Well, if you want more responsive users to enter raise, lvl of GA and start doing descriptions. Ask for some nice song, recommendation of movie or something like that. Or even better - ask participants to NOT post 'thank you comments'. Then you will see how many of them read desrciptions and how many of them might be using bots.
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Yep. I wrote this in the description:
Do not write "thanks" or any other similar generic things. This game is apparently terrible, so "thanks" is not even appropriate. Instead, post a picture of a capybara
To which one person responded:
THANKS!!! people like you go on my blacklist. people should be allowed to say thank you lol.... retarded people these days xD ...
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No. I have seen him encourage people to break the rules though (probably because he wanted to win a certain game), so he is obviously not exactly going to win any awards for being a great person.
And thanks for the picture! Caimans are quite underrated, I find them to be quite cute actually.
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Oh, I already know that kind of users. The sad part is, when I try to politely inform them about whats wrong with their behaviour they just laugh, post more hatefull things or thing like that ;/
I find them to be quite cute actually.
Well... This one looks like he (she?) is smiling and didn't eat that capybara so maybe they actually are cute.
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No- Though I totally took a few minutes to search out their post in your giveaway and block them, also-
There've been several others :/
A lot of people feel that thanking is a 'right' they are entitled to, rather than, you know, an actual display of respect and gratitude. It's.. baffling.
You'd think that managing to abide by a simple request would be a fair trade for trying at something someone is giving away..
One pattern I've noticed is that anyone on this site that does bully or harass due to such things, basically always has a much higher won count than sent count. I've seen that up through Level 4 members so far, usually with at least 2:1 to 4:1 win:sent ratios. :/
Well, I'm sure there will be people that don't meet that pattern;
But it's still a good indicator that the entitlement expressed is something consistently presented.
What really bugs me about it, is when they use bigoted slurs, like yours did, and the staff does nothing about it [though apparently they at least forced the person who neg-feedbacked me to change their slur/insult-spammed initial feedback]. That's really.. something else.
In my case, I even had someone DEMAND a key from me after I tried confirming they weren't entering through bots/etc, saying that it was their right, they deserved it, and I wasn't allowed to not give it to them :X
You know, rather than just taking a few moments to talk with me civilly and actually get the key..
I ended up just accepting the not received on that giveaway- and on three others. Only one out of five non-rule-following recipients, actually was willing to functionally talk with me (and thus get their key), and even they weren't super friendly about it.
I've since become a lot more cautious about how/ I format my giveaways. No more level 1 public ones for me :X
Now, all that aside-
On the reverse side of things, it's surprising how many people don't thank you after actually winning a giveaway :P
It's like this social function of a pre-win-thank-you eclipses everything else, and actual on-win gratitude a challenging thing to ask for.
Not that it's necessarily something the creator should ask for- there's enough putting up games just to get rid of them, for that- but it's something you'd think the recipient would consider worth doing. :/
Still, I don't make assumptions, there- easy enough to get distracted and forget things, or to have different perspectives I may not have considered.
Same thing goes for the thank you spam, I'm generally not too harsh on it.
But when people start insulting you over silly things and demanding things of you, that's just.. nrrgh.
Okay, done yammering on, now- ha :X
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I want no thanks no responses,i want nothing. They are entering a lottery, they owe me nothing. In fact i have to thank "The Winner" (not all of them) help me getting rid of that unwanted game which occupies my mind; and you are suggesting me to make them sing and dance before they get a treat like cute cats. THANKS hahaha
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Now that's a refreshing look at things :-)
Anyway your mileage can vary here because some gifters want to get thanks, some gifters don't want thanks, some want or don't want other things and so one. One of the most safest things here is saying thanks after you won a giveaway :-)
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It was only a suggestion, damn. Chill out. Anyway, like I said you can spend all ten seconds to wirte something like 'no thanks needed'. It won't help much but maybe you won't receive as much of them as you do now.
Still, if you will be doing open GAs without level restrictions, you really can't do anything about this users.
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"What is food to one is to others bitter poison" - Lucrezio
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I'm surprised this proverb exists in this form in English - in German it is one of the proverbs that I would have bet can't have a direct English translation; but it does.
