
Hey SG, happy holidays, I hope everyone is having a great weekend! It's been a good year for SteamGifts, and we've seen a lot of growth in terms of giveaways. Although there's still a week remaining, I think this December might turn into our highest month on record for giveaway activity, averaging over 3,300 giveaways per day. However, we still have room to improve, and I'd like to see a few changes to our site in early 2017. I'll talk about a few of those now, and I look forward to the community feedback before I start implementing any of them.



There's been a number of discussions lately asking why tickets are taking longer to answer, and users wondering why we have not yet expanded our team of volunteers to help with the demand. I'm aware of the need for more support, and it's going to be my highest priority going into 2017. The issue with simply expanding our team is the lack of documentation for the wide variety of tickets and edge cases new team members would face. Consistency is an area we still struggle with today when answering tickets. The majority of tickets we face are not simply black and white, and even the most basic of questions, such as, "What's considered an inappropriate comment?", can be a challenge to answer and moderate consistently. I'm in the process of improving our documentation with the help of our volunteers, and writing a set of standard operating procedures to help guide us when answering tickets. Once finished, we'll be able to more efficiently add new members to our team, bring them up to speed faster, and be more confident when handling tickets. Personally, I'd like to see another 5-10 users join our team early 2017, and then further expand again in the months that follow.

Allowing Giveaways for Previously Free Games

I've seen this suggestion show up a few times in the discussions section, and it's one I'd like to implement. As you know, when a game is free, we typically pull it from our game list. This means if a developer briefly distributes their game for free, or if a user gives away thousands of keys on another site, the corresponding game can no longer be given away on SteamGifts. At the moment, it's unfortunate for users that miss those opportunities, since our site does not provide them with a second chance to obtain a copy of the game. We also receive quite a few tickets from users with previously free games, that simply want to find them a home. I'd like to change the way we look at those games in the future, and allow users to give them away with a highly reduced CV, or no CV. I think it'll provide users with more flexibility in terms of what they give away, and it'll provide everyone with a chance to win some great games we've unfortunately removed from our game list.


I think e-mail notifications will be a good method of increasing overall engagement on our site in the upcoming year. They could provide users with the option to be notified when games on their wishlist are being given away, or when featured giveaways are posted for games they don't own. Notifications would be easy to subscribe or unsubscribe to with a single click, and not only would they help to grow our site, I think they would be a valuable tool for less active users that don't have the time to check our site daily.


This is one idea I go back and forth on frequently, but you might see it tested in 2017. The idea is simple; replace our advertisements with a Patreon page to raise donations. I think the concept of being directly funded by our users would better fit with the spirit of our community, and it would help to separate us from advertising networks, which grow more invasive on a regular basis. If we do ever implement a donation system, it would be entirely optional, and no giveaway or point advantages would ever come to those that donate.


User Registration

Looking at our stats, it's easy to see we have less users registering per month, and you might assume this means a drop in activity. However, that's not the case. Our bundle list grows daily, and since we exclude bundle games when calculating registration value, it's becoming more and more difficult for new users to register. It's normal for us to see 75% of users unable to register on a typical day. This is a difficult problem to solve. On one hand we need strict requirements to protect our community against users signing up multiple accounts, and on the other hand, we don't want to block hundreds of legitimate users from registering each day. If anyone has any thoughts on improving this system, please share.


If you've been a member for a few years, you likely remember the days of slow load times and frequent downtime. We've come a long way since then, and I think in 2016 our site has been reliable and responsive. There's been quite a few updates focused on improving performance during the past year. As well, we have a good backup solution in place with our daily, client-side encrypted backups being stored outside of our servers. Last but not least, we have room to grow. We could likely double our traffic with our current Infrastructure, and reach 5x or 10x our traffic with 20 minutes of downtime to scale our database server. Overall, I think it's one area we're finally doing well.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of SteamGifts this year, and a special thanks to our volunteers for answering tickets and helping to support our community!


8 years ago

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You too!

8 years ago

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I love you.

8 years ago

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I love you too <3

8 years ago

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Great news! All the things mentioned here are positive steps in the right direction.

As for patreon, would you be implementing bonuses for backers like some YouTubers do?

8 years ago

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If we do ever implement a donation system, it would be entirely optional, and no giveaway or point advantages would ever come to those that donate.
He could make a steam group for them and they could make giveaways for each other maybe.
Although if there are 500+ people doing it, it might be hard. xD

8 years ago

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Missed that! That's what you get for trying to SG and Christmas at the same time! :D

8 years ago

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He could still do some stuff though.
Shout outs. Maybe special icons next to names? (Like the cake) Although idk if people would like that or not. I think it'd be okay if it showed once a month day after pledge maybe but might be hard to implement.

8 years ago

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I'd personally like some kind of backer update(a monthly "newsletter" type thing), or backer group, or backer exclusive giveaways....I don't think its an easy thing to please everyone with...

On the one hand, incentives would attract more backers, on the other hand, too many incentives would attract scorn from those who didn't back.

8 years ago

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newsletter, icons next to name etc - sure. But nothing more imho. It's always been an idea behind SG that everyone have equal chances. We already have enough drama how it's all unfair and elitist because zelg wins so much and I level 0 no commenter don't win anything. Now imagine there being direct profits (group with GAs or special GAs) to people who donate money to SG? Some users who don't understand idea of community or basic mathemathics may feel that in order to improve their win chances they gotta donate. Because only then they get exclusive GAs with big win chances.

