Fishes will rule the planet one day, so I wouldnt say things like that.
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Yes you can be a friend of a fish. There are fishes that can recognize the owner who feeeds them, and they will eat flies of your hand. Pretty cool if you ask me. I had one of those :) ( not sure if that was it, but you can always ask in the shop)
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+1 for rat
rat fits to your needs^, cheap and easy to maintain, intelligent and sympathetic pet. almost does not cause problems if you care for him.
lives only 2-4 years and I think this is important if you are 15yo, imo that's just enough. many domestic pets live
10 or even over a dozen years so many other choices may be for a long time. if you looking for your first own pet rat or similar will be good choice.
so cat!
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My sister had few of them and I must say those animals can be really thankful and lovely. It's even possible to teach them some interesting tricks. The bad thing is that it is costly since You have to buy all the necessary equipment as well as things that needs exchanging often (and actually those take the most money).
I'd have written much more but I don't have time right now. Anyway, consider getting a dog in a future, dogs are awesome and they are our best Friends! :)
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+1, though idk what animal they are gonna go with it
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yes,,, nice one... and give 100 to become game and GA in here...
if not you could buy chicken, he can find food for itself, and you can eat egg (if vertilized), and eat it's when it is bored with his life....
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Rats are pretty cool, smarter than hamsters and mice and funner to play with. Snakes are pretty chill too, as are most reptiles. The only downside is that some reptiles can get pretty expensive (mostly due to the heat lamp setup, the enclosure, and everything else associated with their environment), whereas rats are relatively cheap to maintain. Ferrets are awesome pets too, and they can even be trained to a point, but they're also relatively expensive to maintain and to buy.
tl;dr rats are cool, get a rat
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Try a reptile! Turtles, gecko's, chameleons, a little snake maybe... I think they are well below $100 and at least have some degree of coolness (since you can't have dogs, who are the best to play and get some company)
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+1 for the turtle!! they live a lot, i think it would be funny to have te same pet at the age of 40 or so :)
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Before I got cats, I used to have rats, fun little critters. If you train them well you can teach them lots of tricks> Get a pair though and for the love of all thats holy, DONT get a male and a female. Get two males or two females and make sure the females arent pregnant
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There are a lot of homeless puppies/kitties who seek home - they will love you as much if not more, you will save money (that then you may spend on some awesome toys or good quality food for your pet), and you will actually help them, if not save their life!
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All of my animals come from adoption. They are all pains in my ass, but I love them none-the-less. Save a life.
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I'm not sure if you read the OP or not - says he doesnt want a dog or cat. Most people are saying to go with a rat, but I don't think those are that easy to find for adoption.
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Hmm... the animal shelters around me only have dogs and cats. Occasionally they will have rabbits, but that's pretty rare.
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Ravens are quite intelligent though they can be tempermental. If they're in a bad mood they can wreck furniture as bad as or worse than a Dog or Cat, but they are fun pets and some can even be taught to mimic words like a Parrot.
Though if you're looking for something more common try checking shelters in the area and see what's available before buying anything from a pet store.
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Yea, they are like that, also very territorial.
One day a mice I had escaped from his cage and I don't know how he entered to the gerbil's
When I woke up the mice was half eaten
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I bet someone put it there, you must solve the mistery!
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I've always liked amphibians and reptiles over small mammals but for 100$ I'm not sure that would cut it. So I'd have to go with the other suggestions of rats/ferret. I did have a hedgehog back when I was in elementary school, which I actually liked.
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Texas Rattle Snake Name it STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN
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Good luck finding a pet rock that's up for adoption. I looked everywhere, found zero.
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I was in a similar situation as you and finally, a week ago, I decided to buy a little mini plush lop rabbit. Its perfect for me, I was looking for a friendly and cute pet, easy and cheap to take care of and small... so a friend with a netherland dwarf told me that I should try with a rabbit ^^ Now I tell you the same!
Good luck!!
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Hey guys, so I am going to be purchasing a pet soon. I am 15 years old and my parents are letting me purchase an animal. I am using my own money (about 100 dollars) and am buying everything for it. I don't want anything like a dog or a cat, those are too much of a commitment and too costly. I want something that is easy to take care of, but it doesn't have to be ridicoulously easy to take care of. I want an animal that you could handle and befriend easily, not something like a fish. If you have any suggestions, that would be great.
P.S. If you could also give some info on how to take care of them, that would be great too. Personal stories are great.
Edit: Perhaps I should make something clear because some of these comments are rather hostile towards me. I am VERY friendly towards animals and I would never not take care of one. I had a pair of pet rats who lived beyond their average age and died. I want something that isn't too much work, but that doesn't mean I oppose work. I think I will get a pair of guinea pigs. I have a huge cage lined up for them with many toys and I have already read a ton on them.
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