Seasonal, hu? Did this occur before during this time of year? If it's serious it might be worth getting in touch with your doctor. There are pills getting you through this stuff. Otherwise, just enjoy yourself. Eat some soul food, play a good videogame, watch a good movie. Make yourself comfortable and wait for summer. If it's seasonal you might wanna go outside and expose yourself to some sunlight. :)
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I agree. People should get through depression without pills.
I think taking anti-depressive drug can make you even more depressed, because you realize the only reason why you're not depressed is because you're taking drugs and then you just start popping more pills and it's a never ending cycle.
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Depends on the anti-depressants, but personally I never heard about this. Painkillers damage your liver if used too much tho as well.
There are so many anti-depressants, I don't think everyone is harmful, if they are. As I said I didn't know this.
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Poland and it's the same here. But the side effects are temporary and can't hurt your body in the long run. They're for example nausea, dizziness, sleepiness and so on. If meds could seriously damage your body they would be taken off the market, it happens every now and then.
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Sorry but you're just accusing them. Stuff like that sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Yeah, some meds are hurtful but they get taken off the market if that happens. Most meds are helping people and that's a fact. People wouldn't buy them if they didn't help. I'm also sure you use meds too, for example when you have cold or flu. Also, meds are used 24/7 in hospitals, are you gonna tell me they don't help people and people could get better without them? Doesn't make any sense at all.
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All is a bussiness, hunger, energy, technology, and sadly health too, its not a conspiracy is the sad true, the big companies just want benefits and they has a lot of power behind the scenes, take a look at TTIP for example. When i was young i was using a medicine that in theory would take care of a problem with my dermis, that medicine was so heavy and had that many secundary effects that i had to go to the director of the hospital to sign my prescription. After 6 months that medicine did anything with my dermis problem and destroy my liver
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I'm sorry to hear that. Such cases are rather rare though. I mean, I've tried maybe 50-60 medications in my life and they never affected me in a negative way. I'm sure some percentage of meds is harmful but not all of them. I agree though that they should take better care of testing them and never release any meds that could harm a patient.
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All medication has risks. They ALL have some toxicity levels. None are 100% safe. The question that gets weighed in clinical trials is whether the potential side effects outweigh the benefits the drug brings. Like hair loss versus killing cancer cells. Some side effects are more severe stomach bleeding is one I hear about more often.
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Yeah but it doesn't happen that often with regular meds. What you wrote about is one of the extreme cases, isn't it? I mean, I've been taking various meds throught my life and I never had even one negative side effect (edit: My bad, I had insomnia once but it's hardly a serious side effect). So it all depends on the meds, on the compatibility with the patient and on the disease cause for example chemo therapy will be more harmful to the person than anti-depressants.
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It's not like you pop a pill and feel better. If it's worse you can't just pop two and feel twice as good neither.
Talking is good, yes, work on the origin of it, but depression isn't just feeling sad or having a bad day. It's a bio-chemical process in the brain and this can't be solved with just booze and hookers.
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It's not always that easy. Not everyone is strong enough to get through the day without pills if the illness/disorder is in an advanced stage. Taking anti-depressants also can't make you more depressed unless they're not working. If they work then they do their job and brighten up your days.
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I am taking anti-depression pills and at beginning people can feel even worse, like me, but when doctor find good pills for this man it will be only better. And worth remembering is that pills are working after 1-3 weeks sometimes...mso this beginning is worst thing, but then there is only better :) and I wasn't thinking about that my happiness is depended to drugs. :) have a nice day! :)
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Regarding that Sri Lanka isn't far from the equator it can't be seasonal depression as in winter/summer depression.
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Yeah, saw that after I made my comment.
Then he should definitely talk to a doctor/get a therapist if it's serious and lasts for more than 2 weeks. Don't know which requirements they have there for Depression (DSMV, ICD10 and so on)
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Not seasonal but have been going through some rough patches and shit for the whole year and yeah currently is on therapy for those stuff. Other than some heavy rain sometime we don't have a winter here as well and we get full sun even in December btw and no its not seasonal depression(didn't even knew that was a thing btw). Yeah been going out and doing stuff for past few days to get things cheerful at least but so far nothing worked that very well I guess.
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Yeah, that shit's tough and it takes longer than it should. I know what it feels like, without going into detail here. If you find something that helps, hit me up. :)
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has anyone of you ever heard of a randomized double blind controlled trial?
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I quickly googled it because I never heard of it, but it seems common knowledge at this point that subjects are divided into placebo groups and those who get the real deal. Although I wonder in what way this refers to the topic and I haven't read that deep into it, so my question would be if this is also applied outside of specific studies. Is this done with people who get their prescriptions from the doctor as well?
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No, it's the type of trials that provide the maximum level of (statistical and practical) evidence that serves as the base of future treatments. That's why, if you want to question a type of treatment (say, antidepressants) you should research first what level of evidence did said antidepressant achieve. That's why statements such as "I don't believe in pills" are usually wrong.
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I know the feeling. Don't give up! Try to talk to friends and family. It might not be easy but it helps.
Strange enough, what really helped me a few years ago was the Oblivion mod forum. Sometimes it helps to talk to people, even if it is only over the net.
Thanks for the giveaways and best wishes!
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Don't have any real life friends atm sadly due to some stuff that happened in past few months, at least now I know who are backstabbers and were just there to get benefits from me. I've met much nicer and good people from XDA, SG and Steam than I've met in real life as friends tbh. Yeah need to find something I will be really passionate about I guess, I wonder will Fallout 4 and its modding scene work? cos usually I do love to take apart things and to see how they work kinda stuff, this is what drove me from modding Sony Ericsson feature phones to cooking my own roms for androids.
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Yeah, doing something and talking to people helps and distracts from bad moods, but ultimately you have to identify the core reason why you feel like you do and then you have to try to fix that. Often that only works with the help of others/professionals.
Sometimes pills help, if you find the right one for you. That can take a while, though and is not pleasant. I stopped taking mine after about a year, because they made me dizzy and I started to become addicted to them. I was on cold turkey for about 2 weeks...
Right now, I think I have identified what makes me feel like I do, but don't really know how to change the situation.
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Well faking/forcing yourself into a good mood isn't necessarily denying that theres a problem, but sometimes it can help remind you that you can be happy regardless of the problem. That used to work for me, other times I just needed to try something well outside my comfort zone, not so far that it's stressful, but enough to maybe provide a new perspective on things.
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+1 to the faking it - it's not denial because you still are really aware that your smile is forced etc, but it will often lead to some time of being actually happy (or at least forgetting just how unhappy you are) and those moments can add up to help lift you up. Make sure you're getting plenty of vitamin D. Go see a doctor. They can run a blood sample to check for vitamin D levels. And not to start another flame like the one above, find out it you need medication. edit,edit,edit... let's just say that i've had depression since probably grade school, and I can't honestly say that I'd still be here today without meds. And though it doesn't sound like it, see a psychologist if need be. Sometimes it can be useful to get an outside opinion on the thoughts going round in your head. I know I had (have) lots of self-depressing thoughts going on that I had to get an awareness of to be able to halt them.
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listening music that you like mate, its helping me a lot :D
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Nature, playing games, listening to music, all of this helped me feel better when I felt depressed. Focus on trying to be happy and making others around you feel happy, doing this helped me a lot too. Sometimes, a smile might be all you need to do today, even if it's forced! Wish I could help, but this is all I can do at the moment. =)
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I know what you're going through.. I was diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) 4 years ago..
I've been on and off anti-depressants during that period (I'm currently taking them, as on my last visit to my GP he 'upgraded' me to clinical depression).
Just keep taking it one day at a time, and try to avoid stressful situations!
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Well sadly, it's like daily activity to me.. :(
Don't think too much, or don't think at all. Spend time with family/friend, playing game, or thing that require no thinking sometimes help me, maybe it will help you too :)
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Alcohol is the answer. I've just finished a bottle of red wine, now finishing the evening with a few rums. Thanks!
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What's on your mind? Talking about it helps sometimes too :-)
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I mean the original post said you feel like shit, but is it related to work? relationships? health? family?
Feeling numb is ok too, it's not so unnatural. Sometimes it's the body/minds way of dealing with problems.
Do you have friends or family around to talk to about it?
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I see in your Steam profile that you live in Kandy, Sri Lanka. I spent a day there a few years ago (during Vesak) and enjoyed every moment of it, as I did other places in Sri Lanka. You live in such a lovely country, maybe getting out would make you feel a little better?
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Well the thing is I've pretty much seen the nature here since the first time I can remember, but yeah I get your point and been doing that for the past few days while it didn't helped hugely still it helped a bit at least I guess. Glad to see you enjoyed here mate.
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One other related suggestion if I may - I find that photography (preferably with a proper camera, not a cellphone) is a great way take your mind off things and see new details, moments of interaction and other aspects of life you've never considered before. And it doesn't need to be nature or landscape. Street photography is a very interesting genre and one that only requires you to get out of the house with your camera, and walk around, but this time with a more observing eye. If you're not already into photography as a hobby, I would highly recommend it (and the same would go for any other creative hobby).
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Thank you for giveaway and I hope you'll feel better.
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not the first gif? i mean, doesn't it remind you of something? nothing at all?
do i need to spell it out? c-a-r-r-o-t?
hope you do feel better soon. i heard that it's best to talk to someone, there is a reason usually, and talking should help
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Im honest im gonna straight out copypaste what i just wrote to another dude that wasn't feeling alright either, here it goes:
Sorry to hear, there are way to many depressed people around now.. Atleast people close to me & i read alot on internet..
And me myself is depressed/bipolar aswell so if you would need someone to just talk thoughts about just holla at me on Steam or something, im just glad if i can be to some help...
But often i know that people avoid help & wanna make it through the struggle themselves.
Good luck tho mate & i hope you sort it all out!
Also whitelisted you as some healing on the wounds ;)
Edit: Realised i already had you on my whitelist, coolio!
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