8 years ago

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True! I can go along with that 100%, except the Zelg wins too much...you slowed down too much you're not even the highest winner any more. Make Zelg great again!

8 years ago

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i can add a purple heart next to your heart to mark you as backer :D

8 years ago

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I agree. I know some websites that already do this (put small angel wings around users nickname when they donate), but since this would go through Patreon and not directly on the site, not sure how complicated would it be to implement.

8 years ago

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Icons next to name could potentially be used for creating giveaways specifically for those users (for example using sgtools or similar web that could be created with the same purpose)

8 years ago

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if it happens outside of SG it does not matter as it has nothing to do with SG. I could create a script that would allow only people who let's say bought my game (aka have it in ther inventory) to enter my private GAs. Is SG to be blamed for it? No. Is this a valid reason to not allow Private gAs because I can exploit them in such a way? no.

8 years ago

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Amazing post, I think that patreon would be a great idea as well!

Thanks cg. This is one of the very few sites I visit daily.

8 years ago

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Happy holidays CG! Sounds very promising.

8 years ago

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Apparently you all have some good (and promising!) plans for 2017. Thanks for everything!! :)

Happy holidays everyone :)

8 years ago

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Keep up the fantastic work & happy holidays to you and the support team. plus everyone else

8 years ago

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I read everything. Good job. Merry Christmas. ;P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Thanks for the awesome job you and your staff does! Looking forward to a improved SG site. =)

8 years ago

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Great Job and Awesome news.
Happy Holidays CG ♥

8 years ago

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merry christmas and hope you'll have some holidays and rest too:)
user registration: new users that don't pass the filter could get recommended by n existing users of appropriate condition.
notifications: when i hear that word, i think in mobile devices; at the moment they are sort of left to userland (and the results are great nevertheless); some more integration of mobile platforms to the site could help improve notifications.

8 years ago*

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Happy Holidays indeed! Everything seems to be better and better =)

8 years ago

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Merry Christmass, not happy holidays - it is wrong definition, holidays are at summer

8 years ago

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Actually it all sounds pretty cool =) Who would have thought

And about new registers, maybe put more options ? I mean when cheeking a new accounts for # of games, % of bundled games, age of account, and steam lvl ( i mean 5 lvl you get for just registering and first payment, so maybe at least 10 lvl ?) as well as some others, its like you have people 150+ lvl with only 5 games that they actually play, and you have guys with 2000 games and 21 lvl... So yeah some changes would be good =)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year =)

8 years ago

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Looking at other stats steam gives out is a good idea.

8 years ago

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Having just gone through a temporary permanent suspension resulting in an agonizingly detailed scrutiny of my, and my family's Steam/SG accounts in order to prove that they are all legit and not bot accounts (since we all connect from the same source IP address), I have a really good understanding of how complicated this is.

I farm cards on both bot accounts and my family's accounts. They all have a lot of games on them. My daughter's accounts are fairly new, as they only recently were old enough to have their own accounts. They don't play a ton of games on Steam, nor do that have many friends yet. They are all members of my farming group along with my bots. They are very hard to differentiate in many ways, and as support pointed out to me, it wouldn't be hard to make a bot account look quite legit if I really wanted to. Every time I tried to provide a new piece of evidence that the accounts that were registered on SG were all being run by different, real people, and that the bot accounts were not registered on SG, support would bring up a perfectly feasible way that I could have faked that piece of evidence on a bot account.

In the end, it took a lot of different evidence coming together before they believed me, but imagine how time-consuming that would be for support to scrutinize every new user request to that level of detail - and even then, it could probably be faked if the person was determined enough. Of course, even the account value requirement isn't foolproof - it just requires an initial investment of money into each account, which could be considered worthwhile to a potential SG farmer.

Unfortunately, I don't have any great suggestions of how it could be better that would work on a broad scale, internationally. Providing personal information is problematic, especially internationally, still fake-able to a large degree, and opens a lot of privacy concerns. Anything requiring a certain investment of money, whether on Steam of some other way, is definitely not foolproof and excludes those less-fortunate people that can't afford to hit whatever bar is set, to whom many of us would really love to be able to give gifts.

I'm curious to see what ideas anyone else comes up with.

8 years ago

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I heard about your problems and I'm sorry to hear that. I can't even think of what proof you finally needed to come up with.

8 years ago

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Nice ! Merry Christmas !

8 years ago

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Happy Holidays CG!

I'd like to see Patreon. I think it is a thing many highly active users have been asking for a while. If that's the way to improve the website, I think there is no reason to not implement it.
As for notification, I'd like not only to have the option of turning them off but, also being able to choose what I get notifications for. If it's done that way, I can see it being a neat feature.

May SG grow even bigger!

8 years ago

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Love you cg <3

8 years ago

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nice read, merry christmas

8 years ago

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Sounds like a plan for 2017 :)

thanks a lot for all your efforts and merry christmas to you too!

8 years ago

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Merry Christmas and thanks for all the work!

8 years ago

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Happy Holidays...!!! :D

nice to see that the team will be expanded; this will take a hell full of stress from your the support staff... :)

8 years ago

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Happy holidays and thank you all who do the heavy lifting every day.:)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Thank you Aeshma:)

8 years ago

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that all sounds amazing ^^
& happy holidays to you as well =)

8 years ago

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It's nice to sharing what you think with community! Happy holidays to you as well cg! Thanks for your hard work. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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