To run DayZ Mod you need both the original Arma 2 and OP Arrowhead expansion pack, and there are over 200 DayZ servers full with people, the original arma 2 is dead tho no servers, you have to have the expansion pack aswell to play Multiplayer or DayZ (MP is dead aswell, only about 3 domination servers the rest is DayZ standard and Epoch).
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so far none, but i only bought 2 games on the steam store since.
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Did you try by that refund tool or by creating a ticket? I heard that refund tool automatly refuses refunds when you have game longer that 2 weeks/played longer than 2 hours. Still, some dude here stated that he got refund that was previously refused by auto tool when he created a ticket to support.
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In all honesty it is a legitimately easy to find answer.
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I feel like I will only lose time but I will try to explain some thing to do.
First of all you have about 40 comments but you registered here year ago. That prooves that you are not part of that community and you probably don't participate in disscussions. Also, according to your posts in this thread you only goes on forum when you need something. That's not nice you know? Demanding help from others and not helping anyone in return.
And here we come to second thing - help. I gave you an information how you can solve your problem with refund. You clerly didn't know that but thanks to me now you know that you have some chance. Why do you know that? Because I wanted to help and just be nice. Then, you don't even say thanks, you just fired another question, without even being nice. You just demanded answer. So what could I do? I'm not a part of steam support, I don't remember how to create a ticket and since you wasn't very nice I didn't feel like checking this thing for you. I assumed that you can use google by yourself so I posted link to GIYF.
And what I get in return? You tell me to go fk myself and you insult me? Seriosuly? With that behaviour you shouldn't even be here.
You are first, and probably last person that I'm happy to announce a blacklisted user. Also reported for offensive language.
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i'm totally on your side. wlcome on my whitelist, too ^^
he got the right answer for his behaviour ^^
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Oh, you know, I'm afraid you might didn't saw my first post, a little above. Like I said I only saw people that claimed that they get refunds that didn't match the official criteria. One was for some very broken game, with another hatefull developer. I remember user claimed that he got refund despite he had more than two hours of gametime (five, I think). Second time was when I saw a thread on steam community hub where some dude claimed he got refund for a game that he bought week or two before the offical premiere of refund system but, he didn't had much gametime in it.
You see, I don't think that it will work for games that was bought in the past or with big playtime. I only wanted to show that there might be exceptions, and it's always good to try write a ticket.
And AFAIK, support throw one or two sentence explanations for their decissions.
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Oh okay, yeah, I haven't seen that reply before, but did now when you mentioned it. It's exactly what happened to me.
I guess I'll have to contact them then. I wanted to refund Crysis Maximum Edition, it didn't work on my win 8.1, neither does now on win10. I mean, game as game kinda works after dl-ing some .dlls, but it doesn't show on Steam that I'm in the game.. so no purpose to have it, I'd rather refund and collect for FO4.
Thanks for information.
Since you're riding everyones whitelist train, you can hop on mine too.
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You have been on my whitelist for the longest of times, and for good measure I checked again to see if I wasn't mistaken.
You're always a very insightful person, and believe me, your behavior and helpfulness are both truly cherished by the community. (:
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Just thank you :) I think you don't even know how much that means to me :) After our little 'talk' on other threads I can tell you are nica and great person, and I hope you know that I don't say thing like that only to sound nice ;P
I also whitelisted you and if you would like that, how about playing few rounds of ORION Prelude together? ;) yes, I checked your steam profile, but I ain't no creep! xD
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I love talking to everyone in here, and have surely liked talking to you too! You seem like I nice person all in all (:
YES PLEASE! Woah, you won't believe it! I played it for the first time today and I was so so clueless, I was in fact looking for someone to play with! Didn't you just fall from the sky? :D
Please, do add me on Steam whenever you have the time. I probably won't be able to game tomorrow and Tuesday, but I'll let you know as soon as I'm available and we can arrange some time!
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Oh, I don't think I have fall from the sky. You know, after all I think I'm far from being an angel xD
And, to be honest, I have similliar feelings toward you. I wanted to go back into ORION but I didn't want to play with random people - it's sad but so many of them are, well, toxic in behaviour :P Fortunatelly, now, we will master this game together! And maybe with my friend if you will be okay with that ;)
I just sent you an inviate on steam, I think I should be able to play on wednesday of thursday. Oh, and don't worry If I will be online on steam but I won't reply just after your message. Sometimes I forget to turn off PC when I go out or when I'm just doing other things :P
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That's great! Some communities just shuck, and going on in with random players can be a bit said, even more so when taken into account the fun one can have with friends! I'm sure that, although I'm pretty much a noob with Orion, we'll have fun (:
Don't worry, reply to me whenever. Sadly so I've just realized I won't be gaming Wednesday, but I'm sure I'll have some free time during my super (super) busy week.
