This comment might've provided be the answer I needed, but I need further clarifications.

So, I believe I just discovered a crafty scam attempt by my ISP, TIM (formerly known as Telecom Italia).
The contract is for phone line with unlimited calls and ADSL2+ Internet, with speeds up to 7 Mbps (down) and 384 kbps (up).
Just to clarify, ISP measure speeds in bits, rather than bytes. To get Megabytes/s, you need to divide Megabits/s by 8.192.
Actual speeds in bytes, are 850-900 kilobytes/s and 45-50 kilobytes/s, with ~45 ms ping.

The base contract costs €44.90 per month, for reference. It includes unlimited phone calls and Internet, typical of Italian ISPs.
By the way, they also charge €2.90 per month to show caller IDs. Do other countries' companies even do that?
More info in these older comments of mine: One... Two... Three.

You could easily imagine my reaction when, while downloading Steam games, It reported the speed to be 1.7 Megabytes/sec (double).
I immediately did a Speedtest, and the results were 14.57 Megabit/s (1.78 Megabytes/s), 0.87 Megabit/s (108.75 kilobytes/s), ping 26 ms.

The ISP offers a few extra options to add to the contract, specifically:

  • "Super Internet" (upping max DL speed to 10 Mbps), costing an extra €4.04 per month;
  • "Super Internet Plus" (upping max DL speed to 20 Mbps and UL speed to 1 Mbps), costing an extra €5.04 per month;
  • "Internet Play" (said to lower the ping (although they don't say how, and by how much), costing an extra €3.03 per month.

For all the aforementioned options, they offer a free 1-month trial (which is a good thing by itself), although you need to be disable it before the end of the month if you want to avoid being autocharged for the following bill (like Humble monthlies).

I talked with my parents about this discovery, but they didn't activate anything, and they don't have a clue about what might've happened.
My take on this, is that they might've activated "Super Internet Plus" , and maybe even "Internet Play", on our contract without our consent, hoping to snatch an extra €5 or €8 on the following bills without us noticing. The last one (August's), is OK, so the trial would be active during September.

I've done a quick check on their site, and the "Super Internet Plus" option is indeed active, since August 17th (so the free trial will be active for September).

We'll call the customer service later today, or tomorrow, to know something more.

Now, what do you think about it? Could it really be a scam attempt, or am I seeing things?
For all I know, they might even have changed the contract to accommodate extra speed for no extra cost, as unlikely as it sounds.
This really pisses me off.

Una domanda extra per altri italiani: vi é mai capitato qualcosa del genere? Sia con TIM/Telecom Italia, che con altri provider?

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8 years ago*

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View Results
Yes, absolutely.
No, you're seeing things.
I don't know / don't care, but your waifu is trash as always.
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Is this a bump, or a scam?

8 years ago

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Caught in the landslide ... ;)

8 years ago

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Ye its a scam , the speed is worst than canada

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Speed is pretty good in Canada. But prices are outrageous.. ;)

8 years ago

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5mb/s and Im paying like $50 or $55 per month

8 years ago

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why not just wait till the bill with the extra costs arrives (if it ever comes) ... as long as you dont have to pay for more happy and enjoy.

8 years ago

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Is there any place, either online or on the bill, where the plan is spelled out?

8 years ago

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It's written on the bill, and the last one is OK.
But those option I mentioned are just extras, they would just show up on the next bill, when it would be too late to disable them.
I'll see if they have an online account of some sort where to see it, I never checked.

8 years ago

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ADSL2+ you are working on copper, so maybe could be a failure with the cables on your line, check your parameters on your router and maybe but is my guess you live far away from the central or in a crowded area and/or just bad parameters, filters/cable

8 years ago

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Failure? No, my speed actually doubled, so that's why I'm being dubious.
Although there're a few hiccups every once in a while, the line is too crammed with connections.

