fair doesnt seem to strike me as the intention here

12 years ago

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"There were at least 20 puzzles with the same trick just in the last 6 months." OP

I think you must of had to frequent these forums a lot and see the end of many competitions to know the "Trick" to finding this puzzle...

12 years ago

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i feel so stupid when there is already 8 people with the puzzle and i cant even find it, tried everything, ctrl+c, clicling everything, giving away all my stuff to a suspicious guy in dark corner and nothing :c

12 years ago

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9 people now.

12 years ago

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Probably just friends passing the link on..

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Or just Multi-Accs.
Well however, I am out of here.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

12 years ago

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Dude I think you don`t understand what a puzzle mean lol .

12 years ago

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You can't call your puzzle easy if nobody has been able to solve it for this long. Just sayin :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I am really stuck on this, i have been working at it for around half an hour and nothing, nothing through google, nothing on the links, there is nothing hidden

12 years ago

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half an hour? I've been solving this since last night! o.O

12 years ago

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No link 1/5

That or I'm blind

EDIT: Probably turning into Terezi

12 years ago

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I am so confused

12 years ago

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Fine, 6/7. F*ing star. Need a break / sleep now I guess

EDIT: never mind actually made the final push :] now i can finally sleep soundly for sure

12 years ago

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Bump for solved.

(so yes it's 2 solvers nao :P)

12 years ago

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Found the puzzle but it's tricky.

12 years ago

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Seems like I found the entrance.


I'm kinda stuck. I see the reference of Q4 but I'm out of answer ideas. Also that f*ing star.

6/7 - f*ing star is defeated.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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It's not clicking for me in my head..

12 years ago

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Maybe if you know the trick its easy

12 years ago

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Exactly, pretty obnoxious of OP to say it's "actually quite easy", especially when contradicting himself by putting "3 solvers" in the title too.

12 years ago

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It's actually not so hard to find the puzzle. But the puzzle itself is tricky one.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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3/7. Full of references that lead me to nowhere D:
Btw, the art is yours?

12 years ago

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If by art you mean grotesque pictures drawn in less than 10 minutes each, then yes, I did that and the world is now worse place because of it.

12 years ago

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I actually like them, even though not all of them seems to like me back.

12 years ago

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Could be a hint

^ Not actually for you but for the rest of whiners... but I'm gonna reply here anyway :)

12 years ago

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There's a certain trick to find the puzzle, you don't even say the puzzle is meant to be found, don't even give a clue that there is a certain trick to find it, and then condescend people by saying it's actually pretty easy which is all well of you to say seeming as you actually know the trick to find the puzzle!

Awful person, I'm outta here.

12 years ago

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Here's a free game for people who can not solve the puzzle...

01010011 01000100 01101000 01001000 01010011 01010110 01000101 01110100 01010100 01000100 01101100 01010101 01010010 01010110 01101011 01110100 01001110 01101011 01111000 01011000 01001110 01111010 01001101 00111101

12 years ago

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I cannot believe this. I tryed just for fun, convinced that there are already lot of solvers... instead I get the code. Not really interested in this game, but I cannot reverse the unlock.. I will do soon something to compensate x)

Btw very thanks for the key, I will give a try, I'll promise =D
Now, time to go back to this puzzle :|

12 years ago

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FINALYYYYYYYYY! This took much longer than I wish to admit. Bumpity.

12 years ago

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Seems like a nice puzzle... don't have the time to find the solution tho'... :( Hope everyone else have a better luck.

12 years ago

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Closed, gift sent to the winner. Here's the solution:

  • In the beginning, you can see there's no visible puzzle. In that case, we know that puzzle can be hidden in one or more places - usually it's in the wall of text (not the case here, obviously), source code of the post (also not the case), steam profile/screenshots of creator, or previous giveaways that creator made. Even if you don't know of this, there were many hints to point you back to the beginning and my early giveaways. I even said openly:

There were at least 20 puzzles with the same trick just in the last 6 months. Even I made one. If you can't find the way to the questions, that means you quit way too easily.

That only made some people rage, but if they used their minds and energy for something productive instead for blind hate, they would SEARCH the forums and find out that I've made very similar puzzle just last week, and even posted the solution - explaining how clues to finding the puzzle were hidden in some of my early giveaways.

I even posted a hint and said it could be hint!

Again, some people took it as an insult to them, instead of seeing it as a hint. Picture is clearly showing that crybabies were looking in the wrong place. Did they try looking somewhere else? Of course not. Whats more, if you delete .jpg from the link and go to IMGUR page of said picture, you'll be able to see the description, which is go back to the beginning.

If that does not scream at you to go to the first giveaway I ever made, you could at least search the forums, because that thread I mentioned earlier, the one with the similar trick and a solution, was called "Back to the beginning".

  • If you had gone to my earliest public giveaways you would find inside the description of first 11 some single characters that, in chronological order, make 2x 5char codes, clearly marked as 1 and 2. 5char codes can lead to only two places, either to the giveaway page (not the case) or to the IMGUR pictures.