Seriously I hardly had any time to reply to you.
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Don't worry, I'm not pro either :P And as far as I get the job done, when I was playing L4D2 my friend was always mocking me on my accuracy that was at 50% max on my best sessions :D
And also, don't worry about your time, I will wait :) Right now I have a lot of free time (one of few cons of unemployment -.-) but even if you still won't have a time to play, feel free to message me if you want to talk a little :) I can tell you a old story about a dragon that once lived in Warsaw ;)
EDIT: I replied to wrong post but you will see it in notifications anyway so I will leave it that way :P
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First off, sorry for the late reply. I didn't want to reply to you on my phone because, for me, that normally means shorter and less elaborate messages. Anywho, onwards to the reply.
My accuracy is probably -1000% just because well... I have even shot allies on some games oops no regret.
I'm super busy these days, but I'll gladly message you as soon as I've got the time to do it properly! It will be my pleasure to listen to your stories (:
About the edit: yup, I basically only read the replies anyway (and I have you active on three different topics, so yeah hahaha).
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Don't worry for late reply. I'm no better at this, especially right now when it's so hot around that I'm just meltting while reading books :P
One time I accidently blow up my whole squad. No one belived me when I have said that it was accident was it? nah really it was or maybe...
I'm looking forward to telling my stories. It will be challenging with my english, but practice makes perfect (or something like that) ;)
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I find your English perfectly fine! If you even care to know (:
I'll have some time free this weeked! Horay! So we must shoot our own team down by accident together and regret it or not
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Well he's a rude and stubborn guy that's suspended for 19 more hours. Karma's a bitch.
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There are two limits on the refunds, but I forget the exact timescales.
To get a refund you need to have played it for less than two hours, and the time you bought it has to be under 14 days ago.
Which means if you have a backlog like mine, it means you'll probably never refund anything ever. \:3/
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Yeah but I live in a place where the local phone exchange company has a monopoly on the lines themselves and doesn't provide the greatest service. Literally the last remaining municipal phone company. Outside companies literally can't set up without paying additional fees just to use the local lines, which they're just plain unwilling to do. I'm in one of the worst areas for internet connection, and my speeds top out at 500kb/s down and 35kb/s up.
And I have to pay £33 a month for this. >:/
Well, I could pay less, but then I'd get smaller bandwidth allowances. I get 100gb a month (off-peak isn't counted)
I mean, they have a faster connection available, but they just don't do it in the specific area of place that I live in.
So yeah, Nidhogg isnt' really doable for me. xD
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Join the club. It's like when cartoons stop being funny.
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Heroes V was a great step back towards the golden age of HoMM - sadly the small and only few maps, lack of artifacts and (IMO) terrible implementation of 3D on the adventure map made it so hard to really enjoy it. It's a pity, the factions' and creatures' design was great.
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So you refund a game based on how it looks despite it being really good and something you can pick up and play on the fly when you have a bit of time to kill.
Well i guess it is your call but i still find it kinda silly.
I have never asked for a refund,i may never do it either unless the game is really broken,i do not want a refund just because i did not like the game i mean is that not part risk of playing games it like real life not every choice you make will be a good choice.It is a nice feature but i am afraid most will use it just to refund because they do not like it over it is broken which is fine as it there choice just saying i always thought part of the fun of gaming was not always knowing what you get is what you hope.To bad kids did not work like that then we all could have the kids we dreamed of.
Still a interesting thread to see what and why people got a refund and for which games.
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The point for this whole refund thing is that you can return games that don't work or that you don't like or it wasn't as you expected (steam has that almost literaly in their refund rules). I refunded one game (Sleeping Dogs) because I just couldn't enjoy it. And some people don't have too much money to spend on games, so if you buy something you don't enjoy, it can be a real waste, especially if there is other stuff you would like ot get.
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I know the point of it,just because i know the point does not mean i have to agree with it,but thanks for pointing out the obvious like i did not know what it was meant for and i know it is for any reason but again thanks for reminding me.
I know it can be a waste to buy something you do not like but is that one of the risk of buying something,? Not working i understand,but buyers remorse i do not do or agree with,people should be more careful with there money and make better choices.None the less just because i do not agree with it again as i said before does not mean it is wrong it still just how i feel and my opinion and i think it is wrong to return something you did not like,that should be the chance you take with buying a game,I have bought tvs,pc parts and so on that months later i ended up not liking and i never asked for a refund based on it was not what i expected.Next time i just made better choices.