8 years ago

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I've had the same contract, it's that bad by design. And I mean the normal parameters, before the speed increase.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago*

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It's more or less the same here, when people misclick ads while on mobile, and activate paid subscriptions for horoscopes, newsletters, porn services, and so on, the providers gain a small cut (and maybe even Google/Apple).

And when the Antitrust discovers it, what do they do? They fine the companies by a few millions each, when they actually "stole" billions. So, yeah, fines are less expensive to them, and they keep doing it.

It doesn't help that the market is basically an oligopoly (TIM, Vodafone, Wind, 3), so they most likely made a cartel of sort.
Although Vodafone, for example, started to offer unconditional refunds to whoever accidentally activate these kind of "offers".

And that's why the few times I need to browse with my phone, I use Firefox+uBlock Origin (and other privacy addons).

8 years ago*

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In Spain we had Telefonica, a PUBLIC company that spend a lot of money from the taxes to build all the infrastructure arround the country, and then a politic party (the same that is right now in the goverment) sold it to a friend of the president of Spain (Jose Maria Aznar) for a really little ammount of money (now a lot of people from that party, when they finish getting the ammount of time for a lifetime salary for a deputy, they got "jobs" on Telefonica with a super salary). They had the monopoly and they had to pay some fines (but really ridiculous, for example, if they won 10 millions, they had to pay 1 ) And now they just rent infrastructures to the other companies (because its difficult to get a permit to make them again and needs a lot of investment)

8 years ago

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Sounds like Italy's situation, with Telecom Italia (which is indirectly owned by Telefónica, by the way).

8 years ago

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Tutti mafia!

8 years ago

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It's been estimated that, if the Italian Mafia was a country, it would be among the 10 richest ones... or something like that.

8 years ago

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Same in Spain... sadly

8 years ago

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45 prugne? Che furto. Io ho una linea come la tua (7/512/50ms), ma senza fili (antenna sul tetto, non satellitare) e pago 25€/mese. Abbiamo levato il telefono fisso. 20€ per chiamate illimitate mi sembrano eccessivi, mannaggia a Telecom. Almeno lo usate quel telefono?

8 years ago

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Lo usiamo il telefono, e non poco (le chiamate illimitate sono sia verso fissi che cellulari), quindi almeno é utile.
A confronto con la vecchia tariffa, risparmiamo dai 10 ai 20 Euro al mese.
Ma nonostante siamo clienti da 27 anni, non c'é nessuna offerta speciale per noi, esistono solo per chi cambia operatore.
Ma pare che ci sia una centralina fibra Vodafone a circa mezzo chilometro da casa, dovremmo approfondire la questione.

8 years ago*

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Noi abbiamo tutti il cellulare con le chiamate comprese, era inutile tenere il fisso che veniva a costare tipo 70€/bimestre e non lo usavamo quasi mai... L'abbiamo tenuto finché c'erano i nonni, che poveri sapevano a memoria solo il numero di casa.
Poi non essendoci l'adsl tramite la linea telefonica qui, era inutile tenerlo, era solo un costo in più, e una seccatura perché rispondevo sempre io ma non era mai per me :D
Per il discorso dell'essere clienti da tanti anni, purtroppo in Italia sembra non essere minimamente d'aiuto per quanto riguarda la telefonia.
Indaga, indaga, lesto!
Sembra che qua in F-VG mettano la fibra in tutta la regione... voglio vedere quanto ci metteranno poi a fare le gare d'appalto per la gestione della fornitura del servizio ai privati, e l'allacciamento a tutte le abitazioni...

8 years ago

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Se fosse possibile, non ci penseremmo due volte a staccare la linea fissa... ma i soliti furbetti non prevedono contratti con solo Internet. E le alternative quali Aria, Eolo, Linkem... sono un azzardo, o funzionano perfettamente, o non funzionano per niente.

Se fosse vera la storia della centralina fibra Vodafone a quattro passi da casa, sarebbe il caso di cambiare.
Ma non so quanto fidarmi, visto che si tratta delle parole di un commesso Vodafone.

