...and why?

EDIT: I have picked Forest Gump...i'm surprised nobody said it

1 decade ago*

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Entertainment doesn't affect my life in any serious way. Sorry to disappoint you.

1 decade ago

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Someone really smart once said: "You took the words right out of my mouth"

1 decade ago

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Yes movies are mostly for entertainment, but a good movie has the ability to make you think (12 Angry Men) or inspire you (Gattaca) or give you more appreciation for the things in your life (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).

1 decade ago

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That's sad. We learn from the environment and movies, books, videogames and any form of culture are part from this environment. Everything and everyone has something to teach us if we want to pay attention.

1 decade ago

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I never said I don't learn anything. I just wrote that movies, games and books don't affect my life in any serious way. And that's a good thing. We have to know the difference between fiction and the real world.

1 decade ago

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Michael Mann said: "We can learn things from drama about the human experience in a much more profound way, because it’s so dimensional, it’s about our feelings, it’s about all the multi-layered, multi-faceted ways in which we are, then we ever can from a facts report or from news". Any learning affect the life of the people who want to learn, but, it's also true that we must know the difference between fiction and the real world.

1 decade ago

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has taught me not to be grumpy in relationships.
Brick has taught me that putting your hands in your coat pocket and talking in 50's lingo is mother fucking cool.

1 decade ago

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Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze. Because senseless violence is always the answer.

1 decade ago

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Stalker - the world it visualized just intrigued me and has inspired me to write my own screenplays.

1 decade ago

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seconded, I'm a photographer by trade, and if i had to point to one piece of media that inspired me both artistically and philosophically, it'd be stalker.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Like she said.

1 decade ago

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Inception during my sleep

1 decade ago

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"Seven Years in Tibet" and "Into the Wild". Makes you think a little about your stance towards life, happiness, etc.

1 decade ago

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Eragon, because it's such an outstanding example of a pioneer of original fantasy fiction and has some of the finest actors I can name in it (except Jeremy Irons, who didn't even try).

1 decade ago

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the pursuit of happyness, because it teached me, i can make my dreams come true :)

1 decade ago

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Didn't teach you how to spell though. Common problem with that movie.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Ah, so it's one of those "meaningful" misspellings. Gotcha.

1 decade ago

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internet: the neverending english class

1 decade ago

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The Notebook, because "if you're a bird, then i'm a bird."

1 decade ago

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Fight Club, for teaching me I'm not a beautiful and unique snowflake

1 decade ago

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I learned that you can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick.

1 decade ago

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I learned just how lucrative a business soap is.

1 decade ago

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Soap that's being fed to fabricants after their shift at Papa Song?

1 decade ago

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I was unaware that there was a film adaptation of Cloud Atlas. Now I have something to do, thanks~

1 decade ago

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No problem bro ;)

1 decade ago

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My Little Pony because it started my deviant sexual interest in horses.

1 decade ago

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Resident Evil: Afterlife. It gave me cancer.

1 decade ago

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Trainspotting, Fight Club, Amélie and The Clockwork Orange, in any particular order. Because I saw them when I was a shy 15 or 16-year-old shy boy and they helped me change into someone better :)

1 decade ago

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All are great films.

1 decade ago

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The Shawshank Redemption, American History X, Remember the Titans. Movies that make you think about certain things.

1 decade ago

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American Psycho :D it made me feel like all the nice and good looking ppl around me r serial killers xD LOL

1 decade ago

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It made me want a mirror in my bedroom. 'Don't just look at that ass....'

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wow, that animation is unwatchable.

1 decade ago

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FWIW, I stopped watching that after one minute, because of this.
Then I decided to give it a fair shake and watched the rest... wherein the speaker talks about exactly my linked rebuttal in the last minute, and then says, essentially "no, because... I don't want to believe that." So he sets up his idea and then tears it down himself, but then chooses to ignore his teardown based on... nothing. I've come to expect better of you, xarabas! ;)
It's been a theory of mine for a while that "God" is random. Literally. Not "His" actions, but the existence of randomness itself is "God", even if God is "sentient" -- randomness would give it capability to influence, literally, everything. (I'm an agnostic, it's just a theory, and as far as I know God still can't be proven one way or another (and anyway, doing so would remove Faith).) And so back to the video -- Randomness could just as easily be a manifestation of "free will" in all things.
I don't really want to get into a religious discussion on these forums, so this is my only post on the topic. I know you like to think deeply, xarabas, so if this is a thought process you've already covered, cool -- if not, I hope you're entertained by the ideas. May the RNG begift you! :D

1 decade ago

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So he sets up his idea and then tears it down himself, but then chooses to ignore his teardown based on... nothing

That might as well be a verbal representation of behaviouristic patters for said quantum particles and meta portrayal for inconsistency within them.

I think that the whole example of God in that segment could not be taken seriously, rather than any other opposing force in comparison to physical laws. My assumption is that David Sosa used it because it's very much simplistic and more people can relate to it. With that said, i don't see any (semi)religious context in that clip as i believe it shouldn't be one.
In any case, that is a thought process which is very well behind me

1 decade ago

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The Impossible.
And why? You just gotta watch this movie for yourself. It's one of the best I have ever seen.

1 decade ago

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The Surf Nazis Must Die, it was a very deep and thoughtful watch.

1 decade ago

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The Goonies. For every reason.

1 decade ago

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Lost. It just did. It told me I should be grateful for everything/one I have.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm not sure about the -most- impact, but "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Deep Impact" Are up there. Not everyone gets their happy ending, and no matter how well you prepare you and those around you may lose a lot along the way. All you can do is cling to what remains and work hard to keep the fires burning. (Both physically and metaphorically).

1 decade ago

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do documentary-ish count? if so then The Fog of War (the one bout McNamara). Fight Club is definitely up there though.

1 decade ago

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Seven Pounds and Donnie Darko

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Razuto22.