Though before digital games did have a refund,if you did not agree with the EULA and you had a receipt you had 90 days to return it for a refund to the publisher or whatever was in the EULA for returns.Of course unopened a lot times you could return it to the store,but the return after open was only to send it back to the publisher and was meant if you did not agree with EULA not buyers remorse,or the disc was defective.
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You could have seen that about 1FDP by watching even a minute of video. Sure maybe 6our refund request was technically valid but it doesn't excuse you not knowing what you're buying.
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So far (only for GAs):
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One? Two? Mostly games I've bought during the sales and which were pricing error, then I realized I'd never be able to trade them off.
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Main reason was that this, in fact. I realized it would probably get bundled eventually.
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I get it,i feel the same i think buyers remorse should never be a valid reason for a refund but i know people do it,it just how i feel.
Yes i am aware the refund is for any reason,but does not mean i have to agree with that,though i suppose buyer remorse would be hard to call out anyhow lol.I do think EA should offer no refund though due to the nature of the games and the warnings but eh.
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I will add: the refund system is a very good thing for some people (like me) that buy, for example, a early access game and then they see that is not optimized for his PC. (but in my case, i wait for a better pc, no need to refund, because i can wait, and i dont know if you can buy again a game that you return to steam)
but... some people like one of my friend has return to steam something like 20 games... this is an abuse that will transform in a "refund system is now closed, bye bye all"
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I kind of agree with you, but I think that it's not too bad to refund a game you don't like (you can't have more then two hours on it, so it is restricted anyway), as long as you don't do it often. I've refunded once, because the game was just boring and not at all what I expected. But 20 games, that's just abusive.
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mmm i dont know... because if i buy a game and i cant run it (like low fps, or hardware incompatibility) i can wait for a new pc, because is clear that you must change a pc every (max) 4 or 5 years...
if the game make you bored... mmm this is another thing... because if you buy it, you "see" in it something that interest you.. then why you get bored? im talking about game like 20-30€... that is less than a saturday party with friends (4 or 5 hours of fun) and for less money you can play this game for the same hours... i dont know if you can understand me.. i speek many language, but no one at 100%
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I'm not english myself, so no worries :p
Even if you see something in a game, the actual game might be something different then you expected. That's the reason I refunded Sleeping Dogs (the only refund for me). I thought it could be awesome, but I found it boring and just didn't like the setting.
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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Deluxe
Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition
Blood Rayne Betrayal
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
GTA IV Complete Bundle
Hell Yeah!
Litil Divil
Mortal Kombat Kollection
Metro 2033 All Languages
Mirror's Edge
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches
Sanctum: Collection
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete Retail
Super Laser Racer
The Polynomial
Unreal Deal
Worms Blast Retail
Hopefully won't need to remove any more.
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Starter thread said "return", not refund. These are all returned. :)
Some I bought because everybody was praising them so much (AC, Sanctum, Mirror's Edge– one of my greatest mistake ever–, GTA IV), some were added in bundles, some I just thought they may be good. And as for Civ3, I have no idea.
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First mistake buying games friend say is good that deserves a face palm
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Why? New Vegas was the only cRPG on the market for a long time until last year's boom of the genre. Up until then it was mostly just some trash ARPG, even BioWare switched to story-oriented TPSs.
Not to mention that it was the first Fallout game to come out in a decade. :)
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I never understood this "bad because the ending ends the game" argument. The only cRPG I can recall that ever let you play past the end credits was Fallout 2. Maybe we could stretch it to Stick of Truth, although there it didn't actually continue anything, just let you free-roam.
As for the bugs… true. On the other hand people seem to forget that the unofficial patch for Fallout 3 is almost four times larger than the unofficial patch for New Vegas, so it's not like NV fared any worse than Bethesda's take on the franchise; quite the exact opposite.
And considering Bethesda gave itself 3+ years for development, but only 15-18 months for Obsidian to make a larger game, the fact that NV is actually less buggier than FO3 can tell a few things. :)
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Dunno, for an open world game with such uncountable things like NV i personally expect more freedom, or completely freedom after finishing the main story. It's not like a maze shooter FPS like COD.