8 years ago

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Sarebbe da provarle se qualcuno che conosci le avesse, giusto per farsi un'idea, piuttosto che fare un salto nel vuoto.

Io onestamente sono un po' stufo, sono dodici anni che sento dire "il prossimo anno arriva l'adsl!", "il prossimo anno arriva la fibra!", e invece arriva solo per il distretto industriale e forse il municipio. Mi sento preso un po' per i fondelli. Adesso con la Serracchiani sembra partito tutto, ma di quelli del PD non mi fido a prescindere :D
Abbiamo questa connessione con l'antenna ma spesso quando piove o c'è il minimo disturbo diventa inutilizzabile. Certo, siamo in un paese morfologicamente difficile (a proposito, tutto a posto coi terremoti?), con montagne e frazioni isolate, ma Cristo santo, la Telecom non ha fatto proprio un tubo per vent'anni...

8 years ago

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Qui invece sono quasi 10 anni che sento dire "a breve arriva la fibra!", ed é arrivata l'anno scorso... negli uffici del comune (a guida PD, toh!), e nell'ospedale unico della media valle del Tevere (forse arriverà anche nelle case dei cittadini "normali", prima o poi...).
Col terremoto tutto a posto, abbiamo sentito le scosse più forti, ma niente danni in Umbria.

8 years ago

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Se sono disponibili in ULL passa a Tiscali o Infostrada.
Con circa 20/25 euro al mese hai la 20 mega comprensiva di chiamate (con il solo scatto alla risposta).
Volendo puoi anche fare il contratto tutto incluso e costa sempre meno di TIM (molto meno).

8 years ago

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Ho controllato, ma in zona c'é solo la linea Telecom... quindi avrebbe poco senso stipulare un contratto con un altro operatore, si appoggerebbero al rame di Telecom, con velocità ridotte, e assistenza pessima (perché Telecom dà priorita ai suoi clienti).
Ma se fosse vera la storia della fibra Vodafone vicino casa, allora le cose si farebbero interessanti.

8 years ago

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Allora le mie considerazioni sono inutili. Gli altri operatori hanno senso solo se hanno disponibili i loro apparati. L'assistenza comunque sarà sempre pessima. A questo punto non ti resta che attendere la fibra. Ormai stanno cablando un po' ovunque. Se hanno messo i nuovi armadi a bordo strada l'attivazione dovrebbe essere questione massimo di qualche mese.

8 years ago

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On a totally unrelated note ... im so happy Internet is awesome and cheap where i live ...

OT: Thats the lamest of scams to be fair ...
reminds me of that Brazilian add i saw couple months back , bout Some Billion Bits of data for mobile internet , which was essentialy 10MB , for ~10x the standart price some company was offering .

8 years ago

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Cheeky tw@s, but that is Genius! Knowing the average user has very, very little knowledge on sizes and the conversions of said sizes, they've given all the information they legally have to and the customers will see X Billion bits/Bytes and think they died overnight and have gone to heaven. Whilst the rest of us quietly chuckle to ourselves when users on nearly every publicly known ISP/networking in general forum start posting, frantic and wondering why their bill is 10x as much as it used to be yet they've gone through all their data within a week........Which the ISPs will charge £/$/€X per GB transferred over the contracted limit, of course

8 years ago

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I mean the worse part is ... i had a friend ... who had a Contract with mobile operator ...

And it CLEARLY stated that he has X ammount of minutes X ammount of MBs to use . And that sit ... NOTHING , Nowhere in the contract says anything about going over the limit ....

Thing is , guy broke his arm , and was @ home for 3 weeks ... playing on his phone , watching movies ... browsing internet ... etc casual stuff .

Turns out , his Router was dead , so he was using Mobile Data .... he got a bill for what is = to 19.3k Euros ...
Where his monthly payment is
600 euro which is really good for where we live ...

