No bug, It's a free game that isn't allowed for giveaways.
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But wait, it costs like $10 on Steam. How is it not allowed?
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Because Steam isn't the only place to get things. Many things that cost money on Steam have been given away free elsewhere. It wouldn't be fair if people could give away games they got for free and get contributor value for them just because they have a price on the Steam store.
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Whether it makes sense or not is less clear - I think the better answer is that that's just how SG works. Giving away a game that you got for free isn't really much different than if I buy a game at a 90% off sale and then get full 100% CV credit for it on SG. And besides, SG only counts it having been free if it was a massive free giveaway, but individuals get free copies all the time and can give them away on SG for CV no problem. Or on the other side, if I buy a game at full price today and give it away, and then it gets bundled 3 months later, I lose 85% of the CV I initially got for it. +Also, if you purchase a game today and make a GA for it, then maybe a year or even more later the price goes down on Steam, your CV for that game also goes down. There are a lot of things about how SG calculates CV that don't necessarily make sense, but it's pointless to argue about it.
EDIT: Removed false statement above - I misunderstood (see below). I think the rest still stands though.
EDIT: +Added another "thing that doesn't make much sense"
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No it's when SG hasn't updated the list to include the bundle game. That's why I lost levels is when they updated the list (since I've only given away bundle games.) and those who gave away those games didn't get the CV for the full game like they had. They were getting the CV for the 15% of what it's worth due to it being bundled.
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To be fair, I was just trying to answer the question of 'how can my game be considered free when it costs $10 on the Steam store' rather than start a more general discussion on the matter of CV.
Personally I think there is a big difference between games that are simply cheap or given away in limited quantities and the more massive giveaways due to the fact that there are clearly many people who abuse such giveaways and will hoard 20, 50 or even more keys - which clearly would seriously unbalance the system if they were allowed to make giveaways and get CV.
Where and how the line should be drawn is certainly a matter for debate.
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It clearly mitigates certain issues - but I'm pretty cynical considering some of the shenanigans I've seen and I think on its own that still leaves far too much room for exploitation.
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Fair enough. You've been here a lot longer than I have - I haven't seen much, just picked up scraps of information through various threads on the topic. Add it to the list of things that don't quite make sense about the current system. I think there'd be pretty broad agreement here that it is flawed, but it isn't catastrophically flawed, and I don't see it changing, maybe ever.
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The system is flawed - but it's a free site with limited support staff and overall I think it does the best it can with what it has to work with.
CV will go down as games drop in value on the steam store and maybe that isn't fair - but the site simply pulls its info from Steam and maintaining some sort of historic database of prices would be a pretty big job.
The full CV / bundle CV / free system is arbitrary and simplistic and I could certainly make a list of stuff that I think is 'wrong'. And I'm sure so could everyone else. But overall I think it does a reasonable job of keeping CV meaningful given the resources available - which appears to be its purpose.
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The architect in me really wants to say how a better system could be designed, but in the end it doesn't matter. I think we're both saying the same thing, which was really my original point - that it's pointless to argue why SG works the way it does, or what SG should do differently. The important thing is how the system DOES work, which is all anyone really needs to know.
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They get bundled pricing if the price was -95% in the past (15% CV), not removed.
I believe they also get removed if the game is removed from the steam store and then they have to be added back manually. Since PA no longer has a price on the Steam store, it has to be added back into the SG system.
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I cannot find The Ship: Murder Party while attempting to create a giveaway. Yet, the game is listed on the bundle games list. Is this a bug and will it be fixed?
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