  • Between the codes there was a hint: 2+1=X

  • We go to IMGUR and find these two pictures, showing us 2 parts of 8char code: RHxU and l3mF. Since 2+1=X, we take l3mFRHxU and use it to get to the ITSTOOHARD hosted quiz. 14 people total managed to solve this first part of the puzzle.

Now the things got easier... or not. There were 7 pictures posing as questions for the quiz.

  • In the first picture, we see a zombie walking, and a text there's a zombie on your lawn! what can you use to stop it? - the correct answer is plants, and that's a tribute to great PvZ game.

  • The second image is tribute to Skyrim which I'm playing at the time, and an arrow in the knee meme, so the answer is, plan and simple, an arrow in the knee.

  • I considered the third picture to be easiest of them all, but players did not agree and have found it to be the most problematic of all questions. It's a starite from Scribblenauts game series, the ultimate goal of every single puzzle you do in the game. It's also used as an icon for the game, it is shown in every single preview, review, how to play, what is, let's play and similar video about the brand new Scribblenauts Unlimited game. The entire quiz is sort of a hint, because you have graphical situations and are required to write in the answer that can solve the puzzle. Also, you could have seen in my profile that I'm giving away this exact game, because no one guessed answer to this particular question first time around, and the game image popped up on my SG profile with 0 entries/closed.

  • Fourth image is showing us a cult scene from the Lord of the Rings movies. Iven if you don't remember it, there are short clips on YouTube. The answer to this one is... you have my sword. Yeah, that's it.

  • Fifth is obviously scrubs and I'll say nothing more about it.

  • Sixth is showing late Michael Jackson in the Thriller outfit - in the moonlight - so you have MJ + moonlight + his thing = moonwalk.

  • Seventh image should be obvious and will not be explained here nor will ever be explained in one of my solutions. If you do not know the answer to that one, you should shut down your computer and turn off the lights, because you don't deserve the A/C in your home...

Only 5 people managed to solve this quiz in time to enter and maybe win the game called Scribblenauts Unlimited.

That's it. This was my last great puzzle, I'll be hibernating until I get a new job or some spoiled rich girl decides to use me as her incredibly handsome trophy husband. Happy New year to all of you. Haters can go and enjoy public giveaways. :)

12 years ago

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Crap! I went back to the beginning, searching for that method you were talking about... just didn't consider your hint.
Well played, master. Really well played.

12 years ago

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Why, oh why didn't I think to check for the star in a review or something? It's so obvious now!
Oh well, thanks for the good but frustrating puzzle.

Happy New year and good luck in finding that rich girl! =)

12 years ago

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I even made it to be pixelated, as a hint to original Nintendo DS game from 2009. Remember, the one that made sworn PC enthusiasts to install Nintendo DS emulator just to check it out :)

Hints all over the place XD

12 years ago

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Perhaps I'm missing something...but there does not appear to be any search function to find previous posts by a user in the forums. Are you seriously suggesting players had to trawl the forums page by page for up to 6 months to see what had been done before?

12 years ago

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Learn to use search, just enter [puzzle] and result you want is right at the first page.

Also, no one had to do anything. Puzzles are for users who like puzzles and the thrill of solving them. Game is just a potential but not the main prize. Main prize is the experience of solving the puzzle.

12 years ago

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+1 omnitau
I have told it before, this OP is simply a snob.

12 years ago

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Tch~ didn't notice anything like that :X nice puzzle you got there!

12 years ago

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Maybe a bit, but you have to admit the puzzle is good. I didn't actually participate, but from the looks of it it was possible to solve, just extremely difficult for anyone who wasn't at least a bit familiar with all this, or imgur, to even get started. If a certain group of people aren't intended for a puzzle, then neither party should be insulting each other in the forums.

12 years ago

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Ahh, I seem to have missed that puzzle last week(no wonder, was kinda busy exactly then). I guess the only thing I didn't try was searching past puzzles, sorta thought you had way too many of them for that. ^_^
Well, I guess that's a good thing, would have probably been dead on the quiz anyway. XD

Thank you very much for the puzzle and Happy New Year. :D

12 years ago

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Holy carp, I never even thought about looking at your previous giveaway, can't believe how stupid I was. Still, probably wouldn't figure out the Imgur part since I've never payed attention to how it generates links. Interesting concept, though.

12 years ago

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I think it required maybe too much to find a puzzle and that hint should be there from the begining. Anyway, nice puzzle. The questions were nice (7th :)) and weren't very hard except for the 3rd, I doub't I would find an answer.

12 years ago

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Lol, good thing I already have Scribblenauts! I gave up after looking at the source code.

12 years ago

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Holy shit.

12 years ago

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even with the solution it is still a bad puzzle to begin with. doesnt matter if you call critics hater or criebabies. i for one never used imgur or the itstoohard site.
you obviously know the dark tower, you should go on and read what roland says about good riddles

12 years ago

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"... never used imgur or the itstoohard site." - whose problem is it? Now you're a little more experienced.

I would say this puzzle has a medium difficulty and it's nice.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by NB264.