After going to court and couple K wasted on the case , he managed to resolve that he was Not in the wrong .,... but still
Some mobile providers are just flat out trying to scam you to get money out of your pocket ...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Over here in MK that kind of thing is normal, we got free upgrades over the years, from 3 GB limit (dl+ul) to unlimited and speed upgrade to what you currently have without the price of the contract increasing, but damn, you pay a lot for it, it's only 15€ here.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, but you missed the party, it was 4 days ago :)

8 years ago

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Cake day is referring to you SG cake day which is today, hence the cake next to your name.

8 years ago

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No, I get it, but as I see it's SG tradition to do giveaways in honor of that, which I did 4 days ago.

8 years ago

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You were the only one referring to that though. If anything your party was early, not the comments late.

8 years ago

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It was just a little joke that went nowhere obviously :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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happy caky, although I think you should move away from MK... Mortal Kombat its a violent place

8 years ago

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I agree, but you don't choose where you are born.

8 years ago

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for some reason your profile pic at first glance looks like a horror bloodshot eyed pig with no ears but then when i made it larger it became clearer :/

8 years ago

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Check out the last bills (the last 3-4 months), maybe you will find something in there which says they will change the contract. My parents had some trouble years ago here in germany, where an ISP "informed" us via bill (and in very small letters), that they will change our contract to another one because the current one "doesn't exist anymore".

8 years ago

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I always check the bills, and they're all normal. Except for a fine for late payment, but that's another issue.
They announced they would've changed all customers' contracts to a new one a while ago, a few months before doing it.
But that was actually a good thing, compared to the last plan we had we now save between €10 and €20 per month.

8 years ago

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it's an official fraud

8 years ago

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It's legal and I'm sure they told you this in some form or another, but it is usually put in the bill and people never read it. not too ethical since many will only realise they have an extra service in the 2nd or 3rd month, but it is not illegal to do so.

8 years ago

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The only thing I know is that they're optional "services" which can be activated at any time, but it shouldn't be possible without our input. Well, looks like my curiosity might've saved us from a huge hassle... again.

8 years ago

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Your waifu is trash, you pedophile.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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If you're talking about Uni, she's an ageless goddess, and her appearance is that of a 16-18 years old girl anyway.
Eryn/Alyn (which I currently have as my avatar) is around the same age.

8 years ago*

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Still, according to a SG support guy, everyone who loves anime and hentai are pedophile, and he also said its ok to call everyone pedophile, but you can't say anything to those who love the same gender as themself lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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wtf is your problem?
Edit: Disregard, forgot poll options :/

8 years ago

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Call them (is it 187?). Ask them what is active, since when, and makewhat you want and what you don't want clear. Then wait half a day and call again: you'll get another person on the line and you can verify if they give you the same information. I have experience of them telling me they activated a flat rate (fixed rate per month, no limits) when in fact I was still paying by the hour. Telecom customer service in general is pretty bad.

8 years ago

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Io sono stato per anni con una Alice ADSL di Telecom che millantava "fino a 7 Mbps", ma in realtà non andava a più di 200 kb/s in download. A fronte di milioni di inutili telefonate per avere informazioni sul perché pagassimo per andare su Internet a passo di lumaca, siamo passati a Fastweb.

8 years ago

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Almeno riguardo le velocità, non ci sono problemi (la centralina é a 50 metri da casa), anche se la portante massima é di 16 Mbps (anziché 20 Mbps). Ma é talmente oberata di connessioni, che ogni tanto c'é qualche piccola interruzione (solitamente di notte).

E il modem Alice Gate che danno in dotazione con la linea (e che fanno pagare ben €100 in 12 comode rate in bolletta) fa letteralmente schifo, si surriscaldava e perdeva la connessione di continuo.
L'ho sostituito con un TP-Link TD-W8968 pagato 40€ all'Euronics e va una meraviglia, mi ha dimezzato il ping da 90 ms a 45 ms.