For the Unofficial Patch: It's not the community's duty to fix a game bugs, but ofc it's honorable. Obsidian could fix these glitches through patches, but yea probably they didn't have enough time for that and also had to develop some DLCs (which actually can be cutted content from the main game) so i cannot accept this like a explanation. Look Overkill, they still support and fix their game, this is the way what developers should follow, but yeah i know... game industry is all about the money, stop dreaming little kid :)
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For long-term support, count in the fact that Bethesda cheated Obsidian out of their money for the game, and that they purposefully wrote a short-term contract only for support that ended in mid-2011. (And they still managed to release seven patches, more than Fallout 3 got in longer time.) The date the game originally was scheduled to release. After that Obsidian couldn't touch the game even if they wanted to. And they wanted to, after all, since what we call the JSawyer mod, is not just a rebalance mod, but all the patches Obsidian made after they were supposed to abandon the game. So, in reality, they did try to fix the bugs that were left in, but their contract prevented them from releasing it officially.
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0, I buy really rarely on Steam, and if I do, it's because either small profit (and I'll struggle through those games) or because there's the game I want the cheapest. So - being well-informed and broke usually pays off :D (I'm late with games, so I have tons of reviews and videos to look up before buying)
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None, i just buy, but i dont play them, i basically only play lol, But when i get bored, i usually play super hexagon and kung fury. the rest of the ~600 games are still... waiting.
If i really had to return one, it would be reus. Got it on impulse on a "special" of 5 bucks, seemed fun enough, played it, didnt think it was fun enough right of the bat, uninstalled, then few days after it was on a tier 1 bundle.....
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There's a very slim chance I'd even play the game right after purchase (so far it happened only with pre-orders and I pre-ordered maybe 3 games on Steam, ever). I just have different philosophy than most people regarding this issue. Even if I bought something and it turned out to be broken then devs would come up with a fix for this, it always happens. No reason to get a refund just to buy the game later when it's fixed. I can just wait. Especially that I'm also a collector so for me it's not a choice whether I should buy this game now or never do it cause I collect games aside from playing them. Even if I got the new Batman that turned out to be broken I'd rather just wait for a fix (which is coming sooner or later) rather than get a refund and then buy it again after a few months, seems pointless.
You're trying to guilt me into feeling bad by saying I "reward poor behavior"? Well, I got something else for you. I think refunding digital goods teaches people how NOT to be responsible for your actions. There are demos, reviews and many other ways to find out if a game is broken or not before purchase. Furthermore, no one forces anyone to buy anything. It's all voluntary. People should think before buying a game if they care about the money they spend so much.
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o.O Refunding a game promotes irresponsibility, while shipping broken games are perfectly okay from the developer's part? Not to mention that smaller games have great issues with fixes, or the whole game can be unplayeable because it simply doesn't like one's hardware - I think after we've seen how the majority of devs and games doesn't really care about fixing issues, it's really a bold statement that they'll eventually get fixed.
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There is no guarantee that a bug will be fixed, much less a much larger issue. In the case of more reputable developers (or those headed by good publishers / funders), the chances are far better, but you're forgetting this is the gaming industry we're talking about. There's a weird trend of creators farting on their customer bases. Huge names like EA and Activision still have games with bugs that have been ongoing since their launch, and not just small ones. Ones that cause all NPCs to be "no_name" or "error" (Spore). Ones that cause the game to slowly grind to a literal halt as if there is a memory leak, but because you simply have a sound card they can't be bothered to properly support (Prototype). Smaller developers sometimes just outright vanish without a word, with an alarming trend towards leaving their games incomplete, or selling games as if they are in their "1.0" state while still lacking blatant core considerations (such as Towns) or promising the world but then delivering nothing but the bare minimum to avoid action (Kinetic Void). This is why in the gaming industry, instead of looking at the names attached to a game and thinking of them like a brands, people look at names and remember exactly how many horrible things they were part of lately, heh. ;P
And yes, I think that's a damn good reason to get a refund and then buy it later when it's fixed. The 'faith' option doesn't always pan out, and little headlines of games bombing or screwing people over are fairly common. I really don't get why you would be down on people not taking unnecessary risks. Having a backlog so big that it puts you outside of the typical refund period isn't an argument against refunds, it's an argument against having a backlog.
And I'm not trying to guilt you at all. Merely stating fact. If a product is revealed to be faulty, and you do not refund it, then the creator has far less reason to adjust their work ethic or address the issue. They already have your money. Some just don't care that much about their reputation. Positive reinforcement is a thing, even if it isn't quite as straightforward as that in commerce, the underlying principal remains. I don't care if you play by faith or not, I was just pointing it out and not trying to crusade against your choice, as confusing to me as it is.
"I think refunding digital goods teaches people how NOT to be responsible for your actions"
The customer is NOT responsible for the shortcomings of the devs. :-V
Believing a selling product to be functional upon arrival is in no way a form of stupidity in any way. The only way it could be interpreted as such, is if you're aware of how many 'bad' products are issued in the gaming industry, in which case you are shifting the attention away from holding the developers accountable for their behaviour, and instead making it the customer's fault, and TBH that's just plain ass-backwards.
