The other day I ask this guy how he’s doing and he has the nerve, THE NERVE, to respond to my perfunctory greeting with a perfunctory, “Can’t complain”. Can’t complain?! That’s a damn dirty lie! You can always complain and complaining is my favorite. My favorite thing to complain about is other people, because I have no control over them, so I ALWAYS have something to complain about. For example, I compulsively gorge myself on bundles, but the bundle guy sometimes puts games in there I don’t want. Read my mind bundle guy! So, after incorporating the nutritious games into my unwieldy backlog matrix, I’m left with an even more unwieldy pile of bundle poop*. Despite how much humanity seem to like bundles, they have only created more problems for man. And speaking of man, oh man am I getting pumped up by all this complaining! I feel like a baby goat head-butting a chicken!! Now, come eat from the bundle poop* trough!

*Bundle poop™ is a trademark of Fyantastic™. Fyantastic™ is a trademark of MikeyMcMikenson.

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7 years ago*

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What do you like to complain about?

View Results
It’s struck in my teeth!
Can’t find my keys!
Tuesday?!? I thought it was Thursday!!
This medium is actually a small/large!
They didn’t do the dishes/laundry!
She wore THAT again?!
They should of used proper grammer and spelling!
“moist”, “chunk”, “panty”, “ointment”, “snug”, etc.!
“Are you working hard or hardly working?”
He thinks he’s sooo cool!
They left the toilet seat up/down!
Cousin Jimmy’s lazy eye needs to get a job!
Can’t complain!
Other – please specify, in excruciating detail, in the comments below!

Let me tell you how I feel about people taking my reserved spot!!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I messed up my link and I don't know how to change it!!!!! Nevermind. I figured it out.

7 years ago*

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I'm austrian. Complaining is our favourite national pastime :D

I guess today's flavor is: How many fricking accounts do you need to set up a Tolino Shine ?
The answer is 3 including one from my local library but that's 2 accounts too many.

7 years ago

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I'm still trying to find my own place. Been with family for a few months now. I can complain about plenty.

7 years ago

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One day ye shall overcome the tribulations this worldly existence inflicts upon you, my brother. Until then, go and rip them a new one!

7 years ago

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Insane people on Internet...

7 years ago

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Complaining is just arguing with no-one countering you so look at it as debate practice

7 years ago

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I disagree?

7 years ago

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My favorite thing to complain about is other people, because I have no control over them

That's what you are doing wrong. Always have control over your prey!

7 years ago

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Thanks! I'll work on that.

7 years ago

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Read my mind bundle guy!


Thanks for the laugh. )

7 years ago

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bump ~

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I like to complain about RNG.

7 years ago

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Especially when it comes to OJ.
"Gosh, another one versus their six the seven in a row!? And then you roll just what you need to land on a home!? SCREW YOU!!"

7 years ago

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I haven't played OJ in a while, I need to revisit it lol

7 years ago

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Bumping for attention!
Complaints must be heard! They cannot go unnoticed!

7 years ago

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So how YOU doin'?

7 years ago

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Pretty good.

7 years ago

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They should of used proper grammer and spelling!

Should HAVE. It's should have used proper grammar! :D

7 years ago

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I know, right. I think that might be my choice as well... or the guy that always asks, “Are you working hard or hardly working?”.

7 years ago*

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Ah alright, I thought it might have been done on purpose, though I wasn't sure. A lot of people tend to use "of" instead of "have" in these cases :D

7 years ago

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I thought that was done on purpose as a joke.

7 years ago

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To be fair, my jokes aren't very funny, so they're easy to "miss".

7 years ago

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Looks like you are right :) I thought it might have been done on purpose, but wasn't sure.

7 years ago

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The nerve of some people...

7 years ago

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People are the worst!

7 years ago

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Today I had to wait in a line in order to give someone else money for stuff I don't need but bought anyway. I mean. A line?! with multiple people in it?! It took MINUTES! Precious minutes. Of time i could've spend on something awesome. Not that I would have, but I could have!

7 years ago*

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I'm getting so angry just thinking about it!

7 years ago

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T and B!

7 years ago

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Tuberculosis is the worst!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I complain about not being able to figure out what I can complain about

7 years ago

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It is like when I do my job well - I get no attention to my results. BUT when I am kicking my air - the fuqing bosses are all around??!! I mean really, do they wait every single time for such a moment?! AND those morons, yes, **** them all, sitting in their cubicles next to mine, they are ALWAYS on time!!!!!! WHY so unfair, so random? Some day I'll burn the place to hell!

7 years ago

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Yes. The only way to solve these, or any, problems is to kill everyone

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Bump thx

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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