8 years ago

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Pensa che io devo pagare 50 euro tipo al mese (non mi ricordo di preciso il prezzo) per una connessione di merda.
E poi tirano fuori la scusa che i fili incasa sono vecchi e ci riducono ancora di più la velocitá. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Btw, Telecom merda. L'avevano un tempo e abbiamo cambiato ahimé sempre demmerda comunque.

8 years ago

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Tanto la morale é sempre quella: dove cadi, cadi male. Provider dimm...
Ma se c'é di mezzo il rame, la maggior parte é di proprietà di Telecom, quindi tanto vale fare il contratto con loro.
P.S.: Manca un braccio: ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯

8 years ago*

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Ma esiste un modo per vedere gli spoiler da telefono? ;_;"
Che poi la connessione in wifi é uno schifo, massimo 500kb in download, mentre in lan arrivavo a 2mb prima che sti stronzi la riducessero... Quindi ora di massimo in lan é 1mb.
Io cambierei operatore, ma i miei son di coccio e quindi ci teniamo sto schifo, meh.

8 years ago

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Io li vedo bene gli spoiler (con Firefox su Android), ma invece di passarci sopra bisogna cliccarci.
Le connessioni Wi-Fi fanno schifo comunque, non tanto per la velocità, ma per il ping.

8 years ago

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Mi chiedo se cambiando modem il wifi possa diventare veloce quanto la lan, non ho mai capito come funziona sinceramente.
Eeee io uso un iPhone e Chrome ma toccando gli spoiler non succede niente. <-<

8 years ago

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Personalmente, ho sostituito il modem Alice Gate di Telecom con un TP-Link da €40, e la connessione é migliorata sensibilmente.
L' Alice Gate si surriscaldava e perdeva la linea di continuo, questo TP-Link invece é freschissimo, e mi ha pure dimezzato il ping.

Per estendere il segnale Wi-Fi, ho comprato un Range Extender (sempre TP-Link) da €20, e il segnale arriva fino al cortile di casa (abito al secondo piano), mentre prima copriva sì e no un paio di stanze (poco e male).

Alla fine quello che conta é l'hardware, e i Modem di base forniti dagli operatori sono costruiti con i componenti più economici possibili, anche se il prezzo sembrerebbe dimostrare il contrario (l'Alice Gate per esempio costa 70€ sul sito, o 100€ se pagato a rate in bolletta... e ne vale sì e no 20€).

TL;DR: non solo gli operatori fanno schifo, anche i loro prodotti (che ti obbligano a comprare, costano un'eresia, e sono utilizzabili solo con le loro linee).

8 years ago

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Ma usi il wifi o la lan?

8 years ago

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Ethernet per il mio PC, Wi-Fi per tutto il resto (2 laptop e 4 smartphone).

8 years ago

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Eee fino a quanto ti arriva in download? Lan e wifi dico. <-<

8 years ago

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Non ho mai pensato di controllare le velocità del Wi-Fi, mentre quelle del PC fisso le ho menzionate nel post principale.
Con la 7 Mega sono tra 850 e 900 kilobyte/s down, e 35-40 kilobyte/s up (più o meno in linea con le velocità pubblicizzate).
Con Super Internet Plus (20/1 in teoria, 15/1 in pratica) vado a 1,7-1,8 Megabyte/s down, 100-110 kilobyte/s up.

8 years ago

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Oh scusami, è che solitamente non leggo quasi tutte le discussioni quando sono da telefono... comunque sei messo praticamente come me, che palle. :/

C'abbiamo una connessione da terzo mondo... bha

8 years ago

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E gli Americani si lamentano delle loro 100/50 (o meglio)... che poi costano più o meno come le nostre.
(Ma almeno le nostre connessioni sono illimitate, meglio che niente)

8 years ago

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Classic business strategy ... i take care of the interwebs @ my parents ... they'd gotten recently
a call by one of the ISP agents offering a "free 3 month trail for faster internet".

