I'm playing one of those browser games, and apparently it's not against ToS to have multiple accounts.
So I have 30, so level my guild etc lol.

Anywho, chrome/firefox/edge etc will each save the login - set "remember me" and even next week I could just go to the link and be logged in ready to go. Incognito will not, so I can do 2 chrome/2edge and log in 4 at a time before running out of monitor.
I'd like to set desktop shortcuts in a folder, so I can click that and be logged in under that account.
Even if it overrides current login that would be great, once you're in the game you can log out of that account and open a new one without booting yourself.
Is this a thing? Something like this possible?

6 years ago

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Yes. In new version of Firefox, you can create new containers, and whatever you do in each of the container doesn't affect the other containers. No idea how it deals with session cookies across restarts/tab closing, though

6 years ago

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Make user profiles for the browsers, that way you can have one for each account and start it from a shortcut.

6 years ago

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same from here

(for Chrome https://www.google.com/search?q=chrome+manage+people)

edit: 30?? that's a lot, maybe an extension, like the veebles one, is a better option for you

6 years ago*

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You can also use virtual machines to have more and more of them!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Great, thank you guys. This works perfectly.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MtvYoloSwag.