Yeah, checking out reviews and demos can help, but demos are often deliberately sculpted scenarios used to lead a sale, and can be more deliberately polished to land a sale, and the far smaller size means they can give an impression of a 'content complete' game without any such assurance. Checking reviews can help, but any for-profit site or personality can easily be bought or swayed by bias, and user-reviews can easily be seeded by bots, and STILL doesn't touch on the fact that incompatibilities still happen. The general response to someone saying "I can't play this game, it lags badly and my PC is capable of playing Crysis 8 on Turbo-Maximum settings at 60103fps!" is "lol ur comp sux git gud" or "never had that problem, resinstall windows", accompanied by a sweep of voting down. A popular game often finds negative reviews reflexively voted down, because people seem to think that the voting is for "I agree/disagree with this!" and not "I find this informative/useful/not".
Again, Prototype was a fine example of this. After five months of waiting for a patch, it was the forumgoers who figured out a work-around, but it involved deleting one of the sound archives, and was only a partial fix. Throughout that waiting period, people kept slowly piling up in the thread hoping for a fix. If the issue isn't widespread (or is suppressed), such threads are likely to get buried and not show up on a casual google of a game. You can show all the preparation and forethought that you want, but unless you're a psychic, you really cannot be certain. Desura was pretty bad for this, because even normal comments could be downvoted into deletion, and leaving a warning or bug alert on a game's page would often see the fans silence you in short order.
Also : "no one forces anyone to buy anything. It's all voluntary"?
Oh look, that little chestnut. Cute. I wonder if there has ever been a single time that this canned response has ever actually been relevant or lucid to the discussion at hand. We're not discussing whether you're being held at gunpoint to buy videogames.
All in all, I get this feeling you're mixing the subject of refunds in normal usage with the subject of refunds because you don't like the game. If only because I have a hard time believing you can really be this set against refunds as a whole.
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How long it took you to write that :D ?
You have some valid points though. I just think that many people will abuse the refunding by providing reasons that are not valid per se but Valve will cave in and it'll turn into "an excuse to get a refund" instead of "getting a refund because game is broken" etc.
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Haha, it took several revisits. Caffienated fever-medicine was keeping me awake, and I kept coming back to re-word things because I didn't want to sound like too much of a jerk. xP
I do wonder what kind of refund adjustments will happen in the future, though.
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How is that rewarding bad behavior.?What does that have to do with a bad game?
I get what you mean but to accuse someone of rewarding bad behavior just because they chose to buy a game is stupid,It is there money if they want to spend it on a broken piece of crap game more power to them.
It may send the wrong message but poor behavior. has nothing to do with a bad game,a bad game is due to bad work not behavior.Acting out would be bad behavior. not releasing a broken game.
I think both sides should be just as much as fault,you sell a busted game be prepared for what is to come,buy a busted game prepare for what is to come.Spoiled gamers is what we have now,you know how many games i bought for the NES,SNES,PS1,PS2,XBOX i wish i did not but never demanded a refund,if it did not work all they did was swap it out for a game and well that just getting one broken game for another.
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How is it rewarding bad behaviour? Because the creator of a broken or falsely advertised game keeps your money, and is therefore shown that what they did is 'okay'. The reward is in, y'know, getting and keeping money, and having spent less time and resources making a complete or stable product. If they get the same amount of money but with less effort, they're more likely to repeat their bad behavior in future. Their bad behavior is reinforced. I don't get what's so hard to understand about this?
Expecting a product to work as intended when you pay for it does not make gamers 'spoiled', that's just absurd. Though refunds for "I didn't really like it" are a different subject, though. Not sure what to think about those.
"I think both sides should be just as much as fault,you sell a busted game be prepared for what is to come,buy a busted game prepare for what is to come"
No. Just... no. There is no merit or logic behind 'if you are wronged, totally ignore it and do nothing'.
Why exactly should someone just do nothing? What possible reason would they have to do that, much less tell others the same?
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If I'm not wrong this started back in june, right?
Well I've bought just 8 games in the store since then, and I haven't had a reason to ask for a refund yet. I have encountered games that just don't work properly, but before refunds were possible, since they implemented it everything seems to work just fine... weird.
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Just curious about that. i like the fact that you now can return games when you don't like them. i did that two times so far(nidhogg and 7 days to die= weren't fun to me)- but with that in my mind I do buy more often though.
What about you people? Which games did you return and why? Or at all?
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