Since its below average - i checked the offer online for them (where it must be set in writing).
Not surprised to read the snaked in clause - paraphrased: "enjoy your free 3 months upgrade and
you'll continue to pay for the upgrade a special price in the first year".

Those agents will flat out "lie" (aka adapt what they say to make it less clear UNLESS you specifically ask)
on the phone OR turn the contract terms in words even less obvious than it is in writing ...

Via call it will sound like this:
"Mr. Derpson you wan't to speed up your interwebs with an upgrade for 3 months hurr faster better ... and optional' -
but best part shit is free, let me repeat the important part its free". ('optional after having completed a year).

... so yeah in some sense its deceiving the average consumer

8 years ago*

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But the "fun" part, is that no one called (not to my knowledge anyway), so I have no clue how they might have activated it.
And even if they did, they should've gotten the permission from dad... who doesn't answer this kind of calls, because he's too tired when he comes back home from work at 5pm, and doesn't bother with them.

8 years ago

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If that's the case, then best call the ISP and ask why your internet has changed/been upgraded or go into one of their local stores and have that cleared. Tell them you got automatically upgraded to that thing and nobody asked for > so have it undone chop chop.
Call again if you're not sure whether its really undone, and demand to speak with their supervisor if they can't help you.

8 years ago

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What about calling them and ask? Seems to be a good strategy here - if not just wait until you get your monthly bill.

Btw: Your internet is expensive af. In Germany, I pay (a bit less than) that price for 100Mbps, using the most expensive ISP in my region

8 years ago

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It might look expensive, but actually it's phone and Internet, so it turns out quite cheap in the end.
Except that phone line is almost useless when good mobile plans exist, but Italian ISPs don't have Internet-only plans, either phone and Internet, or phone only. Alternative Internet providers exist, but their solutions are hit-or-miss, they work perfectly, or not at all.

8 years ago

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Fastweb Joy (no phone 20Euro per month)
Tiscali Tutto Incluso Light (phone+internet 19,95)
Infostrada All Incluse Unlimited (phone+internet 24.95)

Why should you using TIM?

8 years ago

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Yeah phone is included in my pack also by default. mobile costs me ~5€ per month

8 years ago

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We pay 25 bucks for that here.

8 years ago

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Obviously calling them will clear things up, my contract with my isp was for 4mbps 500gb data over wimax for $18 and one day i realized im getting download speeds of 980kb which is around 8mbps, just a background history is that my isp offers only 70gb monthly volume in terms of fair usage policy on unlimited packages but since i had a contact inside the isp (5 years ago) who upgraded my package to 500gb because my usage is around 200gb - 300gb per month at same price. When i realized they might have changed my package first thing that came into my mind was since now my contact inside isp has left job and they upgraded my package i might be stuck with 70gb volume now, so instantly called them and they clarify that my package is upgraded at same price as a customer loyalty program (5 years with same isp) and my monthly volume remains the same 500gb at same price it was all good.

8 years ago

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"Customer loyalty program"... Italian ISPs don't like loyal customers, they prefer to reward those who betray their competitors.
But on the bright side, they don't have data caps on cable/fiber connections, all the plans are unlimited.
I guess not everything must be so bad.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Velocità da capogiro... che probabilmente in Umbria non vedremo mai.
Credo che il massimo sia 25-30 Mbps a Perugia, e solo in un paio di quartieri.
I lavori per la fibra dovrebbero essere iniziati nella mia zona (media valle del Tevere), ma chissà quando finiranno...
Perlomeno, le velocità pubblicizzate sono veritiere, i 7 Mbps erano spesso 8, e i 0,4 in upload tra 0,25 e 0,35.

8 years ago

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I work at an ISP, and part of my job is handling customer complaints which are addressed to the executives. At times, customers complain that they got and option enabled, and want to check out why. In quite a few of these cases, it turns out that the customer service representative enabled an option by fault when modifying packages, and sometimes it's an IT fault, where the systems runs a bad instruction and enables it by fault. As others have said, get in touch with customer service, make sure it's recorded (either by phone or send e-mail) and ask the company to clarify the current services and the exact monthly fee. Make them sure that you understand that this could be a mistake, and have them reimburse you if they enabled an option that cost you money and you didn't want them to enable that.

