As the title says, I need an advice...
My smartphone had an unwanted swimming lesson for a few seconds in my bathtuband I fear it will never be as before... 😅
Sure.. I put it in some rice, but in the end, I'll need a new smartphone anyway.
Actually I own a Huawei p10 and I was happy with it, before the accident.

Can you advise me an Android Smartphone?
I've seen the oneplus 7 pro so far and I'm kind of impressed, but I'm open for alternatives.

My next smartphone should feature:

good battery, which should bring me through the day
Android 10 (stock or update availability)
fingerprint sensor would be nice
big internal storage or as alternative a SD slot.
About 300-800€/$

Edit: While it's true that the oneplus doesn't have a SD slot, the internal memory is at least big enough to avoid capacity problems.
I don't play any games or so. I'm just "surfing" online, watching Netflix/listening music via my Bluetooth headset and write some SMS or call someone. All I expect is an user friendly, non laggy phone, which lasts at least a day. Privacy is somewhat important, but you pay with your privacy no matter which brand you choose.
About root... I'm willing to unlock the bootloader, after my warranty has gone 😇

5 years ago*

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thoughts about the Oneplus 7 pro...

5 years ago

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OnePlus are pretty nice, but like you mentioned the lack of an SD slot is disappointing, and despite their claims, the point of that is just to ape Apple.

Additionally, their version of Android had a scandal of sorts, some time ago, for phoning home.

My personal preference would be a Android One handset (Nokia are fairly nice but not great bang for the buck), or Xiaomi with LineageOS/Micro gApps, depending on what the phone is going to be used for.

If you don't care about that, there's that Realme flagship killer everybody talks about, I can't recall the model name right now.

5 years ago

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Asus ROG Phone II

5 years ago

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check out for reviews etc.
Also, 300-800€ is a huge span.
Btw, it's called "I need advice".
"advise" is a verb as in "to advise someone" ;)

5 years ago

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Nokia 3310 👍

View attached image.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Lol, yeah I was gonna suggest something similar :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Do not remember which Android version is available exactly, but Moto Z3 has a fingerprint scanner.
Internal card IIRC is 64GB + you can also put in an external card.
You can also buy additional mods to make the battery last longer (with mods that's approximately 3+ days).
Also it's not that expensive.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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OnePlus sounds good, I bought one for a friend. I have Xiaomi and while it fits all requirements including two sim card slots, it also has lots of uninstallable bloatware, I'd definitely choose something else for my next phone, this one was a gift from family.

5 years ago

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I bought the Razer phone (the first one) it has all the features you mentioned and i payed around $360 for it.

5 years ago

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The most important thing I'd look for is a swappable battery, although this tends to become a less encountered "feature" due to the planned obsolescence aspect of today's technology.

5 years ago

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if you're not a complete moron, it's relatively easy to find a new battery on ebay/amazon, and instructions to install on youtube. Takes me about 20-25 minutes. Same with replacing the glass

5 years ago

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if you're not a complete moron

That was completely unnecessary.

Try to understand there might be other use cases not just replacing the battery at its end of life. It's rather common having a 2nd battery around instead of a hefty power bank and just swap the battery when it runs out of juice. That's not an option with a "Non-removable" battery.

5 years ago*

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sorry, I wasn't aiming that at anyone in particular, I meant any idiot can do it, if they want
A second battery does alleviate the need for a powerbank (though, small powerbanks are smaller than some of those replaceable batteries), I just offered a solution to the "planned obsolescence"

5 years ago

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I only mentioned the planned obsolescence as the main reason for not being able to swap the battery on the go. Of course there are ways around said "obsolescence" as with everything else but that's not the point here.

There are several downsides to power banks in comparison to using a 2nd battery like: the poor efficiency due to the conversion loss especially at higher Amps that sometimes halves the actual usable capacity on a decent power bank, the form factor, weight, the need to wait for a certain charge level before being able to use the phone again or to be able to perform certain tasks like using the camera, the fact that using the phone while it's charging increases the battery temperature and decreases its usable lifespan, the time needed to wait for a full charge, the need to carry around cables unless you have a wireless power bank which is even worse because that drastically affects its usable capacity due to the bad conversion and transfer efficiency, etc.

