Can people get off your blacklist? (with enough effort)
Interesting stats:
Jan 22 2016 on 35 blacklists
Mar 30 2016 on 71!
15 alone from March 17-30
I must be doing something right?
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I had one person on a blacklist, because he consciously gave away a game that had just became free. A while later I checked his stats and he gave away other non-free games while not really winning any in return.
So I took him off again.
I'm on three blacklists. I don't know why, but it might be because I don't comment a lot and have only gotten into the whole giveaway thing a few months ago. I don't have any wins not marked as received and all my givaways (which are bigger than my wins) have been marked as received as well, so that can't be the reason.
But hey, you can't control what other people think or what they do. It's better to focus on the things that get you whitelisted than to focus on a few blacklists you may get.
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On the downside, you don't know what things get you WL or BL (tho you have a pretty good idea of what not to do :P)
yesterday I sorta had a calmed fight with a guy I didn't even see before, ofc not, we're millions, right? :P anyway, I said from the 1st second I wont appeal but wanted to know why I was BL, turned out to be, IMHO, an hypocrite, but my point being, you can't possibly cover every single spot and be liked for everyone there's a better easier way to say that alike the lines of "you can't please everyone" so you're better of with your own code of conduct, morals, ethics, aka play nice, be nice and afford the giving as much as you can, and more importantly, don't take stuff you don't need cause essentially you're taking the chance to enjoy that of another person who might had really wanted that something you took but now lies on the bottom of your backlog, maybe to never resurface again :P
That it wasn't meant to you; I mean it as generally speaking. So I hope you know the difference and don't take it the wrong way, ok?
So yeah, you're right, OP is right too, and the poll shed some light into the real truth..
Edit, let's put some pics XD
Whitelists (35)
Blacklists (19)
*so according to this I've BL 19 ppl, man, do I look like a villain? XD
I try to make it up, it's not so easy with our region prices and SA lock, bundles doesn't do much for CV either, and the cherry on top: unemployment.. yeah, I'd say I've done some despite that, yet it's not enough, it's never enough for some people...
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In before new SGtools rule "does not have me blacklisted"...
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I honestly don't know what I've done to get on peoples' blacklists. I HAVE failed to give a game or two because of a mix-up in keys and that's totally my fault but I'd like to think that I'm otherwise a good person or don't come off as a troll or anything. I mean, the word "blacklist" is such a dirty word, it's like saying "You're a piece of shit, begone from my presence". Like, dude, I'm sorry T_T
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I went on holiday without a computer. Marked received for the won games (without actually activating them) via mobile. Much blacklisting did occur.
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I honestly don't care if I'm on a blacklist(excluding the reason that I just simply don't care) because for me it really boils down to what I say in certain threads, which is basically "I don't like you." simply for how someone thinks and it baffles my mind, especially since I forget about every argument I have at least a day later. I have 2 people on my blacklist. One of them is Konrad for being too awesome and the other was a confirmed scammer or the like.
Anyways, blacklist is just a prettied up block button. It's like the difference between "hate" and "loathe".
EDIT: Obviously I'm just assuming why I may be on some blacklists, because I am most certainly not a scammer and I have given away more than I have won, both in real CV and number of giveaways.
EDIT2: Also, anyone can blacklist anyone for any reason, so there's no real reason to fret about it. You don't write essays whenever you comment! Blacklisted!
EDIT3: And to update this comment to include my WL:BL, it's 34 BL, 30 WL. I mean, thanks for whitelisting and thanks for blacklisting...?
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I'm on 3 BLs it seems. No surprise, don't know why. I rarely post on the forums. If I had to hazard a guess, it's because I typed out generic thanks comments on giveaways that didn't warn about that.
But I'm on 34 WLs somehow, so yay.
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As long as you don't go around in the forums saying something that you think it's offensive to some, neutral to some and funny to others, then you are A-OK.
Public exposure is real around here, hehe.