[unlike for e.g.: "Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift" ("I think my pig is blowing the whistle") or "Das is aber nicht das Gelbe vom Ei" ("This is not the yellow from the egg"))] ^^
Uh well. Anyway... what was about to say... ah yeah:
People post thanks under every shitty giveaway, because many people put you on their blacklist if you do not post a thanks in their giveaway. SG has become a dangerous place though, because also a lot of people blacklist you if you enter multiple of their GAs and write the same little "thanks" in more than one of their GA, assuming you were a bot.
Whatever you're doing, in someone's eyes you're doing it wrong.
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Exists in french too :) "à cheval donné on ne regarde pas la denture" (and a few variants)
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trashy game giveaway?
You mean like Botology?
One thing are bots.
Second thing - I belive that every game have a group of people that wants to play it, maybe they will enjoy it so 'quality' of game should not be considered.
Third - When someone spend his own money to give some stranger a 'free' game, it would be nice to say thank you. You know, just to be nice, I guess.
In the third case I'm not even talking about generic, copypasted 'thanks' or 'thank u' or 'thx' but some longer comments that shows that someone actually wrote it.
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Some people will even buy games only for cards. Not few but many people are there that have been doing this. Especially games from bundle and some deals on steam.
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Well, yeah I know that, but what people do with they own money is they own buisness. I mean, you know, the point of this site is to win games that you would like to play, not to collect +1s to library or for card drops. You know, someone actually want to play some game but some other user just drained it with IdleMaster and hide it in library. That's not cool. I'm kinda feeling bad for all my games that I won but yet didn't have time to play them while some people shamlessly enter all GAs only to hoard as much games as they can.
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i don't post thank yous until i have won. i see no sense in it. but after winning, i always say thank you. because it's polite. i have received something for free, no matter if it's an aaa game or not.. i have entered, so i've had at least some interest in the game.
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As others have mentioned, there are bots out there that just automatically write "thanks" (or similar) in every GA.
Another group are people who always write thanks, no matter what.
And finally, there might people who genuinely want the game. They might full well know that the game is utter garbage, but are interested in seeing just how bad it actually is. I've entered a few such GAs.
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SG is a great advertisement plataform, actually.
Theres some shitty games that I've seen so much that I started to be curious about the game and enter giveaways for it. And not winning these bad games made me frustrated. So I started to want them even more.
I even came to a point when I bought some bad games because I was so tired of not winning them (these cents games that goes on sale every week and are like in SG forever, lol).
One of them I discovered it was not bad. The Hat Man: Shadow Ward. I mean, it is not great, but it gave me some REAL scares, and I think that for a horror game it fulfills its purpose, and I actually enjoyed it.
And I would NEVER have bought it if I didn't see it everyday on SG.
So yeah, there might be people out there that actually feel thankful other people are giving away Bad Rats or Fish Fillets (my first giveaway Kappa).
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Whenever I comment (and I don't comment on every ga), I try to write something fitting to the GA, unless the creator asks for something specific.
Most people that don't want you to post "thanks" are specifically against the long list of nigh identical messages. If people don't want you to post anything at all, they usually say so (moral of the story: Read GA description and do what the gifter asks you to do ;) )
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Obviously politeness. Idiosyncrasies.
After all, why even bother to ask your bot to say thanks?
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You mean thanking for something given by an anonymous person with best of feelings in heart, expecting no return favors. Yes that is very uncommon. And that things deserve the deepest thanks which is not given in cold blooded written letters but with a sensation of gladness appear every now then in your whole life.
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Some people enjoy playing even those. Two of my favourite games stand on low sixties on Steam reviews. I enjoyed both 'Make it indie!' and 'Retention', despite them being among the lowest-rated Steams games. And I'm genuinely trying to get Barbie Dreamhouse Party, because I think it is hilarious(ly bad).
So… why wouldn't some other people want to play some bad-rated games? I mean millions play the shitty console shooters and sing praises of games where you don't even have any gameplay just walking + cut-scenes. Sometimes even a bad Greenlight game can offer more interactivity and game play than a 100-million dollar train wreck that had to buy GOTY award so people didn't forget it exists.
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The real question is why do so many people enter these giveaways (cause if you enter a giveaway, you might as well give thanks for it). I myself, wouldn't want a game like Uriel's Chasm or The Slaughtering Grounds in my Steam library if someone paid me.
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If one spend his time to find or buy the game and then create a free giveaway for all that enough for me to say thanks. Because if i dont wont this game or think the game is "trashy" i just dont spent my points to entering.
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Yeah you have read the question.
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