For instance, my 2nd battery is 4.1cm x 9.7cm x 0.5cm and has a weight of 52g. Its form factor, reduced weight and instant access to all the stored energy completely removes the need and inconvenience to carry around a separate power bank or even a charger for day to day usage. I still use them from time to time but I like having the option to instantly swap the battery and carry on with my activities.

5 years ago

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I have Xiaomi Redmi 6 (4GB/64GB). I think it is great in everything that I need it to do and it costed 150$.

But it got Android 8.1 with MIUI so it is not Android 10 :P

5 years ago*

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I own a Honor View 20, and I'm happy with it

5 years ago

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The rice trick didn't work for me. My phone took some water (left it in my locker at the sauna under my swimming trunk which was dripping onto my phone) and the water was shorting the power and volume buttons. It was always rebooting to some recovery mode. I left it for about 48 hours in the rice and the issue was still there. I had to open the phone and indeed, there was water inside. I had to wipe it, and it solved my problem. I also had to open it a second time because there was some corrosion on the trace to one of the speakers.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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There is not much I can advise.

  1. List what you are actually doing on your smartphone.
  2. List the apps you are using now. (Often used)
  3. Privacy or not (security?)
  4. How much to charge?(frequency)

Probably, the person who knows will teach you solid matters.
After all, even if you buy a new smartphone, it is important to be able to do the same as before, so it is important.

My smartphone?
I rarely talk with humanity.
However, it is provided for those who seek contact information.
I get contacted only once a month.
There is no waterproof, about 5000 yen(50$), communication up to 500 mb is a free Sim card.
I also use the IP Phone app.
This is sufficient, as it will be promptly destroyed after the business with humanity.
e? Waterproof? Know the value of plastic bags.😄

Who is it? Am I selling humanity to the black market in space? It's a bad joke.┐(´Θ`)┌

5 years ago

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Up to 800 bucks ? You can have most flagship phones at this price point, any of them would be a noticeable upgrade over your P10.

Mobile World Congress is happening at the end of February, a lots of new phones will be announced there if you can hold a bit. Otherwise i'd pick a Galaxy Note10+ over any OnePlus any days of the week. 7T pro doesn't have SD slot btw.

Asus Zenfone 6 is a really nice choice as far as price/performance goes. Only downside for me is IPS screen instead of Amoled, but on the other hand the battery life is insane.

5 years ago

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My Motorola G7 Power is fine for 200 euro.

Big battery and fingerprint sensor.

5 years ago

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"...unwanted swimming lesson..."
You need blackview bv8000 - 9900 :D

5 years ago

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Well if you want to prevent another bathtub accident, you'll want a phone with an IP67 or IP68 rating.

All the latest Samsung Galaxy 9/10s have this rating, as does the Huawei P20/P30/Pro.

Xiaomi does not, neither does OnePlus.

5 years ago

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Check whatever has good unofficial ROM support so you can still update your phone when manufacturer abandons it

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I stick to Google Pixels personally. They're super cheap when Google clearances out old models, too.

5 years ago

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Does Google implement his cloud ecosystem stronger into his Pixel phones than other manufacturers?
What's your favourite about your pixel?

5 years ago

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Pixels do very closely incorporate google cloud services, especially Google Assistant.

Pixels use very high quality hardware, and they get better update support than most Android phones because they're direct from Google. No shoddy 3rd party software that some android manufacturers force on you either.

I'd say my favorite thing is the level of quality you get for the price.

There's some very good deals in the US on Pixel 3A right now, dunno about Europe.

Google IO is May 12 and some more deals on older models might be seen around then.

5 years ago

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i am very happy with the devices from Xiaomi. Can recommend to take a device from this Manufacturer.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by LittleFreak.