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MrAwesomeFalcon, I have you blacklisted and you should probably know why because I commented on one of the offending giveaways when I did. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to get into detail about it since it was a rules issue. But you seemed extremely sure of yourself at the time, even with multiple people telling you that you were doing something wrong, so I'm not really sure if I'm open to removing you.
22 people have me blacklisted. I know at least 2 of those are counter-BLs, which is predictable and totally understandable. I'm curious about what else I might have done to get on someone's nerves, though.
I make a note of why I have everyone blacklisted so if you want to know you can ask me here, I guess.
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For me, I will blacklist for the common sensible reasons: sharing GA URL to bypass sgtools, regifting, trade scamming, known to be a bad person in SG, etc. I do not blacklist for difference of opinions, offensive images, and anything that is opinionated. I don't care if I made 10 giveaways and someone wins most or all of them; I don't blacklist winners because RNG decides the probability. However, if someone blacklists me and I don't find out until I try to enter the said person's giveaway(s) then I believe blacklisting the same person is fair and equal.
Also, anyone on my blacklist stays on it permanently *. I am very lenient on what makes me want to blacklist and challenging my easy going mood is the worst mistake to perform.
*I might unblacklist someone, but that someone must overachieve and do it publicly.
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I am confused..... you're here one month with 2 GA's and 1 win AND you're discussing BL's already? Sigh..... go ahead and BL me for commenting but I don't see what basis you have for creating this thread. No really, explain it to me. I am completely serious.
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The mods deleted the giveaways that got him blacklisted by a lot of people.
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I'm on 86 blacklists... It's ok, I just wonder how many times for what I say in the forums and how many for my ratio/ignoring rules in GAs.
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Quote: "I'll find someone who deserves to be on mine (usually if you have more than 2 wins, fewer than 100 comments, and/or no games given)."
Quote: "This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that you should only BL people who break site rules or are total dicks"
You're contradicting yourself since having fewer than 100 comments or not having given away a game is not against the rules.
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Wow, apparently I'm on 7 blacklists, had only been aware of 1 until a couple of days ago when I discovered another. Those two I think might have been because I didn't say thank you when I won a ga from them which I would like to apologize for, or possibly to give other people more of a chance? I'm gonna go with more likely the first reason. However since then I always thank the ga creator when I win a game so the other blacklist the only reason I can think of is giving other people more of a chance but I'm on speculating here. Ideally I would like to be completely clean and be on no-ones blacklist but I guess it's unlikely for anyone to manage that haha but it's not the end of the world.
Edit: Out of curiosity I just compared won giveaways with the dates I was blacklisted and was only able to find the 1, so the other 6 I guess maybe I said something someone didn't like? Who knows, I've never said anything that could be considered offensive as far as I know, if I have I do apologize. I guess this just happens and I'll probably never know but oh well, life goes on, no point complaining. Ultimately I'd prefer to not be blacklisted but it's alright, I'm more just curious as to what it could be.
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He was certainly harsh, but you should indeed consider bundle prices. People do and feel you're trying to trick them when you refer to the full price of games which have been or are currently in a bundle. As a general rule, being in a bundle permanently lowers the value of a game (not necessarily to the sheer bundle price, but still).
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The sooner people realize that they cannot be on good terms with everyone in the world and that some people may like them while others may not, the sooner they will stop worrying and obsessing over "lists" and stop trying to fix things that dont matter at all. This is not directed to anyone in particular but it is for everyone to consider.
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A lot of times I'll find I'm on a blacklist because of something I did, or I'll find someone who deserves to be on mine (usually if you have more than 2 wins, fewer than 100 comments, and/or no games given).
I wanted a more formal place to try and get off of a few myself, and also remove those on mine who've fixed their shit.
If you've BL'd me and are open to reconsidering please let me know why you BL'd me and what I can do to make it up to you.
This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that you should only BL people who break site rules or are total dicks, not people you disagree with (assuming they aren't either of the first two)
This isn't a place to beg for removal, instead try giving convincing evidence that you've got your shit together.
Sorry about the Poll >.< I didn't double check it...
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