8 years ago

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We'll call them for sure, later today (or tomorrow).
Luckily, this won't cost us anything for now, as it's just a free 1-month trial (which I would've used when needed, but whatever...).

8 years ago

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Just the contract with 44€ for what you get sound like scam to me.
Do all ISPs charge that much in Italy?

8 years ago

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Mind that it includes a phone line with unlimited calls, so it turns out to be quite cheap in the end.
The standard ISPs (those who use ADSL and fiber) only offer plans with phone+Internet, or phone only.
They have good discounts (€20-25 monthly for the same plan), but only for new customers (no bonuses for loyalty).

8 years ago

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That's still a lot. A usual contract for internet here in Germany, for example mine, includes unlimited landline calls, a 16000K DSL internet (which at my place results to downloading peaks of 1.4 MB/s) and they charge me €29.99 - including getting the caller's ID displayed (it never occured to me that this could be a thing that requires extra charging) and access to my, where I could activate some kind of answering machine service if I wanted and a caller history.
Also I think it's highly unusual to get more for free, especially with a background like you described it. I voted yes.
Seems like Italian phone services are a big scam in total :(
For some reason I was always thinking you were a fellow German. Seeing you typing Italian felt really weird for a second ;)

8 years ago

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Almost everything in Italy is either a hoax, or an outright scam.
We pay some of the highest taxes in Europe, maybe even in the whole world, while getting the worst public services.
Also, this is the 4th year we're without a democratically elected government, since Berlusconi's (forced) resignation.

But, things could be worse...natural disasters could strike (whoops, it just happened), and our joke of a government wouldn't even be able to do anything good to help those in need.
Houses rebuilt after the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila... crumbled down after a few years. They had more sand than concrete.

8 years ago

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well I pay 26€ per month and that includes 50mbit down 15mbit up, free landline calls inside of Austria, and unlimited cable TV
couldn't you just get a new contrac thent? Like if your parents are the customers at the moment, couldn't you just get a new one as new customer?

8 years ago

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Unfortunately they do. especially if you are stuck with copper wires. You will probably spend 25-30€ a month for 7Mbits downstream and a mere 0,5Mbit upstream (plus some 10€ for phone calls, you are pretty much forced to do so because if you don't, you will spend a lot of money even for a couple of short calls).

If you are lucky enough to be covered by fiber, things do change a lot. You still spend pretty much the same sum, but get a lot better performance. I'm currently on a 70Mbit down and 20Mbit up in promotion for 30€ a month (later 44€, after 1 year).

There are some cheaper companies, but they mostly rely on TIM/Telecom Italia infrastructure, if you are lucky and have no problems, you will save a couple €, but if you are unlucky, you will probably get stuck in a support hell, where companies blame each other and never solve any problems.

There are also some independent companies operating on their own fiber, but they cost pretty much the same, offer slightly better performance, but you are part of a WAN and you don't get your own IP. Not a big deal for casual users, but you're stuck if you need to connect from the outside (i.e. you host a game server, FTP server or you have a security camera).

8 years ago

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well I had the same problem with having only copper wires, but still conpanies here in Austria charged me less than 30€.
pretty much sounds like most of our providers (in terms of support)

Hm, but wouldn't it be way better to get a fiber connection from a private company, where you have better speed and ping, than to have slow speed but the ability to host a game server (which is impossible with slow speed)?

8 years ago

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Fiber coverage from private companies is very limited (only portions of some major cities), so if you are lucky it's way better. Small towns and outskirts are usually covered only by copper wires.

8 years ago

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I see. That's too bad :(

8 years ago

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i have 100mbs and pay around 40 euro.
in germany they talking about 20 GB/s in some years :